Taking My Own Accutane Case To Court - Need Your Help



I am a 34 danish guy, who were on accutane, between the age of 18 and 25.

Now, 16 years later, I am still suffering a great deal from psychological side effects from these horrible pills. I am very, very sure of that. And I am extremely motivated to go and collect as much "evidence" together as possible.

I could probably list a total of 15 side effects, I still struggle with after accutane. Half of those would be psychological. The worst of those are, anxiety and a "numb" brain. People who have the same after accutane, knows what I mean about having a numb brain.

Here is where I really need your help. I am looking for others, who have taken accutane and afterwards has struggled - and more importantly - still struggles with psychological issues.

It would be a great help if you could send me your personal story through a PM or mail.

I know how big of a task it can seem like, to put your story down. But it don't has to be 5 pages long, but detailed enough to get the whole picture. I really hope some of you, can find the strength to help me. And you're really helping all "victims" of accutane.

Not only I am really motivated about this case of mine. I also have great confidence in a positive outcome. Much have been published or written through the last years that really backs up what many of us have believed for a long time. Now, it is time to take all that information to court and let the world aware of this horrible drug.

I am also in the process of reading through, "The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg: Accutane, the Truth That Had to be Told" Which I believe is a major step to "prove" cronical psychological issues after accutane.

Please help with me this important matter.

Also if you could help me spread the word on this post of mine. Although I am going to post this as in my online forums as possible, the word cannot reach wide enough.

Thanks for taking the time to read this

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