Taper Down From 50mcg Fentanyl Patch To 25mcg Withdrawal Help (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedSo, I'm in a big big dilemma. For my own security and well being, I MUST come off my Fentanyl transdermal patch. I've Been using 50mcg/72 hours for about 6 mths straight. I have 3 of the 50mcg patches left and 4 of the 25mcg to help me taper off. I will no longer be using them anymore, just Norcos or oxymorphone IR. I'm absolutely terrified of withdrawals. My doc who put me on them has No idea what it's like to come off like this. Can someone please tell me if and how bad the withdrawals from going down that much will affect me? I can not take any benzos (Ativan, xanax, etc). I have come off the oxymorph about 75% in the last 2 mths. I'm literally freaking out. Again, I'm terrified but HAVE to do this for at least another 7 months. Any help would be appreciated. Or experience/reassurance. Thanks again. BTW- I'll add, all of my RX are legal and prescribed by the same doc and NOT misused.
I use NexCare Absolute Waterproof tape from Walmart. Tape from botttom up and change or add more tape if necessary.
First of all this can differ depending on your gender and body hait etc. but I am giving you advice based on my personal experoence and I am a female.
Make sure you don't have any lotion or body gels of any sort. I always try to coordinate my patch change after a shower...so I remove the old patch, hop in the shower, exfoliate really well all over my body and use a loofah for sudsing up to get off any other dried skin as well as old patch residue.
I have been using patches on and off for 4 years for chronic migraines and neck pain from many sports injuries and a couple car accidents.
So i have found a few different spots that work but my favorite is my lower stomach area (below where my underwear would be...reason being is the underwear help hold it in place) This does require some bikini area waxing/shaving/trimming etc. If you arent comfortable with that i would choose your upper thigh just below the "arch" of your panties. When you pull the backing off your patch lay it in the palm of the hand you are using to stick it on. Aim it well and smack it on well and then use your entire palm to almoat create a suction which will create heat. Hold your palm there for a minute or two. Once you remonve your palm take your index finger to circle around the edges to ensure all the edges, rspecially the corners, are adhered well. If you are still having issues which could simply be your skin type, the climate you live in, the diet you consume, your daily activities etc, I have used the clear, waterproof "bandaid" type things I believe called Nexcare Tegaderm Clear Dressings. Many hospitals use them after they insert an IV to secure the catheter and tubes etc. These are AMAZING!! I use these mostly in the summer or if I will be doing any water activities, sweating, working out....anything that will create sweat and or friction. My best friend who is also using patches swears by the Tegaderm bandaids. She uses 100 mcg patches and the dressing fits perfectly on the largest size patch (she won't wear a patch WITHOUT the dressing). Anytime I have been hospitalized, the nurse always puts one over my patch as if its standard ptocedure or protocol....because I never asked for one to be applied
So I hope that I gave you some insight, tools and techniques so you can find what works best. There is truly nothimg worse than worrying about whether your patch is on or not especially if your in a place where you can't check.
Best of luck!!
I put paper tape on the outside edges of the patch--try that, I've read where you should not cover the patch with a large bandage, but I've done that too with no problems--Good luck!!!
I have some ideas. Is there a way to private message on here? Was going to offer my email or phone number but do not want everyone to have it lol.
Hope you are doing well and hope i can offer some relief.
Add 12 make the step shorter to 37.then 25.i am a nursing officer and have had serious spinal survery.treat your symptomatically rest walk hydrate cool fenenal reacts to heat.distraction and massage.dont be alone .be kind to yourself dont bbe afraid of being a goose by calling emerg if have questions even to check bp.steady gentle.
I know this is an old site but someone might be reading like I am.
Hang in there Georgie
Step slow add 12 25 = 37 you have come a long way you can do this commence panadine osteo every 6 hrs to take edge off.
