Test Pos. For Prescribed Suboxone Disqualify You From Obtaining Pain Meds. (Top voted first)


I have been off of pain meds for 6 months and did so through a suboxone program. Recently I have weened my self off of the suboxone. I have found out that I have RA which has explained why I amm still in pain. The Suboxone Dr prescribe Tramadol. The Tramadol does not touch my pain. I have an appt with a new Dr. and I am planning to ask for some help withmy pain. In the past week my pain has been so bad that I have taken some of the suboxone that I have a prescription for. My question: If I test positive for suboxone that I have a script for will the new Dr. prescribe me opiates for my pain? I live in Florida.

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Why would your new dr. give you a drug test in the first place? Is he a suboxne dr. or just a regular dr., either way I don,t think you,ll need drug test. I,m getting ready to jump from subs. in about a month my tapering will be complete. What I,m worried about is that I need a knee replacement and I can,t get it done until the middle of december and when the time comes will the hospital look in my records and see that I had been on suboxone for oxy abuse. I went to a private suboxone dr. who,s not connected to the hospital I,m planning on going to but can they go into some central file online and find out what you been taking like the pharmacy does, then fiquire that you have addictive tendancys and only prescribe stuff like Tramadol that doesn,t work for me either. I know I didn,t answer your question because I don,t know for sure but I sure would like to know what happens to you when you go.

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It'll really depend on the policies of the doctor in question, some may require a drug test and some may not.

However, the bigger problem you will probably run into is due to the fact that the Suboxone contains Naloxone, with the Buprenorphine, so it neutralizes other opiates.


Does anyone else have any experience in this area to add?

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How did you wean yourself off Suboxone?was it hard or painful? I was reading on this site or maybe it was another one, but anyway.. someone was saying that he went through severe sickness and physical pain f/over s year because of Suboxone withdrawals?!.

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Suboxone drug testing is a separate test all by itself and should only be able to be detected with this specific test. I've read that it takes 4 hours per milligram to exit the system. Example: I was on 0.25 mg once a day for 4 months. Last dose was 36 hours ago. Just took a hydro 10 and I DO FEEL IT. No withdrawal from the sub AMD the hydro is working for its intended purpose. Hope that helps.

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suboxine is not a pain medication it's only prescribed for drug addiction so if you test dirty for subs they most likely won't give you opiates my husband was on suboxine 7 years ago and a couple of months ago he was sent to painmanigment for disc disease and Lyme disease and they looked up on the pmp site and seen he was prescribed suboxine before and told him they weren't able to help him.

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Yes they can see what you were prescribed
Yes they will not want to prescribe
Yes tram does work
You are wanting that high

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