Tapering Off Subutex While Pregnant (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy wife is pregnant and I just found out she has been taking Subutex for several months.
To make matters worse she's been trying to taper off this drug under the advise of someone she met at other forums. She hasn't let the doctor know she's been taking this drug and this guy has her convinced he can taper her off without harming the baby. I'm besides myself and trying to get her to at least let the doctor monitor her progress on a regular basis while she gets off this stuff.
Is this really safe for her to be doing or am I right in thinking she's lost her mind trusting this person?
As long as you get off them at least 2 to 3 weeks before giving birth baby should not have any w/d symptoms!!
Sunshine--please write me as soon as you get this--as I would love to talk with you ASAP. Your email was "blocked" for privacy so I'm going to type mine out with spaces and see if it passes the blocking of us sharing our address on this site..
{edited for privacy}
please contact me ASAP
I'm sorry was your comment directed at me?
Was it hard coming off? I have been addicted to suboxone for 4 years and found out I was pregnant 2 days ago with my 2nd child! I haven't been to any doctors yet, do I tell my obgyn first? & she helps with a doctor? I just don't want to be judged :( & my family thinks I'm clean so I don't want to be in the hospital and them mention anything about me being on subutex bc my family will be there!
I have been on subutex for over a year and i am prescribed 3 a day although i am not pregnant i would advise anyone wanting to come off any opiotes to try get on subutex or saboxin its truely saved my life and my family....its mainly prescribed to pregnant woman because naloxine which is in saboxine us harmful to the fetus....you do need to inform your doctor of pregnancy asap so you can hopefully get a obgyn that is familiar with pregnancy n enternal medicine.....a fetus only gets about 2% of what the mother takes in but its still scary thinking about an innocent baby going through withdrawls but its alot more common than anyone thinks for woman to use drugs while they just need to be completely honest or they will lose the baby anyways to state custody.
I would like to talk to you as well if you could get back with me..
I am 31 weeks pregnant and need to taper off of subutex asap and I am terrified/ I actually am getting discharged by my dr for not attending na meetings like I am supposed to.. so she is doing a super quick taper just to get me out of her hair- but i am scared.
I'm 30 weeks & 5 days. I was on 12 mg subutex since May 19th 2014. I wanted to taper off... on September 18th I started just taking a half a day 4mg. I did that for 3 weeks then started taking 2 mg for 3 weeks. Today is my second day without anything... I hope I don't have any wd... I am due 12-23.
I know this was a while back, but I am curious to see how far along you where when you where switched from the suboxone to the subutex? I was also wondering how the rest of the pregnancy turned out and how your baby was and is doing now? I just recently found out that I am 5 weeks pregnant and I am on 8mg of Suboxone right now. I am dying to start weaning but the doctor is telling me to slow down and just wait. I have never even taken a Tylenol with any of my other pregnancies so this is just the most difficult thing for me to go through. I am constantly worried about this little baby. Please if you have any advice, I am all ears. Thank You, Samantha
Hey I'm 3 months pregnant and am only on 1.2 mg of subutex.. my doc said I should stay on it but I don't understand why I just really wanna be of everything when I have bubs.. do u no anyone that had come of subutex safely when pregant
Hi, I'd say im in the same boat as you all but I've been on subutex for 5 years now. I found out that I was pregnant on saturday the 29th of april 2017. For this whole month of not knowing, ive been taking 4mg a day at the most. Once I found out I was pregnant my boyfriend that I've also been with for 5 years told me that I had to quit and has been watching how much I take. I'm so scared that if I quit I'll hurt my baby that I've prayed for, for the past 2 years. I would kill myself and wouldn't be able to live if I did anything to hurt my baby. We are 3 weeks and 5 days as of today may 1st, 2017. He wants me to quit fully before we even go to the doctor because we don't want cps coming in. We live a pretty good life besides this little bump in the road that I just never quit. I don't have a prescription so I'm not sure of what to do... My friend told me if I keep it at a low dose like .5 then the baby will come out with no withdrawals, but the thing is I know I'll be drug tested my first appointment. Please hep if you have any info. I already know, go to the doctor but the doctors around here don't put up with that kind of stuff. Please help!!!
