Temazepam Withdrawal Concerns (Top voted first)


I take Temazepam 1 or 2 times a week. Would I have withdrawal symptoms from this frequency of use and dosage?

4 Replies

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How long have you been taking it?

According to FDA reports, this medication does carry the risk of being habit forming and a sudden withdrawal can create the risk of seizures. The typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritable.

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I need to know how to taper off temazepam 15 mg? I have been taking it for more than a year now.

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Re: Giselle (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

"how to taper off temazepam 15 mg"

Try switching to another benzo and taper from there. I would try Valium or such.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Withdrawals from benzos are pretty much guaranteed. Anxiety etc. Essentially it's the basic laws of thermodynamics. For every high, upon withdrawal, the opposite low. However you have missed one essential elements of assessing your info ie DOSE. If you are taking 10mgs twice weekly, then it's unlikely to be a difficult experience. Try to titrate the dose and do less tryout a month on a lower dose.

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