Hi W I am sorry you have had a ad time of it all.everyones body is different you are not mentally weak your body had been through a coctail of hell.yes I agree the drs can be ott when it comes to transferring from fe ntynal to methadone.i refused the offer.i was on 70 when I left hospital.while in hospital I collapsed non responsive deceased 5 mins ended up in ccu.they had not changed the med chartpost op I had a ga general anaesthetic and pca patient control analgesic 70 patch was put on by staff.all equivalent to 130.7 days in ccu not knowing if I was going to die or brain damage.i have heart palpitations see cardiology next week.i am sure it is side effect of patch.will continue undermed supervision after Christmas to lower.get down to 12 hospital for iv treatment have this from pain specialist.however I may have to live with the 12. Your brain is telling your body it is in pain saying give me more of the good stuff. look at it like a fire false alarm stuck on circuit. but the complicated bit is you really do have pain but pha tom pain as well.thats why its good to drop down to a level to see what is real and what is not. I stick my patches with hyperfix or me fix the patch is not to me occluded ut they can come off when swimming or shower.try now to rest in bed allday I find I sleep in one position and this causes pain. Nice fresh shower not too hot heat can give you overdose with the patch.the codine is stopping the bowels regular medication eg nulax or senna coloxyl.microlax mini enema from pharmacy it desperate need.no shame in that.i find my moods get off balance and dont make rash decisions.i cry I yell I hide in the pantry.yes I have pain then I stop.i couldnt walk prior to the op.i thought I had a stroke.i get so frightened.i have family comming home for christmas I know he will have a shock.i have lost a lot of weight and resigned form my office even though I am still registered with the govt.my life will have to change but remember there is life out there and good life.i have been on this horrid med for 18 months when tiezities was first diagnosed. Then the back. eat fresh every day just a little keep up fluids you are strong and have come a long way. I wish you well especially at this time of year.?J
Thanks for your kind reply. I need my health back and will continue to reduce fentynal after christmas with medical supervision.i am allergic to tramadol and lyrica I see spiders and become paranoid.i have to laugh but I was hiding fruit under my bed from my friends.i have a very competent gp.
I read the others and feel for them so much.i thankyou for your prayers and will make another entry after my next step.i hope this has helped someone a little.i know reading others has given me hope.kind regards J
Ps. May I ask "singing weight"? I too have lost weight and can hardly stand some days.yes people say I look good I have had to order in new clothes.but when I look seriously I look like death. I eat I go to the bathroom bowels. imodium helps.i keep cereal fruit soup plain food sushi is good.i have synopy heart bp can range from 120/70-1 0/120-90/80.I have had a couple of nasty falls.i can not stress enough to the community here fentynal is heat sensitive a hot shower for pain can see you with an overdose and kissing the deck.be careful with other meds including diazapan.it can cause anxiety and is addictive. use cognitive therapy as much as you can.i no longer live alone I have friends stay in guest room at night then go to their home.i have had to put a good nursing career on hold and living off savings.we are going to be ok oh no champagne this christmas.its going to be alright.J
Hi W
Yes the kiss of death.my brother is flying in tonight for christmas week.i have not seen him in 2 years boy is he in for a shock.
Dont let go of your dreams.we were all young and good looking.senility no.the morphine has taken something.I miss words names of people places and speak backwards.but I am still on37 mcg after christmas drop to 25 then 12 then all well off. Be gentle with yourself.Regards J
Hi john,
Please dont be afraid you are doing well do not cut the patches. you are not getting the correct dose you think you are. the big drop is 70 -50 then a 25+12 then just 25 then just 12. use diazapam to ease the way and your body will let you know where your pain level is at.leave it for a week then see your gp.withdrawl pain is your brain wanting more. use codine moderately. then off. you should be so proud getting off 100mcg. i am at 25 and brighter in the mind. my best friend is staying nights here in the next room. keep hydrated. Dont cut the patches dont be near heat and dont be afraid.
