Syracuse Doctors Prescribing Benzos


Please help me get a prescription for Xanax or other benzos I'm clinically depressed got a referral from a counselor and the waiting list is so big it's nonexistent. Need help with this depression is deep and I need a doctor.

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Benzos do not cure depression? A qualified M.D. would tell you that!

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As EDDY has already stated, drugs in the benzodiazepine group do not cure depression and are not used to treat depression. To be 100% fair, two benzodiazepines (alprazolam aka Xanax; adinazolam which has never been marketed) do have some antidepressant qualities. When Upjohn first applied to the FDA to have Xanax approved, the company requested that one of Xanax's uses be listed as a treatment for depression. The evidence was shaky, and Xanax only received approval for anxiety disorders, including panic disorder. In addition to benzodiazepines being ineffective in treating depressive disorders, these drugs can exacerbate depression or even cause a depressive episode. Benzodiazepines are depressant drugs; as such, benzodiazepines can make depression worse or bring about side effects that mimic depression.

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