Testopel Insertion Site (Top voted first)
UpdatedHas anyone had problems with expelling pellets from the insertion site on the back glute? I ran a lot. I'm an ultra marathoner that runs at least 40 miles a week. I have now pushed out pellets two different times.
Is there a better place to insert the pellets other than the back glutes?
2 Replies
Hello, Davis! How are you?
The website for Testopel just lists it as them needing to be inserted into a fatty area, with the hip or buttocks given as examples. So, you might want to speak to your doctor about trying a different area.
The FDA warns that this use of Testopel could increased your risk of heart attack, stroke, or death.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Yes my husband has lost about 4 pellets w his last injection! Dr said he must be flexing that area I was watching him work and sure enough he does flex the area a lot lol !! So Dr suggested getting pellets Friday and not working until Monday !
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