Tamoxifen / Numbness In Hands And Feet
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I have been on Tamoxifen for almost five years and have had many of the side effects - horrendous hot flashes, joint pain, leg cramps. About 6 weeks ago I started noticing my hands and feet were going numb and tingling and they are sore and hurt. I have had blood tests for Lymes, B12 deficiency, A1C and CBC, etc. - all negative. I had an MRI on my shoulder blade as I. Had such a pain/knot, thinking pinched nerve ~ negative, MRI on my neck, awaiting results. Went to chiropractor and confirmed not pinched nerve. I am wondering if anyone on Tamoxifen has had this side effect? Luckily, I have 25 more days on this med and I am finished my treatment. Waiting to feel better and certainly will not miss the hot flashes. hope to hear from someone. Thanks!
5 Replies
I just started on tamoxifen I am having the same type symptoms as you are my hands and feet feel numb and cramping on the top of my feet my toes my shins and post menopausal
I m on tamoxifen for last 18 months n now getting numbness in hands any cure for this as it happens when I sleep.
I empathise with you.. When I began Tamoxifen in 2013 I began to itch. By 6 mths my thighs and arms were covered with large red rash.
When reported to oncologist, was told it "couldn't be the Tamoxifen. Never seen this problem in prescribing this drug! It will take 35 days for the drug to be out of your system."
Needless to say, after stopping the meds by 35 days the rash was completely gone.
I went back on Tamoxifen a year later... the itching was less intense and comes and goes now but in the last few months I have been plagued by several different problems ...
1. Sever leg and toe cramps at night. (I take Magneseum and a multi vit with it too)
2. I have several toes that are annoying numb all the time
3. Cramps of my right rib cage (side of lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node removal)
4. Sever pain in ligaments of my right foot, which inhibited my movement for weeks.
5. Flare up of similar pain of right knee periodically.
6. Server lower back pain which isn't constant but flares up without my doing anything strenuous to inflame it.
7. Blurred vision is becoming an issue.
8. Swelling and pain of my right elbow.
9. Server swelling and pain in my right index finger. These last two both came on suddenly and are seriously affecting my ability to do things as I am right handed.
10. Fatigue all the time.
11. Fighting depression
12. Emotional numb (put the last two down to menopause but I'm starting to question that too)
13. Dead libido
All these I had dismissed as 'old age' but after investigating Tamoxifen's side effects I'm beginning to think that this drug may be the cause. Some days I feel like I'm 100yrs old. (I'm 62 and used to be strong and active)
I wonder if any one else has had any of these issues?
I have been taking tamoxifen for older over 5 years and I have the tingling in my fingers numbness and pain in my shoulder blade taking all kinds of test everything came back negative I know it's the side effects with the tamoxifen
Hello, Mallory! How are you?
Those symptoms are listed as possible side effects of the Tamoxifen, according to the FDA. It may also cause painful urination, hoarseness, anxiety, hair loss and menstrual cessation.
Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?
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