Taste Change On Harvoni (Top voted first)


I have just begun Harvoni, this will be my sixth day. After the third day I noticed a change in how I am tasting foods. They are more sweet and foods that have a fat content are more heavy and cloying. Has anyone else experienced things like this?

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After my husband finished the 8 weeks course of Harvoni, on May 20, 2015, he came down with a very bad cold. A lot of coughing. And at that point- he lost his sense of smell and sense of taste completely. He still can not taste or smell.

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That isn't listed as a typical side effect of Harvoni, as listed by the FDA, but it is something that most medications can cause, so it's really not surprising. They tend to cause dry mouth and that can really alter the flavor of some foods.

Other side effects may possibly include diarrhea, headache, nausea and insomnia.

Sue, your husband's experience may be unrelated to the Harvoni. Has he consulted his doctor?

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I absolutely noticed a difference in food, fruit burst in my mouth, sweets did too, anything I ate out side of fruit or sweets tasted like card board, I am geno 1 - had high high viral load and finished harvoni, I am a month off it, and feel like crap, so tired, foggy brain, sleeping all the time, depressed, I should be rejoicing as my test show I am non detectible and I am feeling no joy toward anything. I have no energy...ugh ...does anyone else relate? mt

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I began Harvoni Feb 2, and as of February 17, noticed I have lost my sense of taste for all but sweet things. As one who loves sweets, that would be great except that I am a diabetic. This happened to me in 2004-2005 while I was on the Ribaviran, interferon treatment and turned to feeling like someone dropped a bucket of sand down my throat. The taste for sweets would be great except that I am diabetic.

Has anyone had any answers to this problem.. I think maybe I need a deeper flavor in my food and thought I might try my famous Beouf Bourgignon. I hope someone has some idea. I lost 65 lbs. on the last treatment which was murder and caused much permanent damage to me. Thanks

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I finished 12 weeks of Harvoni March 2018. I have close to no taste detection for food now. I've lost 10 pounds due to having less interest in food. I lost a lot of hair. I get insomnia some nights. I sometimes get the taste of chemicals in my mouth from the treatment. I had a lot of fatigue, sore muscles and weakness. I had none of those things before. The beauty of it is my viral load is clear. I believe the post symptoms will clear up in time. It's important to get plenty of rest, good food, a lot of pure water, minimal exercise, stay mentally positive and stress free, be kind to yourself and grateful to have a cure.

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