Taking Chantix For The 3rd Time
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Probably the worst "quitter" out there. Quit for 2 years successfully on Chantix, don't remember any bad mental effects just nasty stomach issues. Tried it again this spring and was good for a couple months, but backslid. Just started upping the dosage and am having major mood swings, anxiety, not really sucidal thoughts, but thinking "it just be easier to be dead" fairly regularly, crying for no reason, feeling uncomfortable around everyone, pretty constant headaches, exhausted, just in general not myself at all. Considering just stopping the Chantix all together, I hate feeling like this.

Any experience taking it more than once changing the side effects?

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I am the one with memory loss, and long term issues. It was the second try with Chantix. The side effects were exponentially greater the last time. I am still not smoking, although I have smoked a couple of cigarettes. I just refuse t let it get a grip, and my attitude I am sure helps. I sure won't be taking Chantix again, so I will not smoke tobacco.

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If you're having the mood swings and those types of thoughts, you should definitely consult your doctor immediately.

Is your doctor aware that you are using it again and have you spoken to them about the side effects?


And no, you're not the worst quitter out there, it's very hard to stop smoking and stay smoke free. I speak from experience on that. Everyone goes through it.

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I've taken Chantix 3 times myself and never really had too many troubling side effects, aside from some gas & bloating. However, after quitting smoking and being off Chantix for almost a month now, I've experienced a bunch of different things that I've never experienced before. I read that its in your system for a month after you stop so I'm just waiting patiently to see if they subside. I say if you can stick it out on the Chantix, do it. Sometimes its mind over matter. Make certain that you have a good support group of people around you and maybe someone to keep an eye on you to know when maybe you've had enough. You don't want to hurt yourself obviously but I found that for the most part, any side effects subside with time.

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