Suprep Reviews (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Has anyone used the new SUPREP kit before a colonoscopy?

Would like any comments about taste, ease or side effects.


754 Replies (38 Pages)

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ugh, gag, I dont think I can get the second one down. had lot's of bms, probably empty.

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Getting ready to leave for my colonoscopy and endoscopy. I read all of these posts before I started the Suprep. The mixed it with Sprite, but it was still unpleasant. It kind of smelled like cough syrup, but sure didn't taste like it. Bitter and salty pretty well sums it up. With the first half, I tried just gulping it down, but didn't get far before gagging. So I tried a straw, which wasn't much better. The second dose, I tried holding my nose when I gulped and that's the way I'd do it if I ever have to do this again.Holding the nose did help some and I gt it all down in 2 tries. I took the first dose at 1:30 in the afternoon and the second dose at 10:30 PM. I wanted to make sure that I was done before my morning appointment. The last trip to the bathroom was 6:15 AM and my appointment is at 8:30 AM. I had no discomforts other than needing to go quickly at times. I ate normally, even had a light breakfast the morning before, and had no cramping or pain of any kind. I did as others suggested and used aloe TP, wipes and vaseline and I'm sure that helped a lot. Drinking the Suprep was the worst part for me, but I've had to drink worse.

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I'm an hour and a half in. I chugged it quickly from a water bottle. I found it easier to chug and not smell that way. I chugged it as fast as I could with apple juice chasers. Got it down in about 5 minutes. I immediately felt nauseaus and was shaking uncontrollably. I had my first BM about 15 minutes later, and with each pass I felt better. I had about 5-6 BMs and now they seem to come every 15 minutes or so. I really wish there was only one dose to this! It seems like I'm already clean and am so tempted not to take the other.

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This stuff is not that bad. I started reading this forum a day before I needed to use it. I found several helpful hints, but more than that, I found that either I'm in the unusual 5% that found this easy, or there's just a lot of whiney people out there.
This all comes down to common sense [in my opinion.] If you follow your doctor's advice on the diet plan, that being NO fiber starting 4 days before, and ALL liquid the whole day before, then this shouldn't be a rough course. The worst part of the whole thing for me was being hungry (oddly, now that I'm all cleaned out, I'm not as hungry...)
So here's my advice:
1. Do the diet right - No fiber starting 4 days out. The 'net will give you plenty of advice on what you can eat.
2. Stay hydrated - Gatorade is a great idea for keeping your electrolytes up. If you start the extra hydration when you start the diet, the end will be much easier. And don't forget - STOP the alcohol for a while. (Alcohol pulls the hydration from you, which isn't very helpful for this procedure.)
3. For taking the prep, mix it with something besides water. I used de-fizzed Sierra Mist and that wasn't very unpleasant at all. I also used a straw - but I think I like the idea someone else had about using a 16 water bottle. This would be good for people who may not like the odor (which is almost non-existent.) Make sure to drink the water (32oz) afterward!
4. Stay near the toilet, because if you've followed these tips, things are going to happen soon. Good Luck

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Just wanted to follow up on my Colonoscopy procedure using Suprep on 4/11. I was nervous because I had no results for 12 hours. I had bloating and abdominal discomfort for 6+ hours, which made it impossible to get any sleep. At 5 am I began to get the 2nd dose ready, and right before I took it I had results, that lasted almost 2 hours, on and off. I took the second dose as well. My appt was for 10:30 but got to the hospital around 9:30. The doctor found a polyp and removed it. He said the quality of the prep was good. The good thing about Suprep is no vomiting. It does taste nasty though, but you take less of it than other preps. I have to have another test in 3 years, so hopefully by then they will have come up with an even better prep.

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Just an observation, but the men seem to be having an easier time with might be related to body mass/weight, in regards to the amount of liquid ingested. Just a thought.

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Recommendation: Do not chill the prep. Use tap water and you'll avoid the chills part. Also, you all stress yourselves out before doing the prep. No wonder it's traumatic. You've psyched yourself into thinking you're going to suffer. It's not that dire. You WILL feel bloated after drinking 48 Oz of fluid. That's a given. It's helping your system flush itself. You won't be bloated long. Good luck to all who take the Suprep. My last prep was a non-event. It helps that I've done them before. Just be thankful you didn't have to drink a gallon of GoLytely.

