Taking Subutex And Percocet Together (Page 4) (Top voted first)


My doctor just put me on subutex along with percocet. I've been on percocet for yrs for severe and chronic migraines. He told me to take the subutex and if it doesn't work to take a percocet. I usually take 15 mg percocet at a time. I've read some stuff online that worries me. Some people say if you take percs with subutex you'll go into withdrawals. I went through severe withdrawals with fioricet months ago and I don't want to go through that hell again. I took my first subutex about an hour ago and I still have a migraine so I want to take a perc now. Can I do that or will I get sick?

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Ive already taken a suboxone 4mg..havent been.on them ling but am prescribed fioricet with codeine for migraines...i have one now and want to take one,i was under the.impression that if you've already taken suboxone and take a pain killer u just sont get "high" from it but that it will not put you into W/D unless you were to do the opposite by taking a narcotic and then taking suboxone before your body starts going thru W/D....is this correct?

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Theirs way to many people out their that will judge thats never been down that road only the true addicts in recovery give best advice my counselor told me he was a coke head and became a counselor to help others with their problems only they have been their

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Hi there, you should not get sick at all. Subutex does not have naloxone in it. You will be fine. And it's actually the opposite you would have to take the percocet 1st then the Suboxone to possibly go through withdrawal. And it would have to be Suboxone not Subutex. It's Suboxone that has naloxone which is what will cause the withdrawal and to prevent that..,you should never take sooner than 18 to 24 hours after taking any kind of full opiate. Hydrocodone, codeine, H, etc... Good Luck!!!

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No they are not.. I'm in treatment now and just went over the different medications.. Subutex snd suboxone are NOT the same..

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I would not mix the two and it makes me real confused why you'd even be prescribed them together. Subutex/suboxone etc. is to get off of painkillers/opiates without having withdrawal. It blocks your receptors so even if you take opiates on them you won't feel high or feel the effects. I also feel like it's gotta be bad to mix in the same sense how uppers and downers are bad to mix. Taking a drug that gets you off pain killers, with pain killers, makes zero sense to me. Just my two cents. Good luck!

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Subutex will not send you into withdrawal taking with an opiate. Taking suboxone on the other hand can and most likely will. Subutex does not have Naloxen in it...you will be fine. 100%

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Wrong. Subutex has no opiat blocker. You should still feel a perk.

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I agree with you.. I was reading all these posts.. I've NEVER repeat NEVER went into withdrawals taking Subutex n opiates. I'm an opiate addict. I am trying to quit taking opiates. So I've got some Subutex. I have slowly tapered myself from the opiates while taking Subutex. I love everything about the opiates but knew it was time to stop taking so much. I went from doing 80 mg of Oxys everyday down to 20 cuz I'm also taking Subutex. N never have I EVER experienced withdrawals. I don't think these people have a clue what they're talking about.

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Do it!!! I use to be addicted to pain pills like crazy and ever since I went on subutex I have been my real self. I never had any withdrawals. Just make sure you take enough. The starting dose of subs may be one 8mg pill or strip if suboxone... If you feel sick take another half. Im telling you I love the subs... they take away the withdrawals and the mental cravings. You actually can live a life without obsessing over pills. and it can also help with moderate pain but you wont experience any kind of high.

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CHAD: Bad advice from you. Subutex absolutely will throw a person into precipitated withdrawals if taken too soon AFTER opioids. If he takes the Subs BEFORE the Percocet, he should be ok, but he most likely will not feel the effects of the Percs.

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Amen just belle thats my situation both hips replaceded per juvenile degenerative bone disease and being a slave to opiates for almost 30 yrs I grew tired of the damage to my body and tge withdrawal from running out to soon I take suboxone instead of the subutex for a safety net so I wont get weak and use these drugs are for those of us who have grown sick and tired of being sick and tired from opioid dependence there's a very fuzzy line there on switching from a bup based drug to a opiate pain killer I function 300 percent better on it than any other opiate my favorite being dulaudid and roxy hence the addiction problem the suboxone gives me thr get up and go to keep moving and those of us with chronic pain conditions know this we neen to keep moving or it gets bad I wish you well and still from my own experience suggest to all others if you use suboxone or subutex or any other bup based drug please refrain from opiate use its never good it ineffective and the precipitated withdrawal are horrible and if you are considering switching to a bup base drug wait till your in full withdrawal good luck and well wishes to all

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Kkh yup it took tough love for me ..I made the choice to switch to sub but my loved ones stopped helping me to kinda push me along
. I sometimes forget the lengths I would go and the bad choices I made but these clinics that treat us are limited in the amount of patients they can treat and its sad to see slots wasted on people who are not "ready" and have those who are desperately seeking help good luck warrior for thats what we are those who battle addiction

