Switched From Oxycodone 10mg Pink K56 Pills To Norco
UpdatedDoes norco 5/325 have the same ingredients as the little pink pill k56 which is oxycodone 10mg? My doctor switched me due to the strength. The k56 pills are stronger he said and i needed a weaker pill to be able to work. So he prescribed me the norco. What i'm saying here is that are they the same, but different doses?
No, they are not the same.
The Norco contains the narcotic Hydrocodone coupled with Acetaminophen. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
KvK Bio Tech is the pharmaceutical company that make the drug.
No they are two diff type of narcotics as well as pills norco is hydrocodone and tylenol is the 325mg the 5/325 is 5mg of hydrocodone as many people are different most say hydrocodone is weaker n does not help depending on the pain level but the K56 oxycodone is much stronger as it contains only the narcotic oxycodone. Hope this helps.
No thare not the same you doctor should have took you to the 5mg oxicodones with no acciptiminophine norco is hydrocodone with apap your little pink pills were oxicodone 10mg oxicodone and hydrocodone have almost the same potentcy 30mg oxicodone = to 29mg hydrocodone = 60 morphine = to 12 hydromorphone = to 20 oximorphone = to 600mcg fyntynal these are all oral convertions remember bioavalibility changes with rought of administration
First of all, learn how to write!
(Punctuation, spelling etc....)
Damn! Can't tell WHAT you're trying to say....
F*** realy you cant cant just figure it out its not that hard
I agree there. Sounds like you're doc is that man Artha Franklin and JFK made famous — "DOCTOR FEELGOOD". This is irresponsible prescribing and God help him if he worked for me. You don't even mention why he's taken this quantum leap into poxy-land. I'm an MD (psychiatrist with five sub-specialist) and PhD in Pharmacology. I had undiagnosable, implacable migraine-type headaches for about six years. And I had the best docs on Long Island and NYC poking around. Since I had to work, see treated the pain with Percocet 10/325 Average 6 tabs daily) and the lassitude with Adrenal 3omg IR (Sandoz) or Ritalin 20-40mg BID This wasn't for fun, believe me. Eventually we figured out out, but it took about 150 years of experience and 15 graduate degrees at work on the same patient. Enrich hydro to stop the pain made me nauseous and some days, had to say home, cancel office hours or hospital rounds and take a couple of Percocet 10s and 50mg of Thorazine so I could keep them down. I feel you, but this is just not a tactic that spells anything except selling scripts and selling pills. I know some legit docs who would have charged a couple of hundred bucks for a month's supply of these legal scripts. (Also, Klonopin for anxiety; great pain is the first cousin of great anxiety). My colleagues charged me nothing — professional courtesy reciprocated.
Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
Derek-Norco is Oxycodone, NOT hydrocodone. I'm an R.N. and know this for a fact.
You absolutely right! At ne time, I suffered from very severe headaches — take Valium 5, 2 x Percocet 10/325 and 25mg of Thorazine and turn off all the lights bad. I found myself with MO Perocet, sl I called a colleague. I called the pharmacy first to make sure they had it (or maybe plain generic Roxy) and was reassured. The Rx gets delivered and the i**** pharmacist filled in with Hydro 10h/APAP 650. I sent him back, called my friend and he said, "Didn't I just phone in a script for oxycodone for you?" "You did. They filled it with Hydrocodone 10/APA 650. I know we can't return it, but I don't think he'll be cooperative if we don't offer him a hard copy for the mistake. He did, we did and the pharmacist said since Dr. Glenn doesn't mind, he'll take back the Hydrocodone! And these people have licenses to practice?
It helps if post are written clearly with correct spelling and punctuation.
It is a waste of time trying to "figure out" someone's post with many mispelled words.
I found the lady's posts to be clear and straightforward. If you'e complaining about my posts, consider that I type faster than most keyboards can process . I know my spelling is better than your because Cornell University's School of Medicine, et al, doesn't accept doctoral dissertations from illiterates. What you are seeing are TYPOS and this you will note there is NO EDITING OPTION.
And you're point is? You should be ab;e to read through most misspellings if you are of at east average intelligence. I've been published in a dozen Peer-Reviewed medical journals and done editorial work on dozens of articles and treatises ultimately published in similar journals. If this primitive GUI could not be configured to permit EDITS, errors caused by quick typing could be caught and fixed. To say nothing of an AUTO-CORRECT feature that some 5th graders must have created for a Technology project? What is this REALLY about? Your subtext is dripping undeserved venom — and I really don't care what's going on in your unconscious and I concede the graduate faculties of Harvard and Cornell are better judges of the quality of my command of the English language than you are.
Norco is hydrocodone with apap. Percocet would be oxicodone witb apap
Posters just so you know thorazine is a neuroleptic and most recent scientific journals will show that these drugs formerly mixed with opioids decrease the pain killing benefit of the opioid.
Hydrocodone does work better for some pain clients; it reverts as old school codiene to morphine in the liver.
