Teva 30mg Vs Aurobindo Pharm Amphetamine Salts (adderall) (Page 12)
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For several years I've taken TEVA 30mg Amphetamine Salts 2x daily with consistent positive relief. Focus and a feeling that I could have a productive day gave me a reason to get out of bed. On 8/21/2014 all that changed to nervous anxiety filled days staying home. What caused the dramatic change quickly became clear. The generic Adderall produced by AUROBINO PHARM which my regular CVS Pharmacy filled my RX with on 8/21 was less than effective it was exasperating the very symptoms for which it was prescribed. FDA is an ineffective bureaucracy controlled by lobbyists for foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies making huge profits in generic drugs at the expense of the health and quality of life of others. The manufacturing of inferior or possibly harmful medications by greedy corporations will continue to grow until a strong GOOD DRUG coalition is formed. Tomorrow I know I will be calling my pharmacy, CVS Corporation, my Dr., and make a report to the FDA. I will also try my damnedest never to purchase a drug produced by AUROBINDO PHAR.

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There are other places where additional amounts of those Rx's you sometimes require and are not alloted due to insurance restrictions and maximum allowable indications recommended in the PDR. It is wise to always have a surplus of additional pain medications for the breakthrough pain we all get. Synergistic combinations of a sedative like 2 Mg of alprazolam AND a powerful MU agonist like 2 Tabs 10 Mg hydrocodone bitartrate to increase your comfort level to a adequate plateau. For migraine, 100 mg of Imitrex, 1-2 Tabs of Norco's (10-20 Mgs.) q4h WITH a drug like Soma ,Valium, or Phenobarbital will give you more comfort for unbearable, awful, blinding pain of migraine or a fracture or other horrendous pain not amenable to most Dr's prescriptions of treatment for pain of burns or other pain like motorcycle accidents. Don't expect morphine, Dilaudid, OxyContin or Opana.. It's just not given. No matter what, your pain tolerance is treated best by having a good supply BEFORE the crisis. Suffering for sufferings sake is just stupid. If you are is horrid misery, treat it. You will not stop breathing. You will however if under medicated not rest, and sleep is needed to recover. To lay awake in agony is deleterious to your recovery. To take opioids when you have nothing else is not a option. The opioids could be pure or mixed with fentanyl. (A drug 25-30 times stronger than morphine.) If needed, you can travel south to Mexico for a extra emergency supply of stronger meds you won't get here. Seconal, and oxymorphone as well as others can be brought back in personal amounts. The best way is by cruise ship. They do not check the baggage or rip everything apart. Don't hide it. You can declare it or not. They do not check everything. Certain drugs like Roofies and Quaaludes are not allowed of course. Do not attempt to bring in coke as dogs can find this and it's just not wise. You can bring about 2 months worth with a Mexican Dr's script. Also, a letterhead from your US Dr is advisable. In Mexico, traveling with extra meds, eye glasses, antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, anti nausea Rx's and drugs for bad food is important. Imodium, also is needed. DON'T DRINK THE WATER AND DON'T USE ICE. BRING EXTRA disinfectant. Map out and carry extra cash and travelers checks just in case. Insurance is extra if you drive. And if you can a extra radio or other safeguards are useful. You may find yourself with police problems for things you were not expecting. Better to pay cash and extricate your ass out of the way instead of arguing. Gold maple leafs are handy and better than cash as well as hidden easier. An ounce of gold is worth about $900.00 US. Send someone ahead to clear the path for you and grease the authorities or find a suitable place in case of inclement conditions. Book ahead. Pay extra for actual conditions that you can expect to be used for humans. Guides and others that know the area are recommended if you expect not to get ripped off or burned. The embassy can only do so much for you in a foreign country where life is cheap.

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ADDENDUM: For quite awhile I took down my daily amount of Adderall for quite awhile. So much so I had a extra 200 of the 20 mg. tablets. This was a good surplus of the useful drug. The extras gave me the opportunity to augment my daily dose while beginning a new stressful job that required extra effort and attention. Instead of the usual three a day, I could use as many as six if needed. I weigh 240 so I need more than someone say at 135 Lbs. Also, occasionally my job required me to work continually for 36-48 hour continually. The hypersomnia is great after 48 hours. I can sleep over twenty hours sometimes. Luckily, I can work on my own schedule and take off two days or more to work 2-3 days straight. Valium helps alot when my body is fried and my nerves shot. When I need the money, I've no choice. No pain no gain as they say. Mixing anxiety drugs with stimulants is very dangerous as a rule. So I don't recommend it. But life is a risk too. Careful use of benzodiazepines after stimulants can be done, but only very carefully and with keeping in mind that the mixing of the two is hard on the human body and psyche.

