Temazepam And Pain Relief
UpdatedGot prescribed 20mg temazepam for anxiety and sleep disorder. White round white tablet. Score one side 30 on other. Sorry bad eyesight but I'm sure it says 30. Anyways, I feel it takes away pain as well. Anyone else get this effect from temazepam?
Restoril or Temazepam has diazepam in it as well as a hypnotic for sleeping. They're prescribed as sleeping pills.. if you're getting pain relief from it it’s probably because it has relaxed your body enough to get real rest and sleep.. I also take the same medication and I use it one a day at bedtime.
I’m also prescribed diazepam which is Valium for my anxiety and two are very different in regards to sleeping. Yes diazepam can make you very sleepy because you’re so relaxed but it’s not a sleeping pill where is restoril /Temazepam is especially just for sleeping.
Temazepam is a benzodiazepine, and it is the sole active ingredient in the tablet of the same name, or the name brand Restoril. It is most commonly used to treat insomnia.
The FDA warns that it does carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, irritability, and headache.
As to why it helps with pain, similar to what has been discussed, it can cause sedation, and relaxation, which means you aren't so tense, or stressed, and don't feel the pain as much. Similar to what is often said about opiates, it doesn't actually alleviate the pain, it just kind of makes it so you don't care about it as much, and don't notice it as much.
Ref: Medline Plus Temazepam
They gave it to me, when I had surgery, and was very scared/nervous, it knocked me out, so it served its purpose.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Re: Lori (# 1)
Temazepam has zero diazepam in it. Temazepam is a totally different molecule...why would you write it has diazepam in it? No no no. It's temazepam for insomnia ... fake news mate.
Re: GmanzA1day (# 4)
I’m not going to argue with you... talk to a pharmacist
Re: Kerry (# 6)
How a can I help you get a script? I’m located in RIO Vista Ca and I’m sorry but I don’t know you at all and I get my medications from my longtime doctor.. all I can suggest is see your physiatrist and request some.. That’s how I receive my prescriptions.. I wish you good luck with finding yourself a new shrink that will prescribe it for you!
Re: GmanzA1day (# 4)
Your 110% wrong.. Speak to a licensed pharmacist and they will tell you the exact same thing as I did.. afterwards I expect an apology
Re: Lori (# 1)
Quote ---
They're prescribed as sleeping pills.. if you're getting pain relief from it it’s probably because it has relaxed your body enough to get real rest and sleep..
-- end quote
That is probably the best explanation I have ever heard. Thank you.
I feel like I got some bad vibes today; the restoril is not working anymore. I am glad to heard that mallinckrodt is still interested in screwing up peoples pills.
Re: VerFree (# 3)
Restoril is not addictive. It is the least abused benzodiazapine on earth. Please, if someone is taking restoril and there is a _hint_ of comment; for your sake, stay away from me.
Re: Lori (# 7)
A script for restoril? This will not help. The drug went bad ~10 years ago. Be careful...
Re: Lori (# 8)
You are 110% percent wrong! You should not be talking to a "registered" pharmacist if you are on restoril! You should be talking with your doctor. If you do not trust your doctor - find one that you can. Yes, I do know how impossible it is to find a real doctor these days. thank god for jesus. you will need him.
Re: GmanzA1day (# 4)
They are doing this to degrade your person. (that is, they are being mean to you because they want to hurt your feelings because their father drank a beer in front of them when they were 7 years old). Duh! Why the heck would some recommend that you talk to another computer as apposed to talking to your doctor?
They're starting to get weird from the increased radiation from the smart devices. The "5G'' is 5 gigahertz. They are strapping a microwave over to their head and they think they know what you need?
Why can't people just have a decent conversation without it ending up about ....
Re: VerFree (# 3)
You are incorrect. Mallinckrodt has changed the active ingredient. I have the paper work. Mallinckrodt Restoril (M) For Sleep (tm) is a bad mix.
I take novel tem and it works; the brand name (again mallinckrodt) has changed theirt active ingrediant. I know this because I wrote them a damn letter! People need to stop playing with dr google.
-- They gave it to me, when I had surgery, and was very scared/nervous, it knocked me out, so it served its purpose.
Yes, restoril is used as/for pre-operative anestisia. How you can abuse this drug is beyond imagination.
You will never believe this! The FDA is lying to you. Restoril has shown no signs of abuse until it was introducted to drug abusers.
A drug abuser will abuse drugs. Do not listen to the FDA.
Re: GmanzA1day (# 4)
I get annoyed at people who constantly talk crap about things they don't know about. Temazepam is of the same group as Diazepam, but are different. Diazepam has a much longer half life.
Re: GmanzA1day (# 4)
Exactly. I hear similar things about Mirtazipne, Buprenorphine etc. Unfortunately, people will comment on things that are beyond reason. Perhaps it's easier in the UK as we talk in generic terms.
Re: steve (# 13)
5G is not related to microwave energy. If you want to learn more about the science of pharmaceuticals, I'm sure one could obtain a pharmacopia available over there. I rely on the science not folklore.
Re: steve (# 14)
I am a senior social worker of 25 years. I have worked within 7 rehabilitation centres, 5 in London and 2 in Bristol. Please, for your own sanity buy yourself an American Chemical Formulary. They have a duty to provide any information on drugs prescribed in the USA. Then read it. Then again and again. Unless your country allows witch Drs to run pharmaceuticals in your country. Try not to listen to others whom share your beliefs. I've got 49 formularies and still use them for reference purposes. Rich Johnson, BA Honours, Diplomas in applied social science and post grad in Personality Disorders.
P.s. I used to consume up to 1500mgs of Diazepam (valium), 250mls Methadone (physeptone) and 200mgs Temazepam (normison). I was withdrawing for over a year. I have been clean since age 28. I'm 60 now. No benzos come without a cost. You have to pay the ferryman!
Re: Richard (# 17)
--5G is not related to microwave energy.
I meant the length of the radio waves. "Mid-band 5G uses microwaves of 1.7–4.7 GHz".
My point was more broadly the social media and virtual doctor attitude we have in the USA. Seriously, been to several hospitals and they had no doctor, they're all "virtual"! The post-covid era is getting worse because of this "online" mentality... call this "group think" or what have you. IMHO.
The thought that these devices could cause harm is inherently ridiculous of course.
Re: Richard (# 17)
pharmacopia books are hard to come by these days. used to go by the MERK or CRC press. the other books are out of print.
the usa uses the orange book now... thanx for the suggestion, i wish someone else would follow it.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Lori (# 8)
i offer no apology. i am not allowed into the pharmacies anymore because of their "key" issue.
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