Taper Down From 50mcg Fentanyl Patch To 25mcg Withdrawal Help (Page 5) (Top voted first)


So, I'm in a big big dilemma. For my own security and well being, I MUST come off my Fentanyl transdermal patch. I've Been using 50mcg/72 hours for about 6 mths straight. I have 3 of the 50mcg patches left and 4 of the 25mcg to help me taper off. I will no longer be using them anymore, just Norcos or oxymorphone IR. I'm absolutely terrified of withdrawals. My doc who put me on them has No idea what it's like to come off like this. Can someone please tell me if and how bad the withdrawals from going down that much will affect me? I can not take any benzos (Ativan, xanax, etc). I have come off the oxymorph about 75% in the last 2 mths. I'm literally freaking out. Again, I'm terrified but HAVE to do this for at least another 7 months. Any help would be appreciated. Or experience/reassurance. Thanks again. BTW- I'll add, all of my RX are legal and prescribed by the same doc and NOT misused.

119 Replies (6 Pages)

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Swooper 81, I have a suggestion for you to avoid a very serious potential problem. Talk to your doctor about a back up physician for filling your pain pump. Several doctors in my area who used to work with patients and fill the pump now no longer will refill any pumps due to the economic loss they incur. Many insurance plans have drastically reduced the doctors professional payment for refilling these pain pumps which are implanted subQ.

The physicians in my area will ONLY refill the pumps THEY installed and 3 of the 5 doctors who were doing this just a year ago now no longer even service the pumps that they installed. Actually, my pain doctor, who is a really good guy, no longer implants the pumps nor fills them due to the economic loss he was incurring each time. He showed me the actual economics of it because I am on the insurance side of the equation and he doesn't even get reimbursed the cost he incurs to purchase the refill meds, let alone the professional fees, etc.

Have a Plan B and maybe even a Plan C because you certainly don't want to be totally reliant on someone and have them unable to help you. Just my suggestion to avoid finding yourself in a very bad spot.

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I'd like to hear more if you are still posting, my fiance is in Adelaide (he is American dual citizen) but his physician told him for (and I need a physician due to our FDA changes all out of state clients lost my famous California physician) me that Duragesic is available for those like me over there.

You were talking about some program for people with intractable pain being treated like addicts. What is this? Please share.

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Yes duragesic is available here by prescription only. The gp can and will after assessment where other medications have little effect.a referral to pain specialist is preferred. All duragesic scripts have a government authority. This is to stop abuse by both parties. the gov are tightening up regulations. If your pain is genuine you have supportive documentation and use a mulit approach to addressing your pain you should be alright. I am now off fentanyl it was my choice I dont want strong meds in my life. Yes I have pain I see physio psychology gp. having lyrica side effects. Using panadol oesto panadine codine. anti inflammatory. I walk, I exercise in my spa, use mindfulness. When I have distress I tighten up and have great pain. But I can think and I dont want to sleep through another family christmas. drs and specialist are ok here. Just do your research. Pain management is in its pioneering stage. All the best.

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You will need to start stretching out two of your 50s to every 4 days. That will train your body for the next trick of fooling your brain when you put on a 25. After the patch runs out, (its actually still giving you fentanyl...just not as much) you will feel like you have the flu. You will get some sweats and there will be mood swings...I get short and angry so Iock myself in my room when I get to this point and put on half a 50 along with Gabapentin (amazing but taper up then back down) and a low dose Clonidine (0.1mg) which calm the withdrawal then ease you into the lower 25s dose. Accupuncture helped me but you dont have time for that. Your doc is an ass for tapering you so fast. It aint going to be easy or pleasant but you can do this. After the last patch runs out, get farking drunk and within 2-4 days you will be normal again. Theres a 'hump' in the withdrawals...it sucks like hell but if you wait it out, it will subside. The mistake is putting on another patch after that hump where you are on the downslide. Ask your proctologist for some Gabba. Because he is an ass doctor for not being humane to you. You have to be able to see the light at the end in order to do this and I know that you can. Very proud of you and your decision to taper. Be strong.

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Hello Georgi,

Thanks and if I live through are you near Adelaide? He is living there. I am an ultra rapid opioid metabolizer. Alan already told his regular physician which I of course am in contact with as Alan has had health issues in his young life already. I am way past the point of no return so then there should be no problem.


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Am I mistaken he said he only had 2 left. He wears 1 every 72 hours.

Poster (original) you will need medical attention. You can tell your so called physician a professional nurse and a published researcher told you the taper must extend longer and in a different manner the cerebral cortex recognizes different opioids and it has one spot where Fentanyl is now recognized; HC or MS will not touch that spot at all.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Hi, He did have some that his doc gave him to taper, but not nearly enough to do it correctly. He said this:

"I've Been using 50mcg/72 hours for about 6 mths straight. I have 3 of the 50mcg patches left and 4 of the 25mcg to help me taper off. I will no longer be using them anymore, just Norcos or oxymorphone IR."