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My opinion is: AUROBINDO PHARMA is adequate. Teva, others, are maybe older and therefore more better liked. But, the differences are minimal. What we have is a limited allotment of these. You take what you are able to get. I find them alright. I could get Shire's Adderall, but these generic are fine with me. What some think is somehow they are inferior. The fact is the folks on these so long get resistance.(some tolerance) after awhile. I won't take them everyday. This is a problem of course after you take them for so long. Trying to augment them with ephedrine and/or phentermine or phendemetrazine(Bontril) might help some. But eventually one should take a holiday away from them. I have hydrocodone 10 mg., but I only take them sparingly as pain is very distressing when the pain is terrible.. Valium too will work better if you take them when your nerves are really edgy. Same with Restoril. I only rarely take them if I expect them to work when my insomnia is intractable and they are REALLY needed. Depression is the main problem when not taking one's Adderall. My focus is less than good. My attention span is also short and I can't do well. I tend to save them up if I can for important tasks like a new job or when the job is in need of extra doses to stay with it if that is what I'm required for the work or task.

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Teva is not the only maker of generic Adderall. Autopharma, is now a increasing market share of the Shire Pharma exclusivity. The resistance of the d-amphetamines and other sympathomemeticamines are legendary. After a time, your metabolism will acclimate (respond physiologically or behaviorally to a change in a environmental factor)

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There is something very, very wrong with this medication. The effects it had on my body and mind are indescribable and unspeakably horrible. I only wish I had quit taking it sooner.

I've been taking Adderall for a long time. This is not Adderall.

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3/3/15 just filled up my prescription and they gave me aurobindo 20xr and it pretty much gives me the reverse affect. i have more anxiety than ever. SO PIST DONT USE C.V.S TO FILL YOUR PERSCRIPTION

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If you ask for a specific brand, and they won't order it for you, then get the number to someone higher up bc they can't make someone buy a specific brand of medication if they have a valid reason such as a bad response to it. That can be reported. Nearly all mine are now special ordered even if they have other brands in stock at the time. That's just someone trying to exert power they don't have bc I've had to do it at several pharmacies.

I did recently encounter the b****iest pharmacist ever tho, when asking if they carried a certain brand, & it was at a Walgreens...and Walgreens & CVS are the pharmacies everybody complains about... I'll be sticking w/ my small hometown pharmacy for that reason.

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No, Jeremy Girl. CVS refused to order Teva and don't feel they even have to tell you they are changing generics. That is why you must ask before you have a RX filled.
I now use Walgreens, but ask every time

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Pharmacies have to get you the brand you want so if you know what you want, or specifically don't want, let them know.. you shouldn't have to search around.

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WALGREENS has Teva. Check them out.

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Imagine giving this stuff to children who cannot express as clearly as adults what they are undergoing.!

This Aurobindo stuff can be dangerous. The inactive substances can cause many symptoms, even psychoses. I know someone who used it and saw huge negative personality changes, which he didn't have when taking Teva.

What's wrong with this generic?

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Have experienced the new Aurobindo and want to nickname it Aerobimbo, as in airhead, as in INEFFECTIVE. It is essentially useless for me. Spoke with original brand Adderall pharm brand name last spring and they told me "Teva" follows the original formula. I have taken adderall for over a decade (brand, then Teva and Barr generic formulations) for neurofatigue from a traumatic brain injury - TBI - and w/o proper medication and dosage, I sleep most the day, am unproductive, unfocused, moody and get depressed and quick to anger. Proper med and I function like my normal professional self. Airheadbimbo brand is THE WORST I have ever experienced. Didn't think to ask at the pharmacy today and I got the same peach pills as last month - a disastrous month for me. I thought my symptoms were due to life events, but it is clearly the inferior brand. I'm on medicaid, so there is likely no way I can remedy this now. Will call pharmacy in AM because I cannot afford to be lethargic and dimwitted all day every day for a month. The ongoing generic Adderall debacles (shortages, price hikes, now ineffective brands) is killing my career. Stanford grad - even with TBI - and I'm not functioning. If anyone knows what steps to take to file complaints, please let me know. Other stimulants are not effective for me, so I'm in a pinch until next month. This inconsistency in ingredients, percentage of active drug and fillings needs consistency; the FDA is sleeping on the job. Aerobimbo must go.

