Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 26)
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I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?

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Oh my gosh - so nice to know I'm not alone on this- I have tried all ssri's too- Paxil, Lexapro, Prozac, Ativan, and even mixtures with Ritalin, but I truly have never felt like me except when I have taken hydrochone- I only had 30 from a surgery, and then one day I took 1/2 of one, and I my depression was gone- I could actually focus, I was motivated and I felt like a normal person. I was trying to see how I could approach my doctor about perhaps putting me on this and he can monitor me, etc. Does anyone here know if there is any research on this or not? If so what are the links? Thank you all for sharing! I wonder if it has to do with brain chemestry and maybe that is why it works on some of our depressions? I will keep checking back here to see if there are any updates. Thanks again

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I have been taking Hydrocodone for the past two years for cronic pain and I do agree because when I don't take it I become depressed and lethargic.

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Absolutely yes , hydrocodone has improved my mood better than any anti-depressant ever has and I've been on a lot of them. It also helps w/ chronic diarhea . I agree w/ Teri, whatever works!!

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Well you go through withdraws from the anidepressants too, so whats tha difference. besides the fact you might have to increase your dose a little faster. Whatever works I say.

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When I was taking Hydocodone for pain, I noticed a significant difference in my mood. I have suffered from depression for about 30 years and was surprised at the benefits I received from this med. I told my Psychiatrist about this and he said that he has had several patients reporting a decrease in their depression. However, because you tend to need higher and higher doses of it, he felt it was not a good alternative for current medications. I wish the would look into it further.

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What doctor would prescribe it for that though? Everyone's so stingy with narcotic distribution.

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I have been on zoloft for eleven years now...sometimes I feel like it doesn't work as it should. I suffered a herniated disk in my neck a year ago and ever since have been taking hydrocodone. It seems to be a good supplement to the zoloft as far as my depression goes.....

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I have taken dozens of antidepressants as well as been prescribed antipsycotics and other meds for off-label usage, and nothing has worked effectively over the past 15 years.

I will take hydrocodone for a chronic pain condition, and, YES, oh my goodness, YES, it seems to make me immune to a depressive episode.

For obvious reasons, though, I don't take it until the evenings, so I don't get the benefit for most of the day. And I GENERALLY don't take it unless I'm having the physical pain, because I'd have to explain to my doc why I'm going through it so quickly.

I was actually on this site looking up info about Saphris, the latest med I'm trying for off-label use. I'm thinking the side-effects, if they continue, are not worth it at all.

At least we know what too much hydrocodone will do.

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