Taking Watson 385 White Oval Pill With Suboxone Safe? (Top voted first)
UpdatedCan I use Watson 385 if I am on Suboxone? I went to pharmacy and n.y. medicad rejected the prescription saying it was interactive with the Suboxone.
4 Replies
Whoever told you it could kill you to take both lied that wouldn't make sense to give an addict a medicine knowing the chances of a relapse. That would be saying take one more and you will die so obviously neither of you know very much. Is it good or the best thing for you to take vicodin while on suboxone you who posted knows it's not because your addicted to sone kind if opiate and know that vicodin is an opiate obviously you didn't tell the doctor that petscribed you the vicodin you were on suboxone. Or they would not have prescribed it. Maybe all three if you should do a little more research before commenting and giving bad advice. He or she is an addict of some kind.
Watson 385 contains 7.5mgs of Hydrocodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen, it is a narcotic pain reliever.
The Suboxone contains Buprhenorphine and Naloxone, the Naloxone neutralizes other opiates to prevent their abuse while you are under treatment with this medication.
So, really there is no point in trying to take the other medication while you are on this.
Combining them can also cause severe central nervous system depression, which can also be life threatening.
have you spoken to your doctor about this?
This is true u will get very sick and could possibly die mixing these two drugs
It won't kill you. But you will wish you could die. If you take it before the withdrawal from the opiates completely wear off. And I mean completely. You are in the most serious withdrawal you have ever had. I know. My roommate did it after being warned of it but just wanted to free herself of her withdrawal. It AMPLIFIED it at least double if not triple. Read up on it if u don't believe me... im not against addicts, I am one and I swear you will want to die for twelve to 16 hours of shear hell and not even more oxy's will help. Neither will opiates. You only make it worse.
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