John-Who told you about cutting the patch? Where did you hear about this? My pain management doctor prescribed two different types of patches-one that had the gel inside, and another that the plastic was impregnated with the 'medicine'. I'm assuming you have the non-gel filled patch. If that is possible, to cut off a mm at a time, I'd be surprised. Pleasantly so. But I have no knowledge of experience with cutting. BE FRIKKEN CAREFULL! You might wake up dead. By your calculations given, you're saying every 1mm of the 100mcg patch is how many mcg's?
Hope you had a good Christmas, Georgie.
They also mke a 12 mcg fentanle patch i would ask dr rmaybe 5 of those and change them at longer interfuls may 80 hrs then 88 hrs 96 hrs check with dr first for the professional opinion i have been on 75s for a long time i started on lower dose but this one works for me. I find changing manufacturers helps to keep them and my hydrocodones working. Properly
Hi John I am relieved to read you are doing this under superv Cutting patches and leaving patches on longer is "not best practice" in this ancient land Australia.I even checked out the faithful Mimms.I am sure the new age internet can assist with the conversion. Just b careful .
Diazapan has a long "half life" and a kick back like a scorpions tail.it is scored so keep reducing.no laughing matter even if you get down to 2.5 and half again =1.25.
Nobodys fool -all the best with the op.day by day.
W- had a few good days Christmas.seafood a plenty.brother concerned typical country man doesnt show feelngs. Had trouble walking the length of our new international airport....like granny. reaction to heat and patch 40 Celsius.now on 25 patch bloods good just have to watch depression sneaking in. Thanks for asking.hope you had a lovely family christmas
Wishing everyone health for 2015.
I only took it for 3 days. That was enough to know it wasn't for me.
everybody reacts differently to the step-down or withdrawal. The important thing is to make sure you are tight with your doctor before you go off or down in strength from fentanyl. Another narcotic can be used, or an increase in your breakthrough meds might work to lessen the uncomfortable process. You need to be able to communicate with the doctor, tell him or her how your doing, and keep asking what
else you can try if your withdrawal is too much too handle. Have your insurance in place, and have money for what you may need that's not covered. Also , if possible have a spouse, or nurse, to help and monitor how your doing.
I have been cutting down fentanyl patches for about a year now with Doc's consent. I cat about 2 mm off the a100 and 75 patches every 2 patch changes and it helps greatly with the fears. I understand your dilema especially if you cannot use benzo's. Will your doc allow you to increase the oxy? Have you tried using Lyrica to calm you and help with sleep? The fear of what the withdrawal is worse than the withdrawal I believe. I hope you make it.
Been on 50mcg patches due to nerve damage after three L5-S1 surguries. Once I realized that it helped my pain but was destroying my memory and cognitive function, I begged my VA doc to help get me off of it. Been over a year and I am finally able to stretch out the patch changes to 4 or 5 days with help of gabapentin 900mg 3 times per day and .2mg clonidine the night before patch change. Withdrawals suck ass for me. Hypersthesia sets in where my skin tingles due to the deadened nerve endings coming back to life. I have to walk for hours around the house until the new patch kicks in. At the end of my rope I was offered acupuncture treatment over 16 sessions. I dont believe in this therapy but its doing something because the tingling is gone and I am finally weaning on my own. You have to be in sync with your doctor. If you feel they are pushing you too fast go elsewhere and be honest. A good doc will help you correctly. Bad docs are so scared of a legal suit that they want no part of narcotics for long term use. If you want to get off there are right ways to do it and meds that work better for you than what I use. Lots of antianxiety and ADD meds are used off label to wean narco use. God bless everyone of you strong-willed enough to take your life back. Only addicts know what this withdrawal feels like. Wanna talk? {edited for privacy}.
I'm curious: you say that the Fentanyl patches are not made in increments suitable for tapering, but hasn't anyone tried cutting the matrix patches in quarters or even eighths? I have been cutting one into quarters to ADD to my pain relief, and it works like a charm. So, I know it works. It would not work with the resevoir patches, however. If I should ever wean down, I would definitely be tapering off the same way: by cutting up the matrix patches in smaller increments.
I was going to try that but didnt want to ruin a patch. Very good to know that it does work on the matrix type. Thx.
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