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Because this forum was such a huge help for me, I wanted to share my own experience. I followed a lot of the helpful hints on this website. I used a straw to drink the prep and had an iced tea chaser ready in between each drink. After the first drink, I thought it was pretty tolerable, but after about the third drink, I was ready to throw up. I found it was better to do about three quick drinks (with chasers in between each) and then walk outside for some fresh air, take a 2-3 minute break, then repeat.

It took about 2.5hours for the prep to start working. I was getting really nervous that it wasn't going to work at all. I found that it worked better when I finally decided to get out of bed and walk around, so I just did some chores around the house to keep things moving. Because the first took so long to work, I started my 2nd dose an hour earlier than my dr. said. But the 2nd dose started immediately.

I did have the chills that many people mentioned - so be prepared for that.

Also, the Charmin wipes were a life saver - use those, too!

All in all, though the drink was terrible and hard to get down, the actual prep was not too bad.

Good luck!

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I just had a colonoscopy yesterday. The day before was my prep day. I was nervous about doing the prep which was supposed to be done at 5 pm then 11pm. My main concern was not the taste of the suprep but I was wondering how long it would take to work, was it going to give me cramps or make me nauseous. During the day I ate chicken soup broth only because I was hungry and drank during the day water, juice...At 3 o'clock I decided to do the prep.I mixed the suprep with water and used a straw. I drank it down pretty quickly and must say the taste was not good ,however it was over so quickly.I followed to 16 ounce bottles of water within the hour. It only took 10 min before it kicked in.No pain what's so ever.Truly no big deal.I took the second at 9. It was harder the second time. Ended up only drinking half. My bowel movement was perfectly clear after the first dose so I knew I would be fine. It gives you a very full feeling but passes quickly. All in all THIS WAS NOT A BAD EXPERIENCE AT ALL! Colonoscopy went great....Please don't worry. I'm a nervous Nellie and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again in five years!

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I used the Suprep kit just yesterday. I believe the hardest part was drinking down the cup full if clear strange tasting gunk and then 2 more full 16 ounces if water in an hour. First dose was at 4:00pm. First run to the bathroom was in about 13 minutes. Spent most of the rest of the day in & out of there. Kept hydrated drinking Propel water & Gatorade. Only side affect i got was a flash of nausea and sudden freezing shakes. Both passed quite Quickly. Second dose. 2:30 am. I.did the same thing. Just chugged the glass of suprep water mix & drank my 2 more jugs of water. Did get chills & a little nausea. Biggest thing that helped me was for three days before I ate light. Absolutely no beef & hard to digest stuff. Arrived at med center at 7:15 am. Was being wheeled out of there at 10 am. No polyps no problems at all. See you in 10 years. Much much easier than I thought. Just remember to read instructions. No seeds or popcorn no red dyes no tomatoes. If you have worries or concerns I hope I helped ease your mind. It was my first & I'm glad I did it.

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It's just important to get your mind in the right place. Just gulp it down like your life depends on it. After the test is done you will know it was worth it. I hated the taste too. But I knew if I didn't do it I wouldn't know if there was problem. Do it for YOU!!!

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This is the 3rd time in 15 months that I have had to have a colonoscopy because I had a large polyp initially, something residual for event 2 and hopefully there is nothing this time.

First time using Suprep and although I gagged a bit getting it down and didn't look for online help until I downed that and all the water, I am preferring this over the Miralax where you have tablets and a gallon of prep solution.

Of course tomorrow morning at 4:45 am when I have to do this a 2nd time, I might not be in this good a mood.

I think it is important to:
#1 use a straw
#2 take smal sips followed by a couple of swallows of water
#3 listen to music or some kind of talk on a subject you are passionate about to distract yourself.

I had been doing a steady stream today of water, herbal mint tea with sweetner, jello, low sodium chicken broth. i think that helped.

I also used two sports bottles clearly marked with amounts which I brought to the table as I downed the Suprep. That way I knew I was getting the right amount of water.

