Switching From Loestrin 24 Fe To Minastrin 24 Fe (Page 3)
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Hey Guys!
So I went to the pharmacy to pick up my monthly pack of LoEstrin 24 Fe two weeks ago, only to find out that the makers of LoEstrin 24 Fe discontinued the pills and are replacing it with Minastrin 24 Fe. (I am VERY disappointed to report that I was NEVER notified of the discontinuation, as my reproductive health care is apparently not a priority of my pharmacy or my doctor). My pharmacist says it's the same pill as it is made by the same company and contains the same amount of hormones in it, the only difference is that this pill is chewable. The pharmacist then proceeded to tell me that she would be happy to fill in the prescription for me expect that since she could not get a hold of my doctor to approve the Minastrin, I could not purchase it which caused me to start my pack late. I was supposed start the new pack on a Sunday at 9pm but did not start it until Monday morning at 10:40am when the pharmacist finally got a hold of my doctor (this would put me at taking the pill roughly 13 hours late). I then proceeded to take my normal dosage for Monday night at 9pm. When my boyfriend and I are sexually active we always use condoms and pull out, in addition to taking the pills but since I started my pack late, I'm very worried that my birth control pills aren't effective. I haven't been sexually active at all this month because I'm too nervous about an unplanned pregnancy. The pharmacist told me that as long as I double up on taking two pills on Monday (which is what I did) I should be fine and no additional contraceptive is needed but the nurse at my gyno's office says that the pills won't be effective for two weeks and that during that time I need to use another form of contraception. I don't know who to believe! Does anyone have any insight on this, or has anyone been through something like this while making the switch from LoEstrin 24 Fe to Minastrin 24 Fe? Is there a high possiblity that a pregnancy could occur if I decide to become sexually active this month, as I started the new pill pack late? Thanks for your help!

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I will look into sorbitol but thank you so much because I've been looking high and low for people with either the itching or breathing issue just to confirm. It sucks because I have 4 packs now and 7 more refills which are free with my insurance but I'm so over the symptoms

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I experienced the same in terms of shortness of breath and fast heartbeat. I went off minastrin back in March but just started lomedia three days ago. Hoping it works better. I miss loestrin 24 :( I'm wondering if the inactive ingredient of sorbitol in minastrin has caused our problems?

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I've now been on minastrin 24 fe for 4 months starting my 5th next week and from day one I've had good and bad results. The good, is that from the first pack I've had no spotting and my period come on time and lasts 4 days versus my normal 8 days. Also, it extremely light versus my usual so heavy I need the thickest pad and two so its long enough to cover everything period. The bad is that I've had trouble breathing, especially exhaling for too long and shortness of breath, my heartbeat throughout the day rises past 100bpm and I experience lightheaded ness often. WORST of all constant itching everywhere! From day one, on my head, face, stomach, legs, feet, back, neck, and arms everyday I have new welts and end up turning them to scars with my scratching whereas I've never experienced itching or hives as a side effect on any pill before and so I will be stopping next week :/

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I heard from a pharmacist that they discontinued Loestrin because its patent was expiring and the generic, Lomedia, was coming out in a few months. They launched the patent-protected chewable version, Minastrin, hoping to get all the patients converted to that product before the generic came along and started taking patients away from their brand. LoLoestrin is protected from generic competition for a few more years I think.

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My dr told me that the loloestrin has a lot lower estrogen

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So, color me clueless: Why was it necessary for the Boneheads to discontinue LoEstrin . . . but NOT Lo LoEstrin? I don't get it.

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Hello, ladies! Well, I'm almost 3 months through Lo Loestrin Fe, having switched after being fed up with Minastrin, and so far I am thoroughly pleased. I've noticed that the depression and mood swings I once had, have disappeared, I've not had the painful cramps I once had, the weight I had gained is still slowly falling off and I don't feel the "need" to eat as much, all since I stopped taking Minastrin. It turns out too, that the lightheadedness I had noted a couple of months back, was completely unrelated to switching birth controls, as it was merely an infection that had attacked my middle ear. So, overall I'd say that I'm confident and happy in the choice I made by switching to Lo Loestrin Fe. I realize that not all women will experience the complete dissipation of negative side effects, should they choose to switch to Lo Loestrin Fe, but I am an example that there is a better birth control option that still remains under the Actavis Pharma umbrella. I hope this gives any hope to some of you and that you will consider switching to it. Alas, I still miss Loestrin 24 Fe.

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Yes, please keep us posted. Most everyone has been talking about Ministrin and the terrible side effects. LoMedia is still very new and not a lot of gals know about it or tried. Our vote is still NO for LoMedia and nothing else compares to the LoEstrin so far for us. :-(
I wish you the best of luck!

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Right, so after 8 months now of being on Minastrin, I am finally done and sick of this horrible pill. Like most of you, I switched from my wonderful Loestrin to this seemingly synonymous copycat and have had more problems than this word count will allow! i.e.-bloating, weight gain, acne, low sex drive, tiredness, horrible periods, and even a new onset of depression and anxiety.

It was such a relief to finally sit down and do some research to see that I was not the only one having issues like mine above. So at that point, I got in touch with my doctor and told her to switch me to something else, and after more research I'm going to try LoMedia for a few months and see if the generic of Loestrin will put me back on the right track. Until then, I will let you know how it goes and if my previous horrible side effects finally go away.