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hi James, i am not on suboxone, but i am a nurse, a nurse who was injured on the job 20 yrs ago at age 29 and now suffer from chronic disease and pain that ive been told have no cure and gradually debilitating, the injury just triggered just set the wheels in motion by breaking me down and one by one diseases/illnesses have taken over not just my spine but my whole body, i am not an addict (i know this because i chose to stop all pain meds, after trying multiple things, but still suffered, drs said i will always be in some pain, so if i have to deal with the pain on narcotics, i chose to deal with pain without them ande an idea of my not have the neg. effects pain meds cause)...i just wanted to give some idea of my situation before responding about the suboxone/subutex posts..the 2 are not the same. although i dont understand why any dr would give subutex with percocet...its just not commonly done, but the subutex will not reverse the percocet or cause withdrawl because subutex only contains buprenorphine, but suboxone on other hand contains buprenorphine and naloxone therefore if it was combined with percocet, not only could it trigger withdrawl, it would block the effect of the opiate, and most often cause nausea and sudden vommiting, because the naloxone is a opiate blocker and the two are not compatible. the buprenorphine is actually a opioid, its different that percocet because it is just a partial opioid antagonist. I only responded because of my medical knowlede as a RN, not trying to come across rude. but recently there has been studies that buprenorphine is effective reducing pain. before it was approved in US it was used in other countries as a pain med for years, but in early 2000 or so when approved here, it wasnt "suppose to be prescribed for pain" although many foreign drs said it helped pain, and last year i read that in early 2016 buprenorphine was gonna be FDA approved for "Pain relief"..so the drs may be already prescribing subutex for pain and with other pain meds...i dont think it would help pain alot, i would think perc would help more..but that may be why they r given together now, maybe either alone dont help alot but maybe they found if combined they work better...i dont know i do know that suboxone is only one incompatible with opiates, because the naloxone is a blocker and not compatible with the opiates..have you seen where they have made naloxone injections over counter, hoping that will prevent opiate and illicit drug overdoses, because if given after the drugs, it will reverse the effects of them...

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james, i just responded to the subutex post, then saw yours about your condition..i can relate to your situation completely. like i said, i injured my back as a nurse 20 yrs ago at 29..total disability 3 yrs later, when i said that was just the beginning and afterwards, not only did my back worsen day by day, in 2002 i was in a car accident and i was hit 3 ways causing a neck injury and surgery, but then i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia then osteoarthritis had set into my entire spine, back and neck...i assumed because surgery and injury sites usually get arthritis, usually any kind of deep injury, arthritis is usually guaranteed after injuries that take a while to heal but never the same, stress from injuries usually cause arthritis eventually..so i didnt worry, until 3-4 yrs ago i started having knee, hip, shoulder, the list kept on, i was told i had osteoarthritis in every joint i had, even my jaw joints..but that usually it takes up to 20 yrs before arthritis completely destroys all cartlidge, therefore rubbing bone to bone, requiring joint replacements. ine was worsening quickly, and it was very painful just up and down 2 porch steps, so i agreed to synvisc gel inj's. in knees, its helpful..but my hips kept getting worse, down into my sacral area and thighs, i thought it was my sciatica worse, and dealt ..then the pain started down my groin, my back surgeon said, thats your hip, not all sciatica..got mri, it only went into groin on rt. got results, immediatly, after 1 mri, was told i needed rt hip replacement..i was shocked since i never was told of any childhood problems, dr was shocked didnt understand why in just short time the arthritis damaged all cartlidge, i was bone to bone and grinding..i just fiqured why not, it was continuous after back hurt, it started it all...i got second opinion and finally set surgery....afterwards, i was in recovery, the dr went to talk to my parents and 2 grown kids..said i was apparently born with hip dysplasia (hip joint was not properly formed) so the ball of hip didnt fit securely, usually fits tight, so when the arthritis set in, it destroyed the cartlidge alot faster..and my other hip would need done in 3 yrs or so...rt was worse cause my rt side is predominate, put more stress there...when i saw your post about your childhood problems and your joints, i related to you...i was 46 when i had mine replaced, 48 now, but have suffered with my body falling apart continuous for years, nothing healed, only progressed, and like a virus spreading, i got worse and worse and after one part was destroyed, another started..now my entire spine is like a tower ready to fall, basically nothing holding it stable anywhere, and my back has caused nerve damage, sciatica is like nothing compared to the rest of the nerves, then my tissue around joints is consumed by fibromyalgia and when bad, i get knots that feel like right under skin, plus all joints just ate up with arthritis..thats just part of it..i have CRPS/RSD, migraines, gastritis/reflux with hx of ulcers due to the years of NSAIDS, my legs/feet/hands swell constantly without even using them, i can relax and elevate my feet and get up and be so swollen my skin is red and hot..i cant believe noone had any idea i had deformed hip joints, i was active, athletic, even in army reserves right after high school...if they had found it before i was 35, they can reconstruct the hips, after 35, replacement is only choice..i didnt suffer from much illness when i was young but its more than made up for now...good luck, they say joint replacements are easier when young cause heal better, that doesnt count when rest body is broke down and falling apart..im like you, i am fortunate i dont suffer with addiction, the physical dependence was bad enough right after stopped pain meds...if it werent for what i experienced with someone close and addiction, i may not have been so lucky..but i fought taking them, not always good because i thought i could tough it out, so i usually was in severe pain before taking anything, wrong answer...thats why they say take something before gets very bad, then it makes it more difficult to get relief..i sometimes think i cant take it anymore, the pain, losing functioning so early in life, lost my career, so i commend those who keep on through all that PLUS addiction...i would break....and yes people who are fortunate enough to have suboxone are lucky because its expensive and as a medical professional, i know insurances arent generous when comes to expensive meds...so people shouldnt take it for granted ur right.

