Take Subutex And Suboxone Together
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Re: Danka (# 2)
You stop talking HALF a day of what you are. You’ll NEVER BELIEVE ME UNTIL it happens to you... LESS IS SO MUCH BETTER!! From personal experience! I was on 16mg at one point and dropped myself to 4mg and feel better than ever!!!
Re: Nurse V (# 32)
Thank you for the info, I had no idea thank you, thank you
Re: Charlene (# 31)
Unless you are a medical professional you can not give advice on a dosing in writing. This can open you up to a lawsuit if something happened.
If you took one suboxone and then go to subutex 8mg no need to wait. If someone were to take suboxone in the a.m, and let's say next dose of subutex, it can most definitely be taken the same day.. the both are bup..naloxone in suboxone but basically the same..I work in a drs office for a psychiatrist..
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Two things to remember. Subutex and suboxone differ its milligrams. And Suboxone does contain naloxone. Its purpose was to prevent overdosing as suboxone was a maintenance drug. Subutex is best used in a detox setting as you can overdose and tAking more than prescribe does not give you enhanced effects up to a certain dosage. You need someone to prescribe correct dosage of Subutex.
Re: Michelle (# 11)
I was prescribed that but they have lowered my dosage I'm on valume and I don't take it till afternoon but I shake and feel anxious and my anxiety is through the roof. I dunno if its because I'm not taking enough xanax or value or if it's the suboxone
Re: Chris (# 20)
I agree,I would not recommend methadone to anyone and I am a little surprised that it is used as a rehab drug. The withdrawals are the worse ever and it takes months to rid the body of it due to the nature of the drug.
Amanda keaten (# 14)
No buddy you’ll go into presipitated withdrawals
Re: Michelle (# 11)
How are u able to get two different scripts of buprenorphine fille without getting in trouble and the xanax thats a deadly concoction
Re: Amanda keaten (# 14)
Absolutely not not only will you feel sick the methadone is very strong the Half life is right up there with Subutex and Suboxone but the methadone stays in the bone marrow for months if abused heavily, One is a partial antagonist and the other isnt , You should never take those two medications together it will lead to precipitated withdrawal’s and possibly respiratory failure! NO !
Re: Chris (# 20)
Bulls***. I was on methadone since '91 and went off cold turkey. Not nearly as bad as you said, but still bad.
I believe that you need to give it some time before taking a suboxone after being on subutex. The reason I believe this is due to the naloxone in the suboxone. You need to understand that the naloxone is quickly released into your brain and the buprenorphine comes next. Just like if you had opiates in your system and took a suboxone..Instant withdrawal!!!..So you need to at least wait 24 hrs before taking a suboxone after using subutex.. On the other hand, if you're taking suboxone..You can take a subutex at any time without having to worry about any withdrawal symptoms.
Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
As long as you have before. If so go for it. If not, be careful. This s*** is dangerous.
I was on 25mg methadone for 8 years. I hated being chained to it. I walked of on 25mg and took percs to get through the next 4 days. on the fourth day I took subutex about 8 hours after my last perc. I felt fine. now I'm going to start my suboxone. I'm hoping 5 days off of methadone & 24 hours off percs the suboxone won't send me into w/d. I'm just glad to be off that god forsaken clinic. we weren't even allowed vacation doses. I had clean urines for 8 years but because I take adderral I was not allowed take home doses.The best part was I had private ins. so I paid $125 week to the clinic.
No, you need to be off of methadone for AT LEAST 48 hours or it will put you into immediate withdrawal. I was on methadone myself for a little over 3 years, tapered down to 14 mg's and just stopped cold turkey and the withdrawals were HORRENDOUS, I can't even exaggerate..3 weeks after I quit, I (luckily) found a Suboxone doctor close to me (because I was on the floor balling from the methadone W/D's) and was put on that and am still currently on but tapering. Suboxone or Subutex is much easier to come off of than methadone. I recommend getting off of methadone as soon as you can, the W/D's are horrible regardless of dose, that s*** gets in your bones and stays there for 4+ weeks EVEN after you stop taking it. Not to mention methadone rots the f*** out of your teeth. I never had cavity problems in my life until I was on that s***, ended up having 3 filled in just the 3 years I was on it. Wouldn't recommend methadone to anyone unless it was a last resort (can't get Suboxone or Subutex). Hope this helps!
You can do it, but it wont be the same. It will get you through your day though. I've done it before.
There is a difference when going from subutex to suboxone idk why but there is. When I find my self having to take suboxone the same mg I've been taking of tex I feel uneasy, anxious, and like a bit withdrawish. I don't get the same affect though going from suboxone to subutex. I think it all has to do with the Naloxone. From what I understand Tex don't have that Naloxone so suboxone causes a bit different chemical reaction in the body then tex do. Others I have talked to on a personal level have said they've experienced the same thing. I think more studies need to be done on theses meds and that they just don't know enough about what they do. My experience is going from steady subutex and then having to take a suboxone and I've noticed the change between the 2 of them.
YES hell you can take subutex and suboxone at the same damn time if you wanted too lol I have. They're the same exact thing except suboxone has naloxone in it. They're fine to mix or take one after the other if you ran out of one. No problem.
I've been taking subutex for a while now but if it comes to the point of having to take a suboxone it doesn't work the same and idk why. I just took the same dose of suboxone I take of subutex and I feel I bit of withdraw and uneasy. There is a difference. I've had to do this a few times over the year and it always messes with me. Idk if it's the naloxone that makes the difference or what but it's not the same affect. I've not noticed it though when going from suboxone to subutex though just when I go from tex to suboxone. It's weird and I'm not the only one it works that way with. I've talked to quite a few people now about it and they say they notice the difference as well.
I think it's because you are taking way too much. I use to take 24 mg a day but now I take 8 mg a day just small peices through out the day. My anxiety has gone down tremendously and I'm telling you less is more with this medication. Hope you feel better. Try taking a bit less
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