Tab Tryptomer 10 Mg (Page 2)
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sideeffects, its use on symptoms,
I am suffring from urological problem of increased frequency of urination with urgency and feelig burning/pain sensation in passing urine.
Had underwent BNI in March 2008.
My all reports are normal like UCG of KUB. there is no infection, no prostate, no stone and Kedny and liver are normal.
Now doctor advised me a) Alfusin 10 mg. 1 Tab daily (using from May 2009), b) Soliten 10 mg. 1 Tab daily and also advised Tryptomer 10 mg. 1 Tab daily at night.
Kindly advise and inform the side effect of Tryptomer and actual work of the Tab.
Thanks and Regards.
Daughter 9yrs using Tryptomer10. Also uses Macorate200, lacosam50 and Levipil250. Her shoulders and legs shake. Continuously closes her eyes for few seconds. Please advise on the problem and sickness.
I have severe Cramps in my Left Hand and some times it will be more. Doctor Advise me to take TRIPTOMER 25 Mg tab, Is that ok. My all body test are ok only ncrease in cholestrol i.e 214 .Please suggest
sir what is the use of tryptomer tablets. i am taking this tablets for 6 months .is there any harmful effects
i am suffring with musculer pain in my left side pain in arm chest some time in hand it shifting every time to my chest to my shoulder arm neck but i go to cardiologist severl time he had my ecg every time he told me there is no prorblem with ur heart every thing is normal i did my complete body profile test every test is normal litle bit sgot and sgpt is high he told me that is normal one of my friend doctor told me u have to take triptomer tab it can cure ur musculer pain is that write please sugest me i am to much upset due to my chest pain
kind regar
bhupinder singh
Tryptomer contains the active ingredient Amitriptyline, this is an antidepresssant.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and dizziness.
You can read more here:
Withdrawal symptoms from most medications can include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and chills.
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what is the widrawal symptoms or side effects of tryptomer 10mg????????????
i am suffering from trigeminal neuralgia for the last 9years now with occassional remission and i have been on various dosages of Oxytol.Right now iam on 300 mg in the night.i ahve taken upto 1200mg.earlier on.Now the cardiologist that I am consulting has suggested i take tryptomer 10.and gradually reduce oxytol.What is your advise pl.? iam worried since if teh medicine does not work i may have to go in for higher doses of oxytol with its side effects to be endured.
Tryptomer contains the active ingredient Amitriptyline, this is an antidepresssant.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and dizziness.
You can read more here:
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