Swelling Lower Legs


Lately I've noticed swelling on the sides of both lower shins. I have numbness in the right foot (Big Toe.. the upper tip) only. I also noticed that there is indentations around the top of my (to the ankle)sport socks. I exercise daily but have never had this problem before. I am a 58 yr. old female. Wt. 96lbs. 5'1" with rheumatoid arthritis......Thanks for any info. P.S. I have taken Humira, Methotrexate,Armor Thyroid, Nasacort Nasal Spray for a few years without a problem.

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I am taking Oxycodone W/APAP 5/325 Tab I have experience swelling in my feet and ankles

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Have either one of you contacted your doctors, yet?

The swelling could be a sign of edema, which can lead to serious health problems, such as congestive heart failure. It may be caused by the mentioned medications, or it may be unrelated, but it is very important that you discuss it with your respective doctors to discover the problem.


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