Suprep Reviews (Page 36)
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Has anyone used the new SUPREP kit before a colonoscopy?

Would like any comments about taste, ease or side effects.


754 Replies (38 Pages)

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I took Surprep because doctor ordered it for colonoscopy. My suggestion to others: plan on staying in bathroom for what may be a long time; have extra tp, baby wipes, bathroom cleaner and hand sanitizer on hand. The following day I had continued stomach upset...all in the name of improved GI health:)

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You probably did not follow the instructions. I bet you had more than a light breakfast.

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This is my third colonoscopy and first time using the Suprep, I used the PEG last 2 times. While you drink less with the Suprep I had much worse side effects. Headache, nausea and vomiting. The last 2 preps took a while to kick in and I was nervous about.finishing this one on the day of the procedure (in case it didn't finishh before I got to the hospital) but I can say while the fiesta dose took longer than expected (with side effects too) the second dose worked quickly.
Either preparation really sucks, there is just no way around it.

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Had to go with Suprep because I couldn't hold down the other stuff in the big container. Some suggestions for prepping listed below:

- 3 days before colonoscopy just stop eating altogether. The process will go much smoother. Don't bother with the lunch you are allowed, etc.

- Take ginger ale chasers after each dose. Use a shot glass. It basically cancels out the taste. And ginger ale keeps the stomach from churning.

- Start earlier in the day than they recommend. I had to go on Metro to get to my doctor and had to buy Depends because I was worried about a squirt here and there.

- You won't get any sleep because the urgency isn't a situation where you can "pinch and hold" as it were.

- Get at least two tubes of Preparation H. Start the one tube BEFORE you start the kit. It will numb the area. After each major movement, lube the area up again. Never let it get dried out.

- Ladies - schedule the colonoscopy as far away from your period as possible. Enough said.

- Get the softest tissue paper you can afford. Don't skimp here.

- Procedure is super quick and they even give you twilight drugs if you ask nicely! LOL! Love the good drugs. I can see why people are addicts. Getting a little high is VERY RELAXING!

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Response to Worried now...I have not received my mailing labels yet, so my box of prep is still sitting here at home.

I would call the company at 1 800 874-6756 and talked to a representative (I talked to Claire) to see if the company has learned anything more about this lot.

Or a better idea would be to take the prep box back to your pharmacy and ask for a different lot number?

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I am supposed to do prep in a couple days and I have the same lot as Unhappy with SUPREP. Does anyone else have the same lot and did you have the same experience?

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I was scheduled to take my first bottle of suprep today at 6:00pm. I had it down by 6, and began chugging down my water. At 6:40 I was done with my water and had my first run to the toilet. The taste was very salty, funky. It was not so much the taste of the drink, it just didnt set well. It triggered my gag reflex, which I dont believe is super easy to do. I honestly do not know how I am going to force down the second bottle tomorrow. Having so much liquid in me, in such a short time, made me feel very bloated and uncomfortable. I have the chills, and I am nauseated, but I think it is mostly because I am just so full of water. As for the stomach cramps and b.m.s, its like normal diarrhea, its not comfortable, yes there are cramps, but its tolerable I suppose. I was very worried about it being even more painful. *I have not eaten in about 30 hours prior to taking this so keep that in mind*

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I called SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit company today at 1 800 874-6756 and talked to a representative (Claire) and she said “yes, SUPREP is supposed to have an added berry flavorâ€ it ends up I took a bad lot: Lot 2811014 Exp 07/13. I don’t know if anything else was wrong with the lot other than the lack of flavoring, but I discussed my violent vomit reaction to SUPREP Bowel Prep to the representative. The representative is in the process of sending me a UPS label so they can test whatever SUPREP is remaining in the bottles.

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Response to LilMissSunshine...No, Osmoprep (sodium phosphate tablets) has not been pulled from the market but Visicol tablets have according to my doctor's office. Osmoprep was one of the options my doctor gave me as a prep option (Oct 2011).

But what I have learned from talking to another person is not to cut the tablets because it can possibly alter the absorption rate and I have also learned from an online opinion from porterc says “I also called Salix, mfg of Osmoprep, and their answer to could the pills be crushed was, "it hasnt' been tested it"

I think if you have any questions you should check with both your doctor and an Osmoprep representative.