I just want to thank all of you for this forum and all these posts that have reassured me that I am not the only crazy one suffering from the bad medical advice that Minastrin is AT ALL the same.

Time to try LoMeida…at this point, anything is better than what I've been doing for the last 8 months! x

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Me too!! I have never ever had acne in my life, and as soon as I switched to Minastrin my face has broken out like crazy! I am looking to switch to something else. Any suggestions?

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I'm on my second pack of Minastrin 24 FE and I haven't experienced any negative side effects yet. My period came on time but it was only spotting that lasted 2-3 days. It was so light I almost didn't realize it was the start of my period! No cramps, which are typical for me due to ovarian cysts. No weight gain yet. I have not been on BC for the last about 8 years and was recently prescribed to reduce the symptoms from the cysts. I am 36. I'll continue using this pill until I notice any symptoms.

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Yes! I just went to my ob today for a yeast infection! They said it was bacterial too. I'm 2 weeks into the pack. I'm on a steroid cream and 2 antibiotics after taking 3 yeast infection pills for the last week.

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I used this chat board to help make my decision to switch birth controls, so I thought I would share my story in order to help someone else.

I was on loestrin 24 fe for 7 years without issue. Great skin, no cramps, and very light and short periods.

My doctor switched me to minastrin about 8-9 months ago. She said it was the same thing, but I don't think it is. I started having horrible cramps and horrible skin. Towards the end I decided to do some research about switching and realized so many other women were having the same troubles I was. I also started developing bad anxiety attacks, which I believe were made worse by minastrin. In total I was on minastrin for about 8 months.

I went to the doctor and asked to be switched to lomedia 24 fe. She told me it wouldn't make a difference because essentially loestrin, minastrin, and lomedia are all the same pill with the same hormones. I told her I didn't find it a coincidence that all of a sudden when I started minastrin that I began all of the issues. She prescribed me to lomedia anyway even though she said it was the same and she suggested I try Yaz. I had researched lomedia and was comfortable switching to that - I have not researched Yaz before and was worried about the infomercials you see.

I have been on lomedia about a month and a half and I love it. Skin is better, I did not have horrible cramps on my period at all. The length was a little longer than loestrin but I'm hoping after a few months it will lessen. I would suggest trying lomedia!

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Also, I was concerned that particles of the pill would get stuck in my teeth while chewing, and I wouldn't be consuming the entire dosage. I do sometimes bite it in half and wash it down with water.
I am not on the pill to prevent pregnancy, so I couldn't careless about its efficacy in that department...My reason is purely hormonal, and I know the pill is doing it's job. I used to have wicked, wicked menstruation pain.
So, that's why I said it's better to make your own decisions based on your research. Ask questions and based on some answers, make your own decisions.. I decided chewing them is optional. Then again, I am not worried about pregnancy :)

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You don't have to chew it. I never do and it's working fine. Do what you're comfortable with, but I rarely chew them, because at the end of the day, it is going to be dissolved whether you chew it or not.
I read that the only reason why they made it a chewable tablet was due to patent reasons. The patent on the previous pill, (I am guessing they are referring to Loestrin 24, hadn't expired, and since Minastrin Fe is pharmacologically identical, they had to make it different some how as to adhere to patent laws so it's not like the same exact thing.

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I experienced all of that. And fainted so I'm no longer on any pill. I'm scared of them. I quit taking them April 15 and have not had a single headache

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I wasn't happy when I found out that Loestrin changed, but I tried it anyway. I do not chew mine, just swallow them like normal. I thought that it didn't really affect me but after reading some comments, I do realize that I always feel bloated, I've gained weight, I get VERY emotional, and I've been getting headaches. Just went to the hospital recently because of blurry vision and numb/tingly hand, arm, and tongue. I was told that this could be caused by my birth control so now I have to switch to an estrogen free contraceptive, which sure doesn't include anything I want to do. I really wish Loestrin had not been changed, I had never had a problem with it and was always happy of having NO side effects. Anyone else experience headaches, blurred vision, or anything?

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I went to a new doctor today. She's helping me treat recurrent yeast infections. I suspect they are related to Minastrin because I've never experienced this before... and nothing else in my life has changed. She's not sure the two are related, however, she said that NO ONE she's talked to has a good reaction to Minastrin and she doesn't recommend it. She doesn't understand why Loestrin was discontinued because it was such a great birth control. She said there are added sugars and dyes in Minastrin that aren't agreeing with people. I recently switched to Lo Loestrin and she thinks that was a great decision. Ladies, switch if you can!

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I am in the middle of my 3rd pack and just discovered it was to be chewed. I have been swallowing them whole like any other pill. I was freaking out. Called pharmacy and dr, they both sd that it can be swallowed just like any other pill. Did any of you swallow them? Just want to make sure I am protected from pregnancy.

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Yes, my daughter started it Jan 15th, the minute it was available. It was soon afterwards that she happened to notice the pak was different, and she started feeling VERY ill. I made a doc appt which didn't help. Doc said to give it a couple of months for her body to adjust. Nope we weren't going to do that when her symptoms were so severe. This NEVER happened with Lo Estrin and she was on it for a long time. This is B.S.

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