Tanzeum And Rising Blood Sugar Levels (Page 3)
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Been on it for a week and now my blood sugar levels are higher, and I tried to call them and they will not return my calls, so tell me why am I taking something that is making my blood sugars higher? Now I eat less and now my blood sugar is higher. It used to be 140 to 180, now it is 186 to 235 which I have never been this high, so what is the deal? How long do you have to be on it for it to start working? OR maybe it does not work on me.
Any type 1 diabetics that the Dr. has prescribed Tanzeum? What are results? Not meant for Type 1s per FDA, but Dr. says it is highly effective on type 1s. I'm a little nervous about using it under these circumstances.
Hi Gypsey,
I agree. I'm an MD and have built a "team" to manage my diabetes including endocrinologist, internist and nutritionist. The 2 endocrinologist I have seen do not know beans about nutrition - their main training is pointing to a poster with a plate showing portions of protein, starch and veggies as if THAT will help!
I find myself in a similar boat: type 2 diabetic for 25 years, glycohemoglobin 7.3 before tanzeum, on tanzeum 10 days and high glucose levels. Yesterday I biked 1.3 hours burning 360 calories, ate less than 1500 calories and most of the day had 4 hour post prandials above 200, nocturia...the works. Cannot wait for Friday and will go back to glimepiride along with metformin and onglyza. This is the first site I have seen that has addressed the question of "how long before tanzeum takes effect?" My endocrinologist says it takes 4 weeks to work. However, it seems to me that is only because the first A1C level cannot be drawn before 4 weeks after initiating therapy
I agree 100%. When I was diagnosed with pre-type 2 diabetes I also was diagnosed with colon cancer. Those two will certainly force one to look at their diet. Diabetes went on the back burner as I fought the cancer. I beat the cancer and my doc put me on a statin and hydrochlorot... both of which raises blood sugar, I found out. I went from pre diabetes to full blown type 2 within 2 months. At no time during these past two years that I have been going thru this did anyone talk to me about nutrition and supplements... I learned this info on my own. Did you know that Metforman depletes your Vitamin B12 and can make you tired all the time? Did you know that taking statins without CoQ10 deprives your cells of energy? Did you know that Bitter Melon and Gymnema are natural blood sugar killers?
Doctors are trained to treat symptoms, not cure the disease. That's up to us to figure out.
Hey Gypsey,
I know it's a far cry from the norm Lol, but sometimes patients do luck out and get a doctor who didn't just stick to the textbooks used in their med class.
I suppose a better idea would be to do this research on your own time from reliable .gov/.edu sites and get the facts straight from the source.
All I'm really trying to say is that type 2 diabetes shouldn't require long term pharmaceutical meds based on scientific research and countless testimonies from those who've taken an alternative route to treatment.
"that doctors may allow you to use"? Ha! Since when do doctors know anything about nutrition?
One thing I thought you might find interesting is that there are numerous reviews and studies proving that type 2 diabetes can be reversed through diet and exercise, unlike type 1 which has only been "managed/controlled" in such a manner. If you feel inclined, I would strongly encourage you to do further research on raw vegan eating for type 2 diabetes as well as things like: nopal cactus, essential oils (nih.gov/pubmed/15715893), coconut oil, and other safe natural alternatives that your doctor may allow you to use alongside whatever he/she prescribes.
Hope this helps!
No been type 2 for 22yrs
Hi Gary,
Sorry to hear about the medication not working. From your description I get the sense that it might just be a good idea to ask your doctor about trying something else altogether. Even though Tanzeum (albiglutide) is meant to be used 'along with diet and exercise', a week in without any sort of improvement is a little nerve racking in my opinion, especially since blood sugar levels don't take that long to fluctuate, as you may have already noticed from it not working.
Is this the first time you've had to take something to help manage glucose levels?
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