Teva Lorazepam Reviews


I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.

While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.

My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.

If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.

663 Replies (34 Pages)

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It really varies from person to person, so there is not specific best pill that you can be told about.

The FDA warns that Lorazepam carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as dizziness, headache, nausea, mood changes, and irritability.

What are the markings on the tablets you are currently taking? Can you please post back and clarify, so I can research more details for you?

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Leading Pharma lorazepam is a placebo. I’m convinced. Just left my pharmacist. I was using Mylan but not anymore. Guess how much it costs to switch to non generic lorazepam. 3,300 a month if insurance doesn’t cover it. Step aside apple and Microsoft. We now have Leading Pharma to carry the ball. I was fine w Milan and felt the difference. All I get w Leading Pharna are night sweats, dry throat and stomach ache. Another huge corporate rip off

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Re: Lou (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I can't take leading pharma due to serious side effect with no calming effect. CVS did not receive the return so I have to throw it away.
Mylan is better though I have night sweats and stomach acid. But my pharmacist said they can't buy mylan any more and they don't know if mylan is discontinued.

I called or visited 30 pharmacies in LA but none sell mylan.

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Re: winjy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Mylan has not been discontinued. I talked to them directly. They have a backorder on their 1mg. tablets. Many pharmacies buy what is the less cost to them with no regards to their patients. This Leading brand just seems to have come out of nowhere. I wouldn't say it's a placebo. It either doesn't have enough of the main ingredient or the fillers don't agree with many of us. I took it and it made me sick. Mylan seems to be the only generic still working for the most part. Maybe that's why they're on backorder?

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Re: winjy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I had been given Activas from walgreens and it did virtually nothing. Noticed after 4 days of sleepless nights. Found a small pharmacy and the only other alternative was Leading. Well after two days of hyper feelings, heart palpitations and prickly skin, I'm never going to take this again. Going to my Dr this week and will attempt some other affordable form of ativan even if it only has 40% of whats necessary. I'm exhausted. Was on variations of generic ativan for more than 8yrs, 1mg nightly.

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I've been taking Mylan Lorazepam 1mg for 4 years, and never had a problem. Last month my pharmacy changed to Leading Pharma Lorazepam and they do not work at all. I can't sleep and they do not relieve my anxiety. I might as well be taking nothing. Has anyone else had a problem with this brand?

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Re: Lou (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely correct!! Watson was okay, but Sandoz bought them out and they’re now garbage also. Mylan is supposedly putting back on market the end of this month.

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I will keep you all posted whether Mylan brings back the 1mg tabs. As I posted last week and on another thread they still have .5mgs and the 2mgs. My best advice is to try your local mom & pop pharmacies. They are more likely to purchase the brand you need. The larger chain pharmacies have to stick with what corporate tells them to buy I'm assuming. I have never been able to get any major Pharmacy chain to get what I needed. Wal-Mart did one time with a different drug but they weren't crazy about doing it. The other thing is asked who you find to order what you need say in the case of Mylan if they'll either get the .5mg or 2mg tables and have your gp or pdoc write the script accordingly. That's why I'm doing as of now. It you hafta split the tablets up so be it. But Mylan hasn't stop making their brand. Wish you all the best.

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Re: Twig7 (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

After emailing Mylan with my concerns, they called the very next morning and said the nationwide backorder will be filled and back on the market as of May 21. So hoping my refill on June 4 will be back to the 1 mg without this disruption. I have severe panic attacks and also weaning off pain meds I feel I just can do with a much lower dose now, so the Ativan is much needed for two major issues. I was promised they filled 0.5 mg lorazepam to replace the 1 mg twice a day and when I got home realized it was Watson and not Mylan. I am extremely upset that they lied to me, but Watson did have a good reputation before then. Through this site I found out Watson is no longer making lorazepam so either Sandoz or Actavis is making it and stamping with Watson’s label... Good luck.

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Re: Deedee (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Not what I heard .Mylan says it's discontinuing .I called the company .

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Re: Joyce (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Joyce why would you post such a false comment. They're not discontinuing their lorazepam. Not sure who you talked to but as I told you on the other post there's no discontinuation. I'm not posting phone numbers out here to the company but I spoke with one of their nurses two weeks ago as well as two of their customer service agents. They are not discontinuing it. It was on backorder. The only thing I didn't ask was why. But they still had their .5mgs and 2mgs available. My script fills in a few days and it will be Mylan. Leading brand was what my pharmacy tried me on to see if it worked and it didn't so they ordered the Mylan 2mgs. I've been just splitting the pills. I'm calling you out on this one. Especially if you said you contacted them on a weekend. They are not open on the weekends. Joyce please stop posting false comments.

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Re: Twig7 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I completely agree with you. We’re all upset as it is since the medication we’ve all relied on has been such a hassle to get. I emailed Mylan on a Thursday evening and Friday morning had a call from a rep from Mylan who told me herself the shipments would begin after May 21. She certainly doesn’t owe me anything and am sure wouldn’t lie. I’ll know by next week if my regular prescription goes through and will let you know. Good luck.

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Re: Deedee (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I know the feeling Deedee very well about these companies messing up the meds we've use for years. I've been through every ringer possible about trying to convince not only doctors but pharmacist some generics just don't work for people. As I've stated I believe it was Pure Pac that started the messing around with the formulas and marketing them with the brand's we've all been used to. It seems it really comes down to making money. I agree with what others have voiced we need to talk to government officials about putting an end this. I too have experience the majority of the side effects from some of the generics most of you guys have talked about. It's not funny at all it really isn't. But I'm with you on this stuff.

