Switching From Xanax To Valium (Page 7) (Top voted first)
UpdatedPLEASE HELP! For the past 7yrs I've been on 1mg Xanax (3x) per day for anxiety and panic attacks. I take my dosage of Xanax as prescribed by my Dr unless I have a severe panic attack, then I may take an additional (1-2) 1mg xanax when I'm actually having a severe full blown panic attack to stop it. I've been on other Benzos before but Xanax seems to be the only thing that stops the panic attacks when I'm having them.
Recently my Dr decided to switch me from 1mg Xanax (3x) per day to 10mg of Valium (2x) per day because he says Valium is "stronger" and has a longer half life than Xanax. He says the Xanax isn't working for my anxiety anymore. From what I've read on the Internet about Xanax vs Valium is that Xanax works better than Valium for panic attacks. I like to mention I have a phobia of taking new medications. I stressed my concerns to my Dr that my anxiety isn't as much of issue for me as my Panic Attacks. He said not to worry cause the Valium is stronger. Then I asked him what if while I'm taking the Valium I suffer a sever panic attack? What do I do to stop the panic attack? His responce was that I could take a 1/2 of a 10mg Valium tablet to stop the panic attack. I wanted to tell him that from what I knew, Valium is slower acting and that I didn't agree 1/2 of a 10mg is going to stop my panic attacks but I didn't want to question his professional expertise over my Internet findings. I know he's the Dr and the Dr knows best right? So I guess to finally get to my point is I'm terrified to start the Valium because im afraid that when I have a panic attack and I say WHEN and not IF cause it's only a matter of when I will have a full blown sever panic attack what would I do to stop it? From reading up on Valium I know it wont help stop my panic attack like the Xanax will. I asked my Dr before I left his office that while I'm on the Valium and I have an attack could I take a Xanax to stop the attack? He said absolutely not! He said if I have a panic attack while on valium I can take a 1/2 of my 10mg Valium. I didnt say this to my Dr but I know from what I read about Valium is that it won't stop an attack as fast as Xanax will. I dont know what to do? Im so scared and I feel helpless cause I feel like my Dr isn't getting what im saying. My panic attacks can last as long as 2 hours or more. I know because my longest panic attack was while I was driving through the desert and realized I forgot to pack my Xanax. 2 hours in to my attack after trying breathing techniques and what not I had to taken to a hospital by ambulance cause my heart rate went up way to high and so did my blood pressure. My panic attacks can lead to an ambulance ride to the hospital. I feel like my Dr is focusing on treating my anxiety more than my panic attacks which are of greater concern to me at this time. I read on line that other people have been prescribed both Xanax and Valium to be taken as needed. Valium for anxiety and Xanax for panic attacked. I spoken to 3 pharmacists who tell me that I can take the Valium and if I should have a major panic attack I could take a Xanax no problem because they're both Benzos but only on the occassions when I'm having a bad panic attack. Why couldn't my Dr just say that? I know some of you may read this and say that I just have an addiction to Xanax. Honestly that would be further from the truth. If I knew that Valium would stop my sever panic attacks I would switch in a heart beat but from what I'm reading I know Valium won't help with an attack as fast as Xanax will. I'm not looking for the Xanax "kick" some people love to feel or to have a feeling of Ephoria. I just want a reliable medication to treat my disorder. I want to trust that my Dr knows what's best for me but only I know what my body and mind is going through and I somehow can't get him to understand! If anyone has had the same problem as me or can offer any support or advise I'd love to hear what you have to say. Has anyone ever taken both medications in the same manner im suggesting or together at the Sametime? How did it make you feel? We're you able to cope and how? Please anything will help. I know there has to be other people out there experiencing or have experienced the same thing. Thanks.
My doctor switched me from Xanax to Valium and then to Ativan for no reason other than the medical board doesn't like it when he prescribes Xanax. I had a stroke and it is the only thing that helped me. None of it helps like Xanax but the sad part is that it appears that he doesn't care. I have been going to the same doctor for years. I agree with you it isn't about getting high it's about your Heath and we'll being. The problem is people getting it and don't need it and it causes those that need it to not be able to get it. I don't have an answer only I am in the same situation but different reasons.