You 100% should not cold turkey that medication. If you're prescribed the subutex there should be not problem staying on the opiate replacement theropy. If you're not and fail a urinealysis yes, you could be in trouble. I suggest strongly that you find a psychiatrist locally and get a prescription for this medication and continue on it for the safety of your unborn child. If your fighting your craving by using this medication than keep doing it because the alternative is deadly. Make sure the person you go see is certified to proscribe suboxone before you get on the schedule. Do this now - today because you have no time to waste
Don't listen to these people judging you. You most likely will not have any problems with your unborn child. He/she will develop perfectly normally. They may go through a short withdrawal period after being born witch is 100% treatable. If you're using this medication to fight your own craving, taking care of yourself first is the best thing you can do. For example : stopping the medication hitting withdrawals that (WILL) hurt the fetus. You deside you have to go out and get your drug of choice and then boom... you're right back at it again. If you doctor wants you to stay on this medication, there IS a reason and just do it the way he/she tells you to. I'm sure it will be ok - stop stressin - stressing out over this is probably the only harmful thing you're doing right now
Any suggestions on supplements to take while weening off suboxone while pregnant? I am on a low dose, (1mg), and just found out I'm pregnant! I really feel I want to do this. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Every state has a Methodone program/clinic. If you are pregnant, they can't turn you away. They will charge you around $10 a day, BUT if you don't have the money, they will tack it onto your bill. This bill is to be paid AFTER you have your baby or they will discharge you if you don't stick to the payment plan. I know someone who went to the clinic and just left after the baby was born and tapered herself off after the baby was born. She left owing them money with no repercussions. I'm not saying you should do this, but obviously if there are no other options, this is one.
Subutex is preferable (only bc the infant withdrawals aren't as intense from what my dr has told me,) but very expensive and only some insurances will pay for it. Go to your doctor and change your insurance to Passport and search for a Sub dr that accepts Passport.
Re: ConcernedDad (# 3)
Is this guys name robert_325??? Jwjw
PLEASE ANYONE reading this... I startd on 6 mgs of subs. Then 3 months later I found out I was pregnant. I wanted to start my taper RIGHT away as soon as I found out, But my Subs DR. told me its very dangerous to taper in first trimester, so I listened. As soon as I hit 14 weeks, I started to taper. IM now 24 weeks, and down to 3 mg 4 days a week, and 2 MG 3 days a wek and feel fine! no W/Ds.. My Dr has said numerous times that th general consensus is that its best to stay on, But I disagree 100%! SO I have had to beg and reassure every visit that Im POSITIVE im wanting to tapr and be off! I'll be fine , and I NEED to get off atleast one month befor im due! Its so hard to find any forums or stories of a woman that tapered off befor delivery! ALl the Drs seem to convince us to stay on! and some drs wont even allow tapering while preg and I don't gt why! Apparently th concern of the Drs is that they don't want women relapsing after thir off Subs and doing drugs again! witch in some cases is true, BUT in my case, I havnt touched a thing since the min I found out I was preg! and I want nothing more to get off atleast one month before my due date...If anyone can get back to me it would be so appreciated !!! I just want some reassurance that there are moms out there who tapered completeyly off while pregnant witout harming the baby! I believe that if your still using subs till the delivery, the COns are sooo much worse! the baby will more then likely WD and have to stay in hospital and be exposed to morphine, The CAS will prob be there, you wont be able to breast feed. where as the PROS are your baby will be able to develpoe for a month with no exposure to chemicals, your baby will have no WDS and you can breast feed with out worrying your putting drugs in the babys system! ETC I don't understand why drs are so Adamant about people staying on this while pregnant! I really don't get it ... IN some cases yes, but when someone is clean from every drug and thers no chance of WD and they want off, WHY is it so hard to get support to taper off this stuff??IM so depressed and upset about having to take this stuff everyday! it kills me knowing my baby girl is exposed to this stuff in the womb. :( CAn someone let me know they tapered off before Birth/delivery and the baby was ok?? Thanks so much.. and to the moms in my sitch, stay striong and stick up for your self against the DRS who are trying to convince you to stay on it!! write out a list of pros and cons! My emails {edited for privacy} anyone need to talk or give/get advice email me .. your not alone. IVE been stressing about this for so long..
If she does reduse and come of it u r ment to do it in the 2nd trimester ie 3 to 6months pregnant. There has not bin enough studys done on subutex unlike methadone but baby if born to mum on subys may experance withdrawal.my son was born adicted to methadone and to be honest me personly wodt have another baby on meth or subutex like im on now. i think its best u consalt a doctor bout this a doctor that prescribes subutex and has sin others in a simalr situation and maybe precribe it to her rather than buying of the street wen realy u dont wot u r being sold. im sure with the right advise it wil b fine x
Hello my name is Sarah. My situation is a little different than those I have read so far. I am 3 months pregnant and I am still using heroin daily. I want to stop so bad and get on the subutex. I am just wondering if I will be able to come off safley before my child is born?because my baby's father would "kill" me if he knew I was on any type of drugs.
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