Taking Suboxone Film While Pregnant (Top voted first)
UpdatedI'v been on Suboxone Film,8mg,for a year. Before switching to film,I was taking subutex tablets,8 mg, 3 years.Every time i'v tapered down to quit, I'v failed. I cant handle the endless hell of w/d symptoms. The last time I tapered off, 4 weeks later I was still sick as hell. So I deciced long-term maintenance was best. I didnt plan on getting pregnant, but now that i am, i need to take care of my body. Considering the agony I go thru w/d, I hoped I would get the go ahead for a dr. to stay on the med, perhaps in a smaller dose,(4mg a day). Has anyone gone thru a similar situation?
7 Replies
I also know from personal experience that the withdraws from morphine or oxycontin last vastly shorter times than either methadone or suboxone.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong in this case.
Hi Youll be switched over to subutex thats what they gave me when I was pregant and then you can either taper down and stop or they will have to watch the baby for withdrrawls after birth I was able to stop completly about two months before she was born and she was perfectley fine no breathing problems and had all ten fingers and toes, good luck if you have a good doc this is what he will do for you
First if you need to switch back to subutext, suboxen isn't safe for babys. I understand what you are saying about withdrawls they scare the feel out of me, I have been an addict for 6 years. I only got on subutext when I found out I was pregnant 9 months ago. I have a very awesome team of doctors (OBGYN,Sub doctor, Social worker, and counselor) that have helped me more then I could of imagined when I found out I was pregnant I was so imbarassed to admite to my drug use but its the best decision I have ever made. At this point I have no drive to get "high" or mis use my prescriptions, If I wasn't pregnant I would stop taking my subutext, more then anything the love I have for this child has completely changed my out look on everything, once I have her (within the next two weeks) I am going to stop taking them, I would rather face hell for a short amount of time then keep having to take medication and be imbarassed the rest of my life.
Well, stopping completely and going through withdrawals is generally not recommended, because it may actually cause a miscarriage.
The problem, however, is that the safety of the Buprenorphine being used, during pregnancy, has not been studied. It is believed to be safe, but at this time it is so new to the market that there is no certainty.
The drug that is usually recommended during Pregnancy is Methadone, which has been proven to be safe, so your doctor may want you to switch to it.
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If you really want to get off, I suggest talking to your doctor to switch you to morphine sulfate extended release MSContin - for 3 weeks to 1 month. Have him write you prescriptions for 1 weeks worth of pills at a time (if you've been taking subox, you're an addict, doc probably won't give you a months supply at one time).
That way, you can taper down on the morphine, and after a month's time, the withdrawals will only last 3-4 days and can be helped with clonidine, bentyl, ativan and other stuff (don't take lomotil because it will extend withdrawals).
This is how I plan to get off if I ever come off suboxone and my doctor has agreed he will let me do it this way - if your doctor has a heart, he'll do it - but you need to do it soon because regardless of how you come off, the effects of the subs, morphine and ativan will all have more serious effects on baby the longer you wait.
I'm sorry, but Morphine withdrawals can last just as long as the withdrawals from any other narcotic. It can take over a month for them to taper off. I know this from personal experience, when I was on pain management and it is well documented in medical research information.
In addition, Morphine withdrawals can put the baby in as much danger as withdrawals from anything else.
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Please be careful. With my first child I thought the same thing, then found out the hard way as much as we love our child... They cannot save us, just like no one else that lived us could before. I'm not saying don't do it, but do it right, wean yourself down. That's my plan, in six months when the baby is born, 2nd child.
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