Switched From Oxycodone 10mg Pink K56 Pills To Norco (Page 4)
UpdatedDoes norco 5/325 have the same ingredients as the little pink pill k56 which is oxycodone 10mg? My doctor switched me due to the strength. The k56 pills are stronger he said and i needed a weaker pill to be able to work. So he prescribed me the norco. What i'm saying here is that are they the same, but different doses?
Both are narcotics, both are analgesics. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is not a narcotic, nor does it help with inflammation. It does harm the liver. Hydrocodone and oxycodone are different drugs...oxycodone is much stronger. Both can be addictive, both can cause dependency. Which are not the same thing, btw.
Of course I Know Oxycodone and hydrocodone are different drugs...barely, these are first cousin drugs... Challenge you to find a patient who is strongly allergic to hydrocodone but not oxycodone... And is sincerely not just trying to get the preferred more CONTROLLED, till recently oxycodone . Actually in the case of hydrocodone resin complex bitratrate ,I..E.tussionex suspension syrup...drug effective in saving those little air Saks which line the inside of our lungs from permanent or temporary damage caused by an old fashioned whooping, dry, cough, thick neutral in taste, tussionex ,will save a patients life potentially,anyway,there are those who would judge five mg.S ,five ccs of tussionex hydrocodone resin complex as a near equal or slightly even stronger dose then a five mg percodan ,percocet,or tylox pain pills containing 4.56 mg or 5.0 mg.S oxycodone, mamn
What I said was some people can tolerate certain opioid compounds better than they can others. You don't have to look far--I'm one of them. Morphine made me hallucinate, have me hives and generally had a negative effect for post-op pain control. Off morphine and onto dilaudid and demerol, all was well. I also had a horrible reaction to methadone, prescribed for chronic pain. Off methadone and onto lowest dose of Norco, all was well. So I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but it's not making a lot of sense. And telling people they don't have reactions to medications, but really just want stronger drugs is an absurd sweeping generalization, and therefore not useful in the least.
Of course, one could always just read the labels on their medications and determine what the components are...and Google seems to have a lot of info available as well...no need to rely on anecdotal evidence when there are many valid sources of information...and, of course, last resort there are physicians who will also explain the differences in medications, though some are more helpful than others.
PS: I specifically said "reaction" not "strongly allergic." Again, very different scenarios.
On the hydro & oxy meds, what would cause one to come up as the other in a drug panel? I was on hydrocodone about 6-9 months ago, switched me over to oxycodone & oxycontin. For some reason in late October I started having positive results not only for the oxy's but for hydro as well. It's not a lot, but enough to cause me to get fired if I can't come up with some explanation as to why I'm coming up positive. I am not taking any hydrocodone. Don't even have in house. My OTC prilosec was in an old hydrocodone bottle & I do use OTC sinus inhaler. I'm very anxious & confused. I've had 11 surgeries on my right shoulder in less than 10 years and my left one totally replaced. I need these meds to get up in the morning. Any help out there.
If you're an RN you seemed to have gotten through school without learning how to read a prescription bottle. Norco is NOT oxycodone. It is hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Anyone on pain management knows this, or at least he/she should. Making such a bizarre statement then supporting it by saying you're an RN only confirms that you're an uneducated person who's trying to "pass" as someone who actually attended school and learned something. Good grief.
On my very first post, speaking on faulty drug panels, hydro was coming up when I'm not taking any, and haven't for months. I also had an outpatient surgery November 16th, but my pain management doctor's not taking any of this into account. I'm terrified they're going to cut me off of these meds, been on them 10 years now. Is there anybody out there that can help me, got a clue as to what's going on. My primary care doctor said it was just possible that my liver was doing this. I've had 11 surgeries on my right shoulder & my left shoulder totally replaced in less than 10 years, so yes I've been on a lot of opiates. But I'm not an abuser, only take these for my pain, did not take this stuff before I was hurt. In all this time, had a good track record with my pm doctor, now out of the blue my drug panels are coming back positive for hydrocodone which as I stated have not taken for a very long time. Confused does not even begin to say it. Don't mind admitting to anything I've done wrong & take my licks, but I'm in the right here. OTC drugs I take are Prilosec, nose spray, benadryll on occasion. Other than the narcotics I'm also prescribed ativan. I'm about to lose my mind over this. I am not educated in drugs, before I was hurt, was a librarian. So don't claim to have any superior knowledge about any drug. Thank you to anyone who can help. Also just remembered, my mom accidentally put my Prilosec, comes in blister packs & she pops them for me, in an old hydrocodone bottle still had a lot of residue in it. It was around this time started coming back positive, it wasn't a great deal, just enough to register on whatever diagnostic it is they do. Other than this, really do not have a clue what's going on. Sorry to be so long, but I go back this Tuesday & am terrified they're going to let me go, if they do I'll be blackballed by every other doctor in my town/city. Again, thanks.
