Switching From Paxil To Viibryd
UpdatedI am switching from Paxil to Viibryd due to weight gain from Paxil. I'm slowly decreasing Paxil while increasing viibryd, (my choice because I'm terrified of withdraw symptoms). I have been on Paxil for 10 years, coming off of it recently and going on Zoloft during pregnancy. I lost a ton of weight when I was on Zoloft, and the second I started Paxil again, I started gaining quickly. I wanted to go back on Paxil because Zoloft just wasn't controlling my anxiety well. So, here I am, on the 20 mg of Viibyrd plus a 5 mg of Paxil a day. Starting 40 mg of viibryd tomorrow and stopping Paxil. I am noticing that if I don't take the viibryd right at 24 hours since the last dose, I am so anxious! It's almost immediate. Does this drug have no half life? Being an anxious, ocd person my whole life, I am so scared of medicine not working. I am your typical "what if" thinker and am so afraid of "losing my mind" That's where all my anxiety stems from. What if I go crazy... Does anyone have any success stories of viibryd controlling panic and switching from Paxil? I guess I'm just looking for reassurance. The anxiety I felt this morning before taking the viibryd made me scared to death it's not gonna work for me.
3 Replies
Hello, Amy! How are you?
It is actually normal for such medications to cause some anxiety as side effects for the first 3 weeks, or so, while your body is getting used to the medication. That coupled with lowering the dose of Paxil has probably intensified it, even more.
The FDA lists other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and headache.
How are you feeling, now? Has there been any change?
Getting a little better each day. Def some GI issues, (diarrhea) but will be totally worth it if my anxiety gets better. Great therapy session today which always helps. Thanks for responding!
Hi I have been on paxil over 10 years and wanted to finally try a different anti depressant. For a couple reasons weight and thevpaxil just wasn't work g no more my depression was worst and not being controlled and I could not lose weight at all
So my doctor gave me viibryd
I started. A couple weeks ago at the 10mg dose I was ok for the first couple days
But now I'm not sure I'm always dizzy
Nauseas and noticed extremely emotional which on paxil I had no emotion
My question is should I have weaned of paxil then started the viibrd? I have been feeling realky sick as well my stomach feels weird as if I was getting my period or pregnant. But only the last week or so.and I don't know I have a lot going on in my life
I also take neurontin for mood disorder and nerve damage 200mg 3x a day
As well as 1/2 of xan at night and a pain med!
Will these effects stop? I know having diarrhea and nausea is common.
And I'm ok with that I just don't like feeling dizzy and sick every day please help