Swelling In Legs And Feet Levothyroxine (Page 4)
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I just started taking Levothyroxine 2 wks ago my legs and feet are swollen so bad by nite I can barley walk. They go down a little at nite but swell back. I am taking 25mcg and I am afraid to continue taking this med. Has any one else had this problem?

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You sound like me. I am insisting on hormone testing before I make any decisions on medication and have also switched doctors for a new opinion. I strongly believe in a healthy diet and exercise and sometimes it just isn't enough. What a mess. If I find out anything new I'll get back to you. In the meantime, drink two cups a day of homemade tea made of fresh ginger and turmeric which helps reduce swelling.

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I just started taking levothyroxine a couple weeks ago. Now my feet and legs are swelling and are painful. My joints hurt. It hurts to walk around, or do pretty much anything. It's the worst in my left leg. By the end of the day my shoes are so tight I can't stand to wear them. I'm only on 50mcgs. This is the only new medication. The only other ones I take are for my asthma and I've Bern on those for years. I'm only 33. I'm afraid to stop taking it because of how low my thyroid was when I was tested, but I can't function properly to work or take care of my family. Don't know what to do.

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i recently within 6 days after taking levothyroxine .25 mg had my legs swell up like elephant trunks i will be contacting my endocrinologist in the am /i thank you for sharing your experiences on line because it was right on the money!

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I am on levothyroxine 50mg. Been on it for 4 weeks and now find my feet and ankles are swelling like melons. Looks horrid. Does anyone know if you stop taking medication if the swelling goes.

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I feel like your post was written by me!! I have same thing! Legs swelling twice their size, feet and ankles. Neuropathy in my feet so bad I can hardly walk. I also take levothyroxine.for years. My legs n swelling have progressively gotten worse. Don't know what to do. Can't go on like this!

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Yes! I'm on 112 mcg and it's very painful

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I posted my experiences similar, with levothyroxin but now I wonder. I just had a quadrupal bypass

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Where are the nodules located that are hard. That happened to me (with pain and soreness in the mouth and under the chin) for years and my dentist alarmed me to follow up with ent doctors which they found nothing,but several years later I continued to complain to my family doctor about it several times and this last testing in 10/2015, showed cancer had started in my thyroid. I had the thyroid removed and the surgeon said when it is hard most of the time it is likely that it is cancer in the thyroid..

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I am also got the same problem, what is the solution.

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I've been having this issue since I stopped taking the brand name Levoxyl and switched to the generic Levothyroxin. Today I deliberately delayed my medication, which I normally take in the morning, because my legs were doing pretty good. Within an hour of taking the pill, I began to notice the horrible water retention starting and now it's making it difficult to bend at the ankles. This has been going on for quite some time. I think I have stumbled on my answer, though.

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Yes I do have same symptoms fro past 3 months, any solution for this,
I only realsed after taking this for 3 months

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I have been treated for hypothyroid for 20 years. Been on 200 mcg for last 3 years. This last year I have been hurting and finally realized I have been swelling all over. Finally seen in hands arms and feet. Becoming stiff hurt to move but hurt to be in bed. I have just quit taking levothyroxin 3 days ago. I am feeling better. Not as swollen. Now what to do about thyroid. Cause now I am tried and cold. But better than swollen. Also my hands where got from swelling they crack 3rd and peeled. Really hurt. That is slowing healing.

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This Medicine is the one I hear so many taking for the thyroid and its over the counter at Health food stores right, or vitamin stores?

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I use Thyro-Gold a prescription free Thyroid Glandular that contains T1,2,3 and 4 annd also helps for fybromyalgia. Be aware should you have cortisol issues related to an adrenal problem you may then also experience swelling. Each of our bodies react differently. It also depends on the condition of our pituitary and hypothalamus glands. I also take 25 mcg of Levo together with the 150 mg Thyro_Gold.

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Was on levo for 6 months gained 30 pounds hair fell out have no eye brows and worse yet heart skipping beats switched to armour lost weight hair not falling out and heart back to normal. My pharmacy told me they get a lot of complaints on levo. Get off it. It is dangerous!

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Too low a dose can also cause swelling ass it cause a negative effect. Adrenals could also be affected causing swelling. Try taking a pinch of sea salt in water after taking Levothyroxine important thing stay hydrated and keeping electrolytes balanced. 25 mcg is a very low dose. 50 mcg is a. recommend. starting dose uping the dose to 75 mcg after 2 weeks. Staying on that dose for 8 weeks and retesting to see how dose. needs to be adjusted.

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Hey there and yes, I have the same problem and then every medication I take or has been added makes the swelling even worse.
What it eventually does over time and this is with the addition of other meds too, is kill off the smallest of blood vessels, veins, etc. Then with the addition of the other meds you can get diabetes, which then help to cause worse pains, and nerve pains in the legs and feet. I have been battling RA, rheumatoid arthritis now for 13 yrs and I am 55 :/ Was not a lot of meds at first, but then I had to take steroids been mostly on them for the entire time as most RA meds do not work on me. So blood pressure gets high, sugar diabetes starts to kick in bit by bit, and all sorts of other side effects that end up causing another chronic disease or illness. I am not sure now if I did the right thing ever taking RA meds of any kind, or ever got started on them. But when you are screaming in all over body pain in your bed and you have to have relief you will end up going to the hospital and getting an IV of steroids and then pills, and then once you have had the relieft from the pain you want to stay on the steroids. Medications are not fixing anything, just temporarily relieving the illness IF you are lucky. I know there are natural things to take for the thyroid that everyone raves about from just the health food store or GNC I believe. They talk about it here in these threads. Best of luck to you honey.

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The next time I go to doctor I am going to inquire about T3

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I had the same problem in the past to the pint that I couldn't walk, or lift my leg, or climb the stairs. It got so bad that I quit taking it all together. It got back to normal after a while.
A new doctor put me on meds again few days ago. And the same problem started to happen again.

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I. also had a case of preorbital cellulitis and my face was swollen upnto my hair line and developed scabs and now I'm waiting for red marks to fade. Had to go to emergency rm and was given clindamycin and had a fever.

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