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NANAROBIN67: I am completely shocked that a DOCTOR would do this! Give buprenorphine together with a full-agonist opioid! How incompetent can one be?? Are they TRYING to throw this person into precipitated withdrawals? I have had them, and the are HORRIFIC! Not to mention the fact that yes, the Percocet is not going to be all that effective after taking bupe. This blows my mind. If I was this person, I would get another doctor as soon as humanly possible!!

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Thank you!!!! Finally someone with the correct info.... Subutex does not have a blocker Suboxone does End of story...

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DJTRU: And the only reason the "blocker" is in there is to stop people from injecting the buprenorphine. Anyone who thinks a person can "still use opioids" while on Subutex is sadly misinformed.

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I don't get that either because when I first got off the Suboxone doctor prescribed me Subutex because he said there were still opiates in my system and if he gave me suboxone it would get me sickk so he was going to write me Subutex so I wouldn't go into immediate withdrawals and I even asked him are you sure it's not going to make me go into withdrawals because I've heard it will and he said no. Subutex doesn't contain the Naloxone (that's why Suboxone gets you sick if you use opiates) so I don't understand how some people get sick using Subutex and other opiates because I heard out of the doctor's now that it doesn't get you sick and from my experience it did not get me sick and I was an i**** when I first got on the Subutex. I was still using and it didn't get me sick, I just didn't feel it as well.

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Hi guys, I too am a pharmacist. Diagnosed with RA few years ago I found myself hooked on Fentanyl. Now, I'm self employed and have a business to run so I wanted to fix this asap without having to go into rehab and stuff, so I considered Subutex. Took it without waiting for withdrawals, HUGE mistake! Went into an insane withdrawal almost killed myself. In the middle of it I thought maybe I shouldn't have started this way, should have probably tried wearing myself off the stuff, but subutex was in my system...for the next 36+ hours, remember the amount in your systems halves every 36hrs, meaning if for eg you have 10mg in your system, 36hrs later it would be 5, and next 36hrs you'll have half of that(2.5), and then half of that(1.25) etc. In that time, no opiate is going to work, so with RA it was a nightmare, plus opiate withdrawals come with their own muscle and joint pains so I was a mess. I'm not playing scare tactics, but this is what I went through. I locked myself away from my kids and wife during withdrawals and decided, the business will be fine, i need to do this for myself and my kids. Plus I had already gone through hell, might as well complete the race. I'm still not 100%, still on subutex but back to opiates is not an option for me, NEVER!!! I figured I survived RA pains without opiates for over a week, so why not another week...and another week, and another etc! My back was hell bcos it's the one the most affected by RA but with time the pain subsided substantially! So in short, at all costs avoid starting too early on subutex, regardless of what the package insert says! You could go into withdrawals, I did....so why risk it? So I agree with KKh....avoid starting too soon! Withdrawals are no joke!

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Re: Nuna (# 556) Expand Referenced Message

Yes you are correct. You can take Percocet if needed for pain on top of suboxone or subutex. But it will only help the pain better. But I'm a recovering addict and I take my program serious. I'm on 60 suboxone and 30 subutex a month. 3 a day. Which is alot better cause I got my life back. Was taking 30 to 40 opiates a day. But I've had kidney stones and had to take a Percocet a couple Times

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