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Re: Twig7 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I have some bad news. My pharmacist just informed me on the computer it’s telling him Mylan is discontinuing the lorazepam. I told him I emailed Mylan on May 3, and rec’d a call on May 4 from a patient rep who told me the backorder would be stocked by May 21. Somebody has incorrect info. I sent Mylan a new email just now asking that they contact me ASAP as I have a refill due in 4 days and need info. If you have any new info since our last conversation please let me know. This Watson brand I’m finishing up with used to be a reputable company, but my nerves are super bad and I feel horrible.

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Re: Lou (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I’m not sure if taking benzodiazepines for 50 years has screwed up my mind/body judgement but Leading Pharma not only seems as good as the Watson I was taking (it might’ve been Actavis Watson in disguise but it still said “Watson on the pill and bottle) fact it seems Leading is a bit stronger and lasts I the only one to find this? I’m taking 2mg 3x day...same as when I started on Ativan/lorazepam in 1983.

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Re: Ken (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, same here. Filed a complaint with the FDA today on LEADING PHARMA Lorazepam!

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Re: LadyGreenEyes8 (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I called Leading in Livonia, MI, and they gave me a phone number (866)-209-0991, for Rugby/Major Pharmaceuticals and said they’re the ones who actually manufacture the Leading brand. It’s pure garbage and I don’t know how long the little bit of Mylan is going to stay on the shelf at my pharmacy with everyone having horrible luck. There used to be several good manufacturers of this medicine and now we’re all at the mercy of maybe this one company. Everyone reading this needs to contact these people who don’t seem to care about this illness.

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Yes, thank you. I also let my pharmacy mail order know that I filed a complaint. I am working on getting the ingredients for lorazepam on some of the different manufacturers. Taking a lot of time.

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Re: Richard (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Richard, I am 70 and was put on lorazepam at age 44 when panic disorder was diagnosed. My Dr. in California is taking me off saying I am too old. No side effects all the years. Wants me to take an expensive antipsychotic medication that has nasty side effects and not good for panic. I do not test+ for the antipsychotic. He tells me no one over 65 is supposed to take lorazepam. I appreciate information on varied results from different manufacturers. Thought it was just me feeling different.

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Re: Kay (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Kay.....I know of an 82 year old taking lorazepam for the last 20 years.>they started getting panic attacks after their wife died....lorazepam relieved it...I have no doubt that lorazepam is not for everyone no matter what their age..but then neither is Dad was on 6 aspirin a day for decades for his arthritis.......never bothered him......but his brother took aspirin for the same reason and ended up with bleeding ulcers.....

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Re: RxChat Admin (# 662) Expand Referenced Message

Since the name change, i have not received a single email notification - and they are not in my spam folder....not sure what I can do. Were people actually having difficulty with a name like "Medschat"? Why do unnecessary changes always screw things up?

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Re: Richard H (# 661) Expand Referenced Message

This article might help: MedsChat is now RxChat

Re: emails, you may need to check your spam folder, as we've had reports that our messages are ending up in there lately.

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When did this page turn from Medschat to Rxchat? It dawned on me over this Summer of 2024 I've received no notifications of any posts in any of the lorazepam chats. Is it because everyone is now satisfied with what they are taking and not posting or has the name change screwed things up?

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Re: Irastas (# 657) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure who this is addressed to..but Leading is a pharmaceutical house with one office literally within a half mile from me. They make generics but I have no knowledge of what else they make.

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Re: Leebs (# 654) Expand Referenced Message

So sorry I haven't answered until now... I wondered what happened to this group...all of a sudden my ipad started throwing emails from here into my junk folder, never happened before... The pharmacy that carries Teva is CVS!

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Re: Irastas (# 657) Expand Referenced Message

Leading Pharmaceuticals is a generic drug manufacturer. One of the last that sells generic Ativan (lorazepam) in the USA.

Good to know about Lorax by Concern Pharma. I guess when I lose my commercial insurance for Medicare in 15 years and lose coverage for the very expensive brand Ativan from Bausch, I'll retire to the UK where I can get a good quality generic lorazepam!

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By "Leading Pharma" I take it that you are referring to original proprietary brand names Temesta, Ativan and Tavor, the brand names used by Pfizer? Personally I find that the 2.5mg generic, pink and embossed "MP21" which I am dispensed almost always, are more efficacious than the Pfizer original brands. Here in UK the name used most often is Ativan though if imported from Europe, Temesta is not uncommonly seen.
I can readily recommend the Indian brand Lorax-2 by Consern, even if they are only 2mg rather than the usual 2.5mg.

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Re: gsrmike817 (# 655) Expand Referenced Message

Interested to hear as well - subscribing to this thread

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Re: Richard H (# 653) Expand Referenced Message

was it stronger of weaker for you ? for me it felt alot stronger when i switched from watsons but it took about 2 weeks n i felt normal again

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Re: Richard H (# 653) Expand Referenced Message

All I can find in NJ is Leading. It’s been ok, but not as effective as others. What pharmacy are you using if I may ask? And did you have problems with Leading. Like I said, recently been switched to Leading and it’s been ok, not as calming as Teva was.

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