Swelling In Legs And Feet Levothyroxine (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I just started taking Levothyroxine 2 wks ago my legs and feet are swollen so bad by nite I can barley walk. They go down a little at nite but swell back. I am taking 25mcg and I am afraid to continue taking this med. Has any one else had this problem?

138 Replies (7 Pages)

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Be sure you are paying attention to salt intake when you experience leg swelling and also frequency of alcohol intake. These can partially contribute to leg swelling.

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When I was 26 I had a partial thyroid removal which was caused by an adenoma snd eventually I had the radioactive treatment as the level became three times normal and did not take thyroid hormone and was headed toward a coma. A myxedema coma and had to quick get on thyroid med. This type coma is usually fatal
Now I am having adverse reaction to thyroid med. Swollen feet and ankles and red like color which is also causing my lower legs to be enlarged and swollen.


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My swelling goes from bad to worse and today its worse with red skin and tight skin over lower part of legs. My walking is a chore and if I skip the thyroid med I am life less. I believe the med is made in a foreign country and I think I should get off generic and use synthroid at least.

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I am now taking thyroid med at night to see any improvement.

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My left ankle is very swollen and the right one not as bad. Today I bought some. Folic Acid as I had been told to take it for arthritis but have not used it for a year.. I am taking my thyroid med at night. Yesterday I could hardly get up off a chair as due to swelling in legs and feet so I used Aleve which stopped the awful pain as my feet hurt to walk. I Am still on levothyroxine?

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I had lymph nodes removed on my left area of left breast and a lumpectomy and I think that may be a partial reason my left ankle is worse than the right with more swelling but I attribute most of leg and ankle swelling to levothyroxine.

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With all of this I have a nodule related to my thyroid and I can feel it just lately I believe. I is located on the left side but higher


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I am now using synthroid, can't say a great improvement.

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Did they decrease your dosage or increase it?

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I have the same only not as bad - my doctor said it was my high blood pressure medicine - I'm calling her tomorrow

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See if you can get changed to either bioidentical thyroid med or a dessicated product. Synthroid is only T4 and doesn't work for everyone. Many need the T4 and T3 found in both the dessicated and bioidentical products.

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i am on Levothyroxin 175 mcg my feet and ankles are so swallen and sore and gross looking have no shoes that fit cause my feet are so hughly swallen i no its the thyriod med cause thats when it started

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Hey there and yes, I have the same problem and then every medication I take or has been added makes the swelling even worse.
What it eventually does over time and this is with the addition of other meds too, is kill off the smallest of blood vessels, veins, etc. Then with the addition of the other meds you can get diabetes, which then help to cause worse pains, and nerve pains in the legs and feet. I have been battling RA, rheumatoid arthritis now for 13 yrs and I am 55 :/ Was not a lot of meds at first, but then I had to take steroids been mostly on them for the entire time as most RA meds do not work on me. So blood pressure gets high, sugar diabetes starts to kick in bit by bit, and all sorts of other side effects that end up causing another chronic disease or illness. I am not sure now if I did the right thing ever taking RA meds of any kind, or ever got started on them. But when you are screaming in all over body pain in your bed and you have to have relief you will end up going to the hospital and getting an IV of steroids and then pills, and then once you have had the relieft from the pain you want to stay on the steroids. Medications are not fixing anything, just temporarily relieving the illness IF you are lucky. I know there are natural things to take for the thyroid that everyone raves about from just the health food store or GNC I believe. They talk about it here in these threads. Best of luck to you honey.

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I use Thyro-Gold a prescription free Thyroid Glandular that contains T1,2,3 and 4 annd also helps for fybromyalgia. Be aware should you have cortisol issues related to an adrenal problem you may then also experience swelling. Each of our bodies react differently. It also depends on the condition of our pituitary and hypothalamus glands. I also take 25 mcg of Levo together with the 150 mg Thyro_Gold.

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This Medicine is the one I hear so many taking for the thyroid and its over the counter at Health food stores right, or vitamin stores?

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Yes I do have same symptoms fro past 3 months, any solution for this,
I only realsed after taking this for 3 months

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I've been having this issue since I stopped taking the brand name Levoxyl and switched to the generic Levothyroxin. Today I deliberately delayed my medication, which I normally take in the morning, because my legs were doing pretty good. Within an hour of taking the pill, I began to notice the horrible water retention starting and now it's making it difficult to bend at the ankles. This has been going on for quite some time. I think I have stumbled on my answer, though.

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I am also got the same problem, what is the solution.

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Where are the nodules located that are hard. That happened to me (with pain and soreness in the mouth and under the chin) for years and my dentist alarmed me to follow up with ent doctors which they found nothing,but several years later I continued to complain to my family doctor about it several times and this last testing in 10/2015, showed cancer had started in my thyroid. I had the thyroid removed and the surgeon said when it is hard most of the time it is likely that it is cancer in the thyroid..

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I posted my experiences similar, with levothyroxin but now I wonder. I just had a quadrupal bypass

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