Oxycodone again works better for some clients then hydrocodone. They are both class 2's now so physicians will not revert one for the other due to the new FDA 120 mg. equivalent rule affecting some of us with IP (intractable pain) that can kill which mine can.
Seeking a new PM in Texas or Louisiana my high level research specialist in California released 30 of the out of state clients due to new regulations. If you voted for Odumma you asked for the pain we all have now..
Lisa I am a RN you are wrong totally wrong.
NORCO is and always has been hydrocodone and I have a 4 year degree and am a published researcher.
I have an MD and a PhD in Pharmacology, about six sub-specialty certs in PSY and I can absolutely back up my esteemed RN colleague's statements. I've been first author, principal investigator and also checked research on dozens upon dozens of articles published in medical journals.
We'd be a lot of fun on a Research Team, my friend! Clearly, you have a high level of knowledge, not just " I heard it from a friend who heard about this doctor who prescribed these pills..."
Dr.J just letting the two year R.N. (dot dot) that I have a BS in Nursing which is higher then BSN more scientific preparation; also minus my injury was accepted into medical and legal school but my pain which has spread (brain inflammation) and now progressed to Central Pain Syndrome has left me in a position where it won't go.
Are you practicing pain management?
I along with 30 others (out of state) lost the famous Dr. F. Tennant out in California et al. new California regulations which hit the visitors from out of state more hardcore. I am an ultra rapid opioid metabolizer the 3% that are come from northern European background and happen to be female.
Thanks for the kind words!
Most Recent Replies:
Re: P450 (# 16)
Lisa’s message is scary. Is she is an RN? She cheated her way through school. I am not a nurse just a medical transcriptionist and I know better than that.
Re: Lisa (# 9)
Hydrocodone is NOT oxycodone two different meds and I pray you are not a nurse!
Re: fern (# 2)
The 'KVK' marking is the pharmaceutical manufacturer which is located in Bucks County Pa. I have received them for the 2nd month straight now from Walgreens Pharmacy. In my opinion they are terrible and if any relief is there it is VERY minimal. I have had numerous surgical procedures on both my lower back and cervical. I have had chronic pain for 10 yrs. now and need a dependable pain relief to live a quality of life. I am also prescribed Oxymorphone 20mg. S.R. 2x daily by Impax. They are the only meds. I can now rely on. I understand that KVK 10mg. Oxycodone is also available online and not fond of this idea. The pharmacies are now purchasing the cheapest pills available to them without consideration to the patients needs. Just another greed among the big Pharma industry that is only bound to get alot worse.
* Note * I had been receiving the 10mg I.R.Oxycodone from the manufacturer Actavis prior to this, very disappointed with the change. Actavis worked very well for 10 yrs. on controlling my pain level. Now I'm stuck with junk!
Re: P450 (# 16)
Guess I'm the only dummy that came to this chat. Now I know why!!!
Re: Lisa (# 9)
You shouldn't be an R.N. if you don't understand what you're giving your patients. You have it backwards...but I'm sure you'll figure that out as soon as somebody with an allergy to one or the other is misinformed by you.
Re: Maxundergroundchem (# 5)
Geez, unable to read your post due to spelling things wong. I know U are trying to be helpful but it was not written in a way that was easy to understand.
Did you really just compare 600mcg of fentanyl to 20 mg of oxymorphone? 600 mcg of fentanyl will kill you. I am extremely familiar with ALL pain medications unfortunately as my husband lives his life in severe pain and I look up, research and ask questions about everything he takes to avoid potential side effects or interactions. He has been on everything from tylenol 3 (when the pain was just starting) to hydrocodone (Lorcet 10), then oxycodone (percocet 10). After 10 years of pain and multiple surgeries, he's tried hydromorphone (dilaudid) and oxymorphone (opana). Those didn't work, so they tried oxycontin which is extended release oxycodone but higher doses because it takes longer to dissolve and is released throughout a longer period. That didn't work either so they put him on 1 JUST ONE 100 mcg fentanyl patch that you put on your skin and oxycodone 15 for breakthrough pain. That one patch was for 3 days. Sometimes if he got too hot and his skin would heat up, it would make the patch stronger and he would get pale and dizzy. So what I'm saying is that after all that medicine, he has a very high tolerance and those things were no joke. I hope to God someone didn't read that post and think that they could take 600mcg of fentanyl and live.
I believe it's probably the brand. .. Not positive not a pharmacist
You explained your self very clearly. Thank you for helping. I
His doctor is prescribing responsibly if he's being treated for a situation involving temporary (as opposed to chronic) pain.
Much of the opioid crises we're experiencing now in the US with opioid pill addiction is because physicians don't taper their patients off strong narcotics gradually.
Your experience is unique because of your position and because your colleagues prefer to believe your peers (and therefore you) are of stronger constitution and won't get hooked. (Which is a factor in the current epidemic as well: the fact that even doctors see addiction as a weakness in thought and will power.)
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