I am also glad to know from a comment here why it is important to down the 2nd bottle of Suprep -- has to do with enzymes you need to clear and that has to be done just before the procedure. Anyway thanks for all this support.

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I was so nervous about the Suprep. My last colonoscopy was 5 years ago with Golytly (spelling?). Just looking at the gallon size container gave me chills. Go-lightly really has the wrong name. Go-Screaming or Go-Oh-No seems better. I started at 5 PM. I found that mixing the Suprep with cool tap water helped SLIGHTLY with the taste. What helped was not chugging the whole cup at once. I drank it quickly but paused a few times. Yup, it's awful. I drank the 2 16oz cups of water mixed with Crystal Light. I spaced them out over the next hour. Felt OK enough to sleep at 11. No nausea or chills. Headache, but manageable. Up again at 5 AM to finish second half. What REALLY helped while drinking all this stuff was playing music, lighting candles and best of all, shopping on the internet. Make use of the down time. Once you drink all the stuff and are waiting, do some shopping. Or research something. Nobody likes this prep, but nobody wants colon cancer.

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I"m reading the responses, and although it's been a few weeks since I did this, I still cringe thinking about this horrid prep. For anyone who can tolerate this or even thinks it's not so unbearable, well, you deserve a medal in my opinion. I cannot imagine getting through this prep without major discomfort. I"m actually wondering if some of the positive posts are actually people who work for Suprep?? ; )

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THIS TRICK IS THE BEST! Put liquid Anbesol (used for numbing tooth and gum pain) on a Q-Tip and wipe it all over your tongue (make sure to get the back and sides). It numbs your tongue and taste buds for about 15-30 minutes, allowing you to drink the Suprep tasting very little.

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2nd prep was not as easy in the morning. It took three big swigs to get down. First two swigs where fine and third was mind over matter. I apologize for any grammatical errors made in relating my experience. You might understand I may not have had time to check for mistakes lest a bigger one happen. To sum up. Anbesol beforehand. A few days of drinking lots of water got my mind prepared. Tap water running for 40 secs before. I did this and came out well from the experience. I wish whatever you choose that your experience goes smoothly.

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Followed suit from Steve - Anbesol does dull the taste - not completely or for very long So drink fast! I'm on the younger side/25, my first with any of this regular check up business. Ate normally through the week. The day of prep: I had plain yogurt/honey for breakfast and broth for lunch and nothing after that. First dose at 5 PM, Q-tipped tongue with anbesol, mixed solution with sprite, downed it. Took 15-20 to kick in, i was at the toilet until 7:30/8 PM. Second dose 5:45 AM, the last third of the solution took me 2 tries. Same anbesol and sprite (a little ginger ale for the last third). Toilet until 7:00, it was finally clear!! It got really yellow and then just clear. Was really afraid I wasn't going to be clear for my appointment at 11. No side effects. Just drinking the thing made me want to vom a little bit.Tolerable. Fingers crossed that the colonoscopy goes well. Can't wait to eat! Good luck to everyone on this journey! Wishing you all the best of health.

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I took suprep this past thursday 4/9/2015 . It tasted horrible very bitter. they allowed me to mix it w/half water and half juice. even that didn't help. It took 2 & 1/2 jhours to start working. took at 7pm started at 9:30 pm. I was going till 12:30 am. Got a light 1 hr nap before I had to take the second dose at 1am. It finally stopped at 5:30 am. Was able to get the colonoscopy . the following day the cramps and diarrhea started again. Not sure when it will stop. I not only would never ever use this product again I am filing an adverse reaction report w/ the FDA. When I told the Dr about it he said oh you didn't need to use suprep you could have used golyghtly like you did before. I wish his nurse had indicated I had options. I had no problems before. I would not recommend this product to anyone. If you've takes it and had no problems go ahead but if you've never taken it consider yourself warned.

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I got a very bad case of chills, nausea, cramps n headache. Call the Dr. He said its normal. Holy crap they should warn u

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Oh my God, I'm going through the EXACT same thing right now. It took me 30 minutes to get the first dose down, and I've been dreading the 2nd dose ever since, but it seems even worse than the first! I've had TWO SIPS and have almost lost both from gagging so badly. I don't know how I can get the rest of it down!

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