Taking Subutex And Percocet Together (Page 4)
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My doctor just put me on subutex along with percocet. I've been on percocet for yrs for severe and chronic migraines. He told me to take the subutex and if it doesn't work to take a percocet. I usually take 15 mg percocet at a time. I've read some stuff online that worries me. Some people say if you take percs with subutex you'll go into withdrawals. I went through severe withdrawals with fioricet months ago and I don't want to go through that hell again. I took my first subutex about an hour ago and I still have a migraine so I want to take a perc now. Can I do that or will I get sick?
Speaking of WDs. My doc had me on (started with percocet and working up over time) 80mg oxycontin, 6 per day for over 5 years. He took me off them cold turkey. He said i would have flu like symptoms for a couple days... What a D*** Head!!! Over the next year i lost my job, my home and my wife. About all i had left was my pickup... and it had bald tires and expired registration. That was a long time ago. Luckily a friend knew a friend that gave me a few subs and pointed me to a good inpatient rehab. And without the combination of the friend, the subs and the 28 days of rehab who knows how it would have ended. My point being that doctors are often clueless as to the road they are starting you down when they prescribe opiods. Why did the FDA approve such a dangerouse drug. I truly wish i was still living the life i lived before opioids.
Thank you!!!! I'm going to have knee replacement surgery. I'm currently taking 2 suboxone a day! What u r saying is I have to switch over to subutex so I can take the pain meds!!!! I will have to talk to my sub Dr as well as my surgeon! You have been so helpful with the correct information which I appreciate greatly! (I was severely addicted to fiorinal#3 when I stopped taking it my migraines went away which is why I was on it! Amazing)
DADA: You should be ok. With Percocet, I would say 12 hours minimum. Stronger opioids like Oxycodone, I would wait at LEAST 24 hours (unless the medication is really bad quality). I don't know how much Subutex you're on, but start slow. Take 2 milligrams, wait 30 minutes. If you are ok, take another 2mgs, wait... do that until you are back up to your normal dose.
When I went thru precipitated withdrawal, it didn't take long to know I was in trouble. I had 2 mgs under each side of my tongue... in about 15 minutes, I started feeling worse and worse and WORSE... Ugh. So just take it SLOW.
You can also look at the COWS scale;
https://www.mdcalc.com/cows-score-opiate-withdrawal. Good luck.
My last dose of Percocet was at 4 pm today. Can I restart my subutex in the morning with no withdrawals
It's called opana. .....the oxymorphone most doctors don't prescribe it anymore it's super strong and addictive.
DAVID: Not only is it amazing that people are dispensing this misinformation, but that they clearly have no clue about the things they are putting into their own bodies! But to come on a forum like this and give "advice" when they have it wrong... to people who are genuinely seeking information....you can only hope no one actually LISTENS to them!
Not to mention all these *****s who are seeking ways to abuse these ORTs, which are made to help people STOP abusing drugs...that pisses me off. Especially when there's only a limited number of Bupe doctors out there. Leave the ORTs to those of us who ACTUALLY want to be clean! PEACE
Thank you for continuously sharing the truth about buprenorphine! I know I've seen your posts in numerous related threads discussing this same thing and it never ceases to amaze me how many people are misinformed about this topic. Just wanted to let you know that your posts are always appreciated and don't go unnoticed! :)
NUNA: Taking the Percocet AFTER being on Subutex won't throw you into withdrawal, but taking the Subs too soon AFTER the Percs will. And when you say "it's an opiate".. to what are you referring? Every drug you mentioned in your comment is an opioid, so ???
Forreal, if u take suboxone and a pain killer u will w/d, but subutex is a whole nother thing. It is a opiate. I was on suboxone for 2 years, got pregnant, they put me on subutex and I just had surgery and they gave me percocet 5mg, so u can take them together. It won't give u any euphoric effect, but the pain will go away.
Oh boy DAVID, we have another one. If I had a nickel for everyone posting bad info on here, I could have retired LONG ago! UGH.
MYNAMEISNONEOFYOURBUSINESS: You are absolutely 100% incorrect, and David and Rachel are 100% correct. Naloxone is less than 5% bioavailable when taken sublingually, whereas it is, of course, 100% bioavailable when taken intravenously. IT IS THE BUPRENORPHINE ITSELF that causes precipitated withdrawals with sublingual Subutex/Suboxone, NOT the Naloxone. You are just plain wrong. Not only do I know this for a fact from my work, I HAVE BEEN THROUGH PRECIPS PERSONALLY FROM SUBUTEX, NOT FROM SUBOXONE. (I am allergic to Naloxone, and took ONLY Subutex for years) I also recently sat up with someone going through horrible precips, AGAIN, from Subutex, NOT Suboxone. Bupe is a partial opioid ANTAGONIST, which is why the Bupe itself causes this.
I suggest it is YOU who should "get their info right before posting on these sites", because, again, your information is completely incorrect. Hopefully no one takes your bad advice and your incorrect info, and throws themselves into a bad rattle because of it.
Please stay off of here if you can't get your info straight, because you CLEARLY don't know what you are talking about.
By the way, Google is your friend. You can easily find this info out for yourself. Good luck with that.