Karl, as you know this forum does not let you communicate with other members, but I would only hope that you can sue this Doc for malpractice. I almost died when I made the switch from Xanax to Ativan . I was restored and have collected a bunch of spares so this can never happen to me again, hopefully?
To Chrissy who thinks she's an expert on all the reasons for panic attacks and anxiety: My daughter had pancreatitis which was misdiagnosed as "just anxiety" (because apparently some docs think that severe abdominal pain, a high white blood cell count and other symptoms of pancreatitis are actually symptoms of anxiety if you're a 26 year old female.) They sent her to a therapist who overdosed her on Cymbalta and told her she just needed a boyfriend--no, I'm not kidding. When she had the 2nd attack of pancreatitis 2 weeks later, she insisted they do some blood work which is when they discovered she actually had pancreatitis for no apparent reason (she's not a drinker.) When finally treated appropriately, the pancreatitis went away. But the damage from giving her far above the maximum acceptable dose of Cymbalta was done; she was subsequently diagnosed with PTSD by three separate psychiatrists. Essentially, she had brain damage from being overdosed on Cymbalta; the damage was permanent and she has struggled with terrible anxiety because of it for the last 9 years. It has nothing to do with being unmarried, overweight, having financial problems or any of the other causes you ignorantly claim are the reason for anxiety you say one can cure by just learning to "cope". Your ignorance is strongly evident; stop pretending to be an expert on this topic when you obviously know so little about it.
To New Day: Valium does not have a longer SHELF life than Xanax. I believe you meant it has a longer HALF life which means it continues to work longer. "Shelf life" refers to how long a product remains fresh before it becomes outdated and, in the case of medications, becomes ineffective or at least LESS effective.
To Berry: There are no "seratonins;" there's just "serotonin." It's a single chemical-- there aren't several kinds of serotonin!
To All Those Arguing about Xanax vs. Valium vs. other anti-anxiety meds: My daughter suffers from PTSD and SEVERE anxiety. Valium has absolutely NO effect on her, Xanax helps her somewhat but only in high doses which she can't get outside of being hospitalized and all the other anti-anxiety meds (e.g., Klonopin, Buspar, Paxil, etc.) give her either severe serotonin syndrome or seizures.
Hi my name is Tiffany and I just started xanax about 2 weeks ago. I was having panic attacks for 2 years and didnt say anything to annyone because I thought I was crazy and that no one would understand, untill one day last month they started to get bad and it got to the point where I was just so afriad that I didnt wanna live anymore. My boyfriend told me I really had to tell the dr what was going on, so i did. My dr said what i was going through was completly normal and he perscribed me .5 mg of xanax 3 times a do or as needed, I take half a pill in the morning and half at night. I just resently started to feel wierd when i was trying to fall asleep. I dont know what it is, I take the xanax around 8pm than go to bed around 10 pm. I am very scared at taking new medications and Im not sure if I should start taking half a pill 3 times a day. Ive read several occations when people get addicted and I dont want that to happen I just want to live a wonderful life with my new daughter and family without worrys of a panic attack. Should I switch to .25 mg 3 times a day or will that become too addicting too quick? Its just that it seems to ware off and I start to feel all wierd again between morning and night. I just want to be okay. The xanax has been helping good just till when I feel wierd trying to fall asleep.
OK - firstly, let me admit I have NOT read any ptevious answers, as I am replying directly from a daily Medschat newsletter link.
I live in the UK where Xanax prescriptions are quite rare for two reasons; the 1 & 2mg strengths have been unavailable for over 15 years, and the cost of 500mcg tabs is about the highest I know of. Also there are no generic alprazolams whatsoever, so it's expensive original brand or nothing. The cost to me every month (2mg tds) was so much I had to change, not to Valium (which was withdrawn here in 1994 - only a few generic diazepams are dispensed, notably Actavis, but none of which are of the quality of Valium - which incidentally I am VERY surprised you get as Roche's US prices are ridiculously and criminally - in a price-fixing way - high...) but to lorazepam 2.5mg qds, a little weaker over 24 hrs. I tend to often get original ex-Wyeth Temesta/Ativan/Tavor (country-dependent brand name) as there are so few top class original patent brands left on our NHS due to a policy of dispensing the cheapest generic. More of which to follow in my advice.