What I have also learned from another online source is that you can swallow the pills with any clear liquid: ginger ale, apple juice, water, lemonade and that the tablets are tasteless and supposed to be well tolerated.

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I'm taking my second dose of Suprep now, and it is definitely difficult to drink. The salty flavor is over powering and is making it hard for me. However, I ate lightly for the two days before and my prep has been perfectly fine so far.

Don't psych yourself out, just be calm and know that you can handle it and it's only one night of being a bit uncomfortable. Make it fun - get a book, bring your computer, listen to music. It'll be over soon, and you'll soon have some peace of mind when you know what's going on in your body.

Good luck everyone!

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They don't do the pills anymore, the FDA took them off the market, I asked for them in the first place. as for the Suprep, I had my colonoscopy and everything went fine.. I found that if you mix it with 1/4 sprite or ginger ale it makes 100% differenence. I did freeze again the second time but I was able to get everything down within 15 minutes.

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I don't know what everyone is talking about that their SUPREP was prep tasted like super saturated salty water. I would NOT recommend this prep. I kept the first dose (6 oz prep diluted with 10 oz cold water) down for 3 hours before throwing it up and had a minimal bowel movement. The next morning I tried to get the second dose (6 oz prep diluted with 10 oz cold water) down and had a violent vomit reaction each time I tried to swallow it. Well needless to say, I woke up from my colonoscopy with the doctor saying I need to repeat the procedure because I was not cleaned out. I am very angry about having to repeat this procedure. This was my second colonoscopy…the first time I prepped with Colyte with Dulcolax tablets and I was cleaned out with this prep, but the prep was too much to have to drink (1 gallon divided into two doses) and too salty and I had the same problem of throwing up the second dose in the morning. I think next time I will try the Osmo-Prep pills. I can no longer tolerate drinking the way too salty prep solutions. Hopefully the pills are more tolerable even if I have to buy a pill cutter at the pharmacy to be able to swallow the 32 horse pills.

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First time using SuPrep. I am 30 min in and finally don't feel like i'm going to vomit. There is no way to make a prep easy. It tastes disgusting. And every drink i've had after it this morning is now off the list for the future b/c it reminds me of the prep taste. Still waiting on a bm. Don't have to drink it again til 7pm but am already dreading. AHHHHHHH.. Def better than the GoLYTELY and the fleets phospho thing OTC i did 10 years ago.

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I had my 1st Colonoscopy today, obviously prepped with Suprep last night. I have an easily-upset gag reflex and while this prep wasn't high cuisine, it was very tolerable by comparison to drinking the 100+ oz. of other salt-preps. The taste is close to a grape/cotton candy'ish flavor but the salt is what is overwhelming. I managed to drink the 16oz. in 3 gulps with swigs of water in between. Took me less than 2 minutes to down the whole thing.
I had no nausea, no vomiting, no cramps - NONE! Visits to the throne began approximately 10 minutes later and 90 minutes later I was completely finished and running clear. I did repeat the process with the 2nd bottle 6 hours later - same results.
This IS doable, people! And it sure does beat the alternative!
Good luck to all.

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I just finished my second dose of suprep. a good trick is to use cold water from the fridge and a bit of ice; it seems to blunt the taste some. also a straw makes it go down quicker.

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Over Priced. Outrageous $72.12 from Walgreens
No wonder our medical insurance is so high.
The taste was bad enough.Just drink it fast because of the terrible odor. Was it made in China? Told my doctor never give it to me again. He got the message.

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Hi, I posted weeks ago; spent 4 days really ill from the first bottle of this poison. I think that cancer is maybe preferable; no, it isn't. You will be well, my friend, just hang in there; I couldn't take it, but I pray that all goes well for you. Blessings to you.

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Update, first encounter was 45 minutes and had a few more every 30 minutes or so. Took prep at 6PM and went to bed at 12:15. Took It again at 4:30 AM and this round felt more uncontrollable but i was clear by 7:30 and procedure was 9:00 so I had no problems.

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ugh, gag, I dont think I can get the second one down. had lot's of bms, probably empty.

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I just had my first Suprep cocktail and didn't find it that offensive. Tasted like cough medicine with salty aftertaste. From reports of other formulas, sounds like I picked the right one. It was however pretty expensive $50.00. Now I wait for the reaction, so far 40 minutes and nothing.

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