@My name is none of your business,
The naloxone in suboxone is only activated when administered intravenously (not orally) - whereas the information you posted implies that it'll cause withdrawals no matter what.
The proof is in the pudding. For example: Just look at "Targin" tablets manufactured by Mundipharma, which contains Oxycodone + Naloxone. Obviously Naloxone wouldn't be there if it blocked the Oxycodone when taken orally (as prescribed).
YOU CAN'T AND DON'T! ALL OF THIS INFORMATION THAT PEOPLE ARE POSTING ON THIS IS INCORRECT! Only suboxone or any other drug containing naloxone in combination with a narcotic will place you into withdrawals! Physicians prescribe subutex and narcotics together all the time! It's straight buprenorphrine and will not cause you to go into withdrawals taking it with narcotics...it MIGHT minimize the effects from the narcotics if taken closely together but you will not go into withdrawals...people are not posting accurate information and thay pisses me off to no end. You can also use narcotics with the butrans patches which is buprenorphrine without any problems...you guys are wrong...I've personally taken narcotics recently in combination with subutex due to having a huge recent surgery.don't mix it with suboxone, which is a completey different medication but it's safe to use subutex people...please get your info right before posting on these sites
Yea because subutex has the buprenorphine in it and that's what makes us go into precipitated withdrawal. Trust me I found out the hard way by thinking the same thing.
CHERYL: Wow...just wow. I don't know whom you are talking to, because you didn't address anyone. This system isn't very efficient, because clicking "post a reply" doesn't address anyone in particular, which is why I always address the person specifically. But wow, you sound very angry, extremely defensive and quite hostile. And you make a LOT of assumptions. Assumptions only make YOU sound ignorant, not the other person.
I hope you are able to work through your extreme hostility and glaring anger issues. Good luck to you.
You know what you're talking about? Sure you do, Einstein! Anyone with a brain will avoid your ill-bred comments. You are nothing but mean and want others to think you are an expert about this, when it's obvious you are only an addict looking to throw his chest about because maybe, just maybe, he's managed to put a few clean days together. My bet is you judge your sobriety by the # of days you have been clean rather then the quality of your life now v.s. then. I'm assuming you are most likely still the same miserable, mean, angry inside, selfish person you were when you were using; thus, the fact you didn't take a pill; or whatever it is you are fighting, for today, certainly hasn't made a bit of difference. Just keep counting those days clean, thinking that means you are a "success". Good Lord, you were probably a nicer person when you were using.
What I am is a Vicodin prescribed patient who has a dependency from taking it for 3 years, thus, WD's occur. I am not a running-the-street ADDICT who can't control himself and takes it for FUN! So yes, you are correct in saying I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to taking these opiates illegally & for fun because I obviously am uncomfortable, as you are, with living life as myself. Also, worth mentioning, is look at the original question. This person is also not an addict who ran around looking to feel high because they cannot stand to be in their own skin. It is someone who was prescribed pain medication for NECESSARY treatment and she/he had a simple question. BTW, if you are so knowledgeable about recovery, how this works for everyone, you might want to check that step referencing "humbleness". What you put all over this page is picking on everyone telling them they don't know squat and telling them you know it all because you are in recovery and working at a rehab (yet you have certainly not mastered any steps).
You sound like one angry person who perhaps should learn to deal with such anger. Additionally, the same does not apply to everyone when taking Subutex with something such as Vicodin. One would, firstly & most obviously, need to consider the dosage(s); the strengths & how many taken daily; the person themselves. I knew a fella such as yourself that was hooked on percocets and he'd take 5-6 at a time, and he'd chew them up. Well, most people who take percocets get tired. This guy was a jumping bean. He was so hyper it was ridiculous. So obviously that medicine affected him differently. And this is the case in MANY situations. You are just saying, I read this, and so this is what it is. Having finished my diatribe, I suggest you get in some therapy to help yourself deal with YOU. You are obviously a bitter and angry person, as evidenced by you attacking anyone's experiences outlined on this forum. If you knew everything, you wouldn't be living your life in a rehab. You'd actually be living LIFE (and attending a meeting, even daily if necessary), and would be a part of that life. But you are now addicted to your program, which you aren't working with a crap. Get a new sponsor, as the one you have now is failing you.
STRONGARM: That is incorrect. Buprenorphine ITSELF is a partial opioid antagonist (block). Subutex and Suboxone are basically the same drug, in relation to what they do in the addict brain. The bioavailability of Naloxone is only about 5% when taken sublingually, (as opposed to 100% when injected), and therefore it is the BUPE ITSELF that does the "blocking". I went through precipitated withdrawals from Subutex, NOT Suboxone. Your comment is 100% incorrect.
Subutex does not block other opiates.Suboxone does because of the Naloxone...
MILLIE: You should not take Subutex/Suboxone soon AFTER taking a full-agonist opioid like Percocet. I would wait until you are in pretty substantial withdrawals, or you are chancing it. Look up "COWS opioid scale" for more information. There are people on here who will tell you BS, like that you can take Subutex 30 minutes after Percocet and you will be "fine", that they "do it all the time..." Those people should likely be ignored. You DON'T want to experience precipitated withdrawals. "Regular" withdrawals are TAME by comparison.
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