Xanax is even worse in cost than here & one thing I DO know is that, should you ever go for generic alprazolam there is really only ONE SINGLE MAKE in America which even comes close to European (or Xanax) quality, which is that by Greenstone. US-made generic diazepam is similarly poor, Watson's DAN tabs having the best reputation and Mylan's green 10mg the very worst - you would be better off with the cheapest crap Indian brand than touching anything by Mylan USA - though here the old Merck Generics are now under Mylan name and retain the excellent quality of that German company.
To the facts. Diazepam is a LOT weaker than alprazolam so your doc is either ignorant or lying to you. 5mg for an acute panic attack Don't make me laugh. Diazepam is more useful as a sedative than an anxiolytic and 5mg is equivalent to only a white oval Xanax 'UPJOHN 29' 250mcg tablet - one quarter the strength of a 1mg! I find Xanax much better for anxiety and most certainly as yourself in higher than usual dosage (5mg in my case) for acute attacks. I then use Lysanxia or Lexotan to chill afyer the shock of an attack. However the information you should get over to your ptesumably undereducated or benzophobic doctor is that the anticonvulsant benzo CLONAZEPAM also acts not just as a prophylactic for seizure, but for panic; and it is VERY effective. Since starting (was on 2mg qds now reduced to tds) I have gone from two or three panic episodes per month to only one or two ANNUALLY over the past 8 years. I saud I would say more about generics - Roche withdrew the superb RIVOTRIL (except in one country where it is branded 'Klonopin' & also made in the very strange 1mg strength, whereas worldwide Rivotril is in only 500mcg & 2mg) last year because of that lowest price policy of the NHS - previously I was prescribed by brand - so when able to afford it I get the Roche Switzerland product, which of course is Roche's very best, or the top class Roche-licenced (& far cheaper) Rivotril by Galenika of Serbia rather than the now-ubiauitous Auden McKenzie generic, which has serious bioavailability issues probably caused by excipients used, & the characteristic minty taste can not even be tasted. I need back to 8mg or even 10mg daily when using those.
Personally I would go back to your doctor and explain just how wrong s/he is, how alprazolam & diazepam differ subjectively, and give him/her absolute PELTERS for suggesting a fully blown panic attack can possibly be tackled by such a puny dose of such a puny benzo comparatively. Your daily dosage of benzodiazepine is now precisely one third of what it was when using the Pfizer drug. Stronger my bony ass. Demand a return to Xanax 1mg tds but also an off-label usage of clonazepam (Roche - I know of only one decent generic & that is dispersible CLONOTRIL only found (Torrent Labs) in India) original Rivotril brand, as its efficacy as a preventative for panic attack is wonderful. Use diazepam ONLY as a sedative, dosage required being 20-30mg, not that idiotic 5mg; and for acute panic episodes, which I guarantee will be rare once clonazepam is part of your regimen, consider LORAZEPAM (I prefer Pfizer ex-Wyeth original brand TEMESTA) 2.5mg x 2 or x 3. It is faster acting than either alprazolam or diazepam. I also know of a friend who keeps flunitrazepam (1mg Roche ROHYPNOL & 2mg HYPNOCALM) and finds 3mg sorts out panic attacks very fast indeed - onset twice as quick as lorazepam, which is what hospitals give IV in 4/5mg dose when patients are in full panic mode. Rohypnol is licensed to be prescribed only for sleep so it may be difficult to get a doc to write up 3mg doses when 2mg is the maximum recommended in ANY country, but some decent doctors WILL prescribe on the basis of a patient's previous subjective experience.
The most important thing that comes out of your questioning post is that you are with a doctor who is either uneducated and ignorant, or is blatantly lying to you, & that is a situation demanding complaint to superiors. The wo/man is a fool and unfit to practice if issuing such nonsensical things and suggesting a completely ineffective solution to acute panic, which I have suffered now for 39 years so should know a little of what I'm talking about! Best of luck my friend.
Americans! You all think you have something wrong with you just because you have a little anxiety. It is interesting in parts of the world where life is a bit more harsh, nobody has time to sit around and worry about their anxiety. Give me a break. Nothing but a bunch of whiners. Do you think your grandpa ever acted incapacitated because he was having "a panic attack". No! He picked himself up and got back to work like a human being should. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
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