I believe that using adjunct therapy with other meds will help 'touch' that area of the brain while he lowers the dose/duration.

Congrats on being published! That is so awesome.

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Really did you read my post. If I do not get a physician soon I die.

I've progressed to Central Pain and have been on this crap for 20 years and need a physician pronto.

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Nothing touches that area of the brain trust me.

The cerebral cortex identifies this poison directly.

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Look for nexcare tegaderm patches. It's that clear sticky film they put over an IV site. You can't cover the patches with anything else. It messes with the delivery. You can use medical tape around the outside of it if you can't get tegaderm patches. Oh, and those patches are kinda expensive but you can cut them into smaller pieces so that they just cover the outside of the fentanyl patch. It really helps them stay on and that covering is water proof, sweat proof, breathable.

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State of mind has a lot of influence on every situation that comed your way... if you say or feel something will ne bad most times it is.... npt trying to dismiss the POSSIBILITIES that MAY happen but i am trying to help to get the correct mind set.... i am on 75 patches i have ran out becausr of sticking issues and (the govt punishing law bidding citrzens for the avtd of criminals thus could not get needed medications) i was in bef from the pain but did not notice any withdrawal (was about 10 days) i had since then started using cover patches (found bunch @ liquidation store) and doctor changed script to 48 hours due to them no longer lasting 72 hours

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My doctor also was hard to get the change to 48 hours.... he refused until i gave this and other websites that valdated the need that so many have for the modifed script

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On march 28 I went from 75 mcg to 50mcg and I have some withdrawls but I take xanax to help amd i try and sleep alot and on April 26 going from 50 mcg to 25 mcg and around may 20 stopping it cause I need a gastric pacemaker stomach doesnt diigest at all and i have to be off all narcotics before they will do the surgery and my biody feels luke uts on fire from the inside but not sure if jts the gabapentun withdrawls or fentanyl withdrawls

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Have you read what neurontin does to your brain? I've been on neurontin 600mg 4x's a day for several years and when I read the report that was released about neurontin and lyrica I was shocked. I would try to taper myself off of some of the neurontin before it does so much permament damage to your brain.

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all this sounds o me that you have been told you will have withdrawal symptoms so you all believe it. IT IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD.

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I too use the patches and had an issue with them sticking. What I have found to work the best is to wipe the area the patch is going on with rubbing alcohol let dry. Apply the patch then place a tegra derm patch over the whole patch. This keeps the patch on up to a week thru showers, swimming,heat etc. I have been doing this process for 2 yrs now. Works great as long as you follow the steps. I hope this works for you as well.

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Last year I went from 75 month later 50 month later 25 month later 12 and them came off month later I had to get off all narcotics to get my gastric pacemaker but the way my withdrawals were helped I still had them I noticed you can take my Dr bumped my Xanax to 1 mg three times a day I hope I helped some and hope someone else can help you beter

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I would go to the ER to see if they can help. Even though it looks like it could be abuse or a 'story' how you lost them, it is very dangerous to suddenly not take them

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I have switched brands and found one that sticks better. It's the duragesic from Jannsen and have started to put just above my hip bone. It doesn't sound like it will work but I have never had one fall off. I also got some transdermal patch. It's like a skin to put over the patch if it does come off or start to peel at the edges. Since I have started at the hips I don't need it anymore though. I just go back and forth from one to the other. Sometimes I put it on my thigh but the edges start rolling up. Every time I put them on my arms, chest or shoulder I couldn't get them to stick and lost so many I worried that the doctor would think I am abusing or selling them. Their new policy is I can't throw them away, they all have to be accounted for and brought back to the doctor used!

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Only time I had sticking problems was usually not pressing it on long enough. Also, if I can't shower before switching, I clean with alcohol and paper towel to remove oils, even thought they say not to. If I put on the torso, I press my hand on it and lay on top of my hand to smash it on good. I do that and watch a commercial or two (about 60 seconds?) and it works well. For shoulder placement, put the left side on with your right hand. Reach over your opposite shoulder. Look in the mirror and try to get it right between the collar bone and that flat bone. Using a mirror is better. Then let the weight of your arm smash it on, even pull down a little bit. For big patches like 75 or 100, you will need to move your hand a little to push on the whole thing. With these principles, I have not lost one in 8-10 years.

Summary: Use flat area of skin that doesn't flex. Clean it well. Hold patch down hard as you can for 60 (not 30) seconds.

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