The most important part of that referenced post is the first part. Your best source for an answer to your question is a chemist, preferably one who works at the lab who processes your samples. Find out the name of the lab and call them. Take pictures on your phone of the labels of all the medications--OTC and prescription--and also any supplements you use. Before you panic, understand that many drugs can cause many false lab results, and physicians are aware of this. My sister's second job is, in fact, dealing with chain of custody results; the first thing she asks folks is, "Are you on any prescription medications or do you use any OTC medications?" Arm yourself with info...I have a feeling you'll be okay. :-)
This thread is one giant joke, right?
I'm beginning to think so. Also the responses are all mixed up-can't tell who's responding to what.
Lisa, I am not an RN but I AM an LPN and I have to totally agree with P450, Norco has NEVER had oxycodone as an ingredient. It has ALWAYS been made with hydrocodone, and the brand name Norco meant it contained less Tylenol for those who needed to watch their Tylenol intake. Such as a diabetic or someone with liver problems.
Come on America....the rats are winning the rat race...We need a Confederate Brigade of Cats to charge now and stem the drug prohibition era momenthem. Let's model on 1972...richest time in America...no D.E.A. yet, just the B.N.D.D....Bureau of narcotics....and dangerous drugs....note they don't say narcotics are dangerous drugs...and they really are not ....the problem is need for uniform dosing and seeming goofballs as the culpret...not opium drugs... And big city drug counselor will tell you that 98% of opiate drug overdoses result only when the patient mixes goofballs with opiates....the safest opium is tussionex and hycodan taken alone in generous ,not wasteful dosage...but apparently when you mix benzos and methadone or oxycontin the hospital admit rate soars up 98%.....lets demand less terror of drug laws from our govt...more commonsense.. Prior to now these youthful offenders one could get opiates by phoning a free enterprise worshiping ANTI COMMUNIST Pharmacy.. saying ...doctors office Pharmacist please...then politely and smartly ordering six or eight ounces of tussionex or hycodan in a town like SEATTLE or New Orleans...or even Hattiesburg Mississippi occasionally...God Bless Jesus General LEE And poppystraw opiates as schedule three drugs you could phone into ANTI COMMUNIST pre Obama's pharmacies.
It sound's to me as if Lynette is just someone who has nothing in life better to do then to complain about nothing. Or as they say " Make a mountain out of a Mole Hill." I mean really it's not as if it's HIEROGLYPHICS its just as they said Typo's. If you are lacking the ability to decipher the grammer then just do as an intelligent human being would do, which is clearly move on to the next thread. So how about this as a simple solution find a new hobby like "Checkers" or make legitimate complaints worthy of the discussion. And if needed i can surely prescribe you some Cheese to go along with that Whine. No need for thank's. Your Welcome.
You really must have some deep seated problem of trying to correct the world or is it just chronic boredom?
Not a joke, a bit satirical...recalling a time when really strong drugs were available from doctors who once made so much money and were taxed so high that they almost fought over indigent poor patients to pro bono down that 70% tax bracket with tax deductions....I know from hearing Dr Arthur, Vivian's..husband talks about it on Maude TV Show..... General Jubal Early was General Lee's Commander of the LA. Tigers Brigade, csa.
OK quick question, my friend was in a bad car wreck a couple of years ago and they have 2 inverted herniated disc and has severe migraines. They get inj's. 3 times a month in the neck and also chances of paralyzation due to the 2 inverted discs, one in the neck and one in the lower back. They are prescribed Percocet 10 milligrams and they are afraid to take a k56 10 milligram oxycodone cuz they will fail their drug panel when they go to the doctor, because they are supposed to be taking Percocet tens. Will they fail for that? Sorry this is so long. I'm trying to find answer for my friend to relieve her pain without her getting in trouble.
No it's not Norco is hydrocodone that's what I am on lortab 10 mg is norcos that's what the bottle says so lord help where U nurse at
oxycodone is also an opiate Norco is hydrocodone oxycodone is a little stronger to begin with. Oxycodone 10 therefore is twice the strength of the Norco 5 the doctor for some reason maybe wanting to lower the dose of the opiate.
Lol!!!!! I know right! Sh#@ gets frustrating as a MF! CANT figure out WHAT they are TRYING to say!!
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