Suprep Bowel Prep Kit (Page 2)


I am looking for a manufacture coupon that will help me pay for my Suprep Bowel Prep Kit. I am 70 years old and can not afford this medication. Can you help me?

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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Folks, Suprep isn't neccessary. I guarantee if you use Bisacodyl(Dulcolax) and Magnesium Citrate(clear citrus flavor), there will be no difference from Suprep. The Mayo Clinic and many other facilities use this method because it's cheap and it works very well. It's available over the counter at any pharmacy. The evening before the colonoscopy, you take 4 Bisacodyl tablets followed by 1 bottle of Mag Citrate. Drink plenty of clear fluids. You repeat this again 6 hours before the colonoscopy. No more fluids 4 hours before the colonoscopy. It's $10 for this vs $100 for Suprep. If your doctor won't let you prep this way, he's a quack after your insurance money.

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Most drs have samples or can get them!! Mine was a sample!!

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Personally, I would not waste your money on the Suprep Bowel Prep Kit by Braintree Labs. I had my third colonoscopy in 11 years yesterday. The first two were successful using the Ducolex and Magnesium Citrate cleanse which took longer, but I definitely had better results. My doctor recommended Suprep Bowel Prep Kit this time around claiming it's the best there is now. I followed the instructions spot on, but the doctor said the right side of my colon was not clean and they could not get through it. So, I get to do it again in two years! Next time my insurance won't pay for it either. My doctor did say that she had only seen this happen five times in the two years she changed to this prep for her patients. I will not waste my money on Suprep the next time!

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Medicare Part D through BCBS paid for only $7 of $88 cost for Suprep Bowel Prep! This is not in their formulary!!! Suprep did NOT work and now will have to pay for own colonoscopy recommended in 12 months!! Last time Movaprep was prescribed and worked well!!

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I also have Humana and they will pay $8.00 for Supprep and I will pay $77.00.

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Buy the suprep so your Doc can get his kickbacks and go skiing in Colorado, or golfing in Fla. Why not? What a rip off! You get the same results with Miralax and Gatorade.

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I asked my dr. for free samples and guess what, they had them! No charge, but I had to be pushy.

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Ask you doctor for a free sample that Braintree (the manufacture) gives to them!

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Where does it costs $45.00? I just left Walmart in PA, couldn't buy it. It costs almost $94.00. Today is February 17, 2015.

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Sadly, while big pharma rips us off, insurance companies are paying less than ever on prescriptions. I have HealthNet - a Medicare PPO. They paid $28, I paid $70—with a doctor-provided coupon for this stuff. The packaging, directions, handful of mineral salts, 2 bottles of distilled water and plastic cup couldn't have cost the manufacturer more than $5. It turns out that taking it in the rear begins days before your colonoscopy!

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I also have Humana for Part D. The charge is $86!! I can't afford that. Even with a $10 coupon I can't afford $76. This is ridiculous.

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Thank you for this suggestion! You just saved me $82 by calling my doc and asking for a sample kit, which they are setting aside for me today!

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May I ask what state is your plan? NJ?

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My wife is 77 and doctor gave us Rx for Suprep. My cost was $75.00, insurance paid $61.00. Then after breaking seal on box (can not return) it the two days prep. One the day before the treatment and then again before you go. What a rip off!! I call the doctor and told her, "why would you gave a 77 year old woman a prep that is 15 times the cost of the old prep and requires you to do it twice. Tell your doctor "heck no" give me one of the tried and proved preps. There a a lot of them on the market.

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Doctors do not get any kick back from using SuPrep. It is the most effective prep on the market and ensures a good prep and eliminates the need to repeat the procedure due to a poor prep from other products. The cost is a lot to some but your doctor's office may have samples and coupons to help save you money. If the doctor cannot see 100% of the colon something could get missed. It is worth the expense as cancer can cost a hole lot more to treat!

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Suprep was worth the money. I would pay a hundred dollars for each bottle to make prep easier for my mother.

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Call your Dr. and ask for a free sample kit. Tell the Dr. the cost is too much and they will help you!!! Also drink the mix using a straw. It helps with the taste.
Good luck

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The reason medicare or my insurance won't the Suprep prep is because both will cover any generic preps out there. They will not cover brand names like SuPrep. This is why you got a healthy bill from the pharmacy. Hope you are just as healthy. :)

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What a BRILLIANT BIG PHARMA RIP-OFF!!! I had to clean out for major bowel surgery 10 years ago, and the prep was FOUR DOLLARS OTC!!!

So the wonderful people at BRAINTREE put the EXACT SAME INGREDIENTS in a little kit and charge damn near one hundred dollars???

And to SUCK YOU IN, they give you a "discount coupon", because they are "so generous! People, PLEASE use the Magnesium Citrate and dulcolax as instructed online instead.

The Mag Citrate is 98 cents at Walmart and you can get a house brand of dulcolax as well! BTW, I am a nurse!

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The mfg website has a 20% coupon, up to $10 off copay

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