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Have experienced the new Aurobindo and want to nickname it AirheadBimbo. It is essentially ineffective for me. Spoke with original brand Adderall pharm brand name last spring and they told me "Teva" follows the original formula. I have taken adderall for years for neurofatigue from a traumatic brain injury - TBI - and w/o proper medication and dosage, I sleep most the day, am unproductive, unfocused, moody and get depressed and quick to anger. Proper med and I function like my normal professional self. Airheadbimbo brand is THE WORST I have ever experienced. Didn't think to ask at pharm today and I got the same peach pills. I thought my symptoms were due to life events, but it is clearly the inferior brand. On medicaid, so no way I can remedy this now. Will call pharmacy in AM because I cannot afford to be lethargic and dimwitted all day every day for a month. The ongoing generic Adderall debacles (shortages, price hikes, now ineffective brands) is killing my career. Stanford grad - even with TBI - and I'm not functioning. If anyone knows what steps to take to file complaints, please let me know. Other stimulants are not effective for me, so I'm in a pinch until next month. This inconsistency in ingredients, percentage of active drug and fillings needs consistency; the FDA is sleeping on the job.

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Finally some news about this! I received my script filled with the Aurobindo and I took it and felt like I was getting stabbed in the back! My neck and arms hurt, it was terrible. Never again will I use this company!

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Hey everyone!
I have taken several different brands of generic adderall for the past 4 or 5 years (most currently on 30mg 4x/day and it is Sandoz brand). When we moved in March I began getting Barr brand adderall and it makes me feel terrible (mind you, i do have a lot of food sensitivities including corn and corn starch is one of the inactive ingredients in the Barr brand). My gf loves the Barr brand but for me it's a no go. It seems obvious to me that Sandoz works best because there are less inactive ingredients then all the rest (I also have digestion issues so the less my body has to process, the better). Anyway, just wanted to give my input so maybe it could help someone else. Calling my pharmacy today to order Sandoz :) P.S. Recently had to switch my Xanax prescription as well due to some adverse side effects and they just so happened to order me Sandoz brand and they work wonderfully now. :)

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Hi Everyone, I found some interesting info and real answers on a website that's for pharacist I guess but, even though I'm completely miserable because, this time Publix filled my script for 20 IR mgs with auro&actavis after I specifically asked her not to (she had to order) so, after week and a half of zilch while searching, waiting for order over Thanksgiving, my boyfriend picked them up and she wrote on the side 2 different manufacturers and only charged me $29 versus $98 but, still it's actually making me manic depressive which I'm not, horribly depressed and when taken at 10 a.m starts working? ! Around 10p.m! Ugh! So my fellow suffers, I found out that the Concerta generics are being recalled, the Good Faith Policy at Walgreens has already been subject of AMA&FDA calling them out on befalf of numerous dr complaints, etc. Here's where to go to find out at least what's trying to be done about shortages, generics cost&quality. It's called (the site) Modern medicine network, now you have to be a health professional to post but, any real news is better than none at all. I'm truly praying for all of us. I know people are losing their jobs, failing grades and having anxiety over all this and it's wrong. There's been talk of a legal suit and I'm all for it, we're treated like criminals, profiled and left to suffer while that wait (I guess) for someone to fall asleep at the wheel of a car and kill people. I'm really in shock about how ridiculously the FDA moniters stuff. Also, on that same site you can finally view walgreens Good Faith Policy, that they refuse to release! I hope in the next few days, I'll have something good to report. Every one don't forget to submit a complaint to FDA. That's also on there to link up too. ;)

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Denise, fyi, "Barr" and "Teva" are the same company and are used as interchangeable terms. Barr was purchased by Teva, a bigger generic drug maker, in 2007.

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I called my doc today to see if I can get a new Rx. The pharmacist at CVS caremark told me that they do not carry Teva in the regular format anymore, only in SR -- sooo, they said they now carry some manufacturer called Aoramet or something like that. I am afraid to take it to try, but they suggested that I get a one month supply, and if it doesnt work, at least I will know going forward and will have to get my meds from someone else... geee, thanks, to not be able to get something that works for what my insurance is contracted to get. I think if I am able to get a month rx, with the override, then I will get it at walgreens (get the teva ones) and then try the next rx for the brand they carry to see if it works or not. Or, I could see who carries Barr, since that seems to have worked for many people. Will keep you all posted. Also, CVS caremark told me that they have not heard of this manufacturer being a problem.. yeah, right!

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Denise, you can ask your Dr. for a new prescription, but your insurance may not pay for it. Your Dr. would want to know if an Rx is not working as it should. Good luck

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ALWAYS ASK YOUR PHARMACIST BEFORE HANDING OVER YOUR Rx IF THEY HAVE TEVA TO FILL YOUR ORDER. I do it every time. Got screwed one month at CVS when they handed me Sandoz..which just gave me horrible headaches. As of today, December 2 2014, WALGREENS is stocking TEVA.

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