Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800/160 (Page 11) (Top voted first)


I have an infected large bump on my calf. What is the extensive list of side effects for this medication?

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This med really did me in, too. Was rx'd 10 days, 2xday for staph. Was breastfeeding a baby and doc said it was safe. Baby got diarrhea, probiotics haven't helped. I'm also on probiotics, but still had stomach issues, yeast infection, head ache, tender, itchy gums, swollen lips, always hot, can't sleep, so sens to sunlight a 10 min drive caused my chest to break out in a rash. Following that, my whole body began swelling and now I itch everywhere. I stopped taking it a day early. I will never allow a doc to give me this med again. I'm on day 2 after the med. Benadryl and cortisone have not helped the itch. Pharmacist said will feel better 2-3 days after done with med. I hope so. Ugh

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had. a severe reaction to ibuprofen fell fromladder hurt ribs and arm,emergency Dr prescribed. ibuprophen800, Disaster! face distorted. lymph gland blown out and facial boil ozzing yellow pus! gross, BA ck to urgent care,same dumd doc says ihave an infection not. allergic reaction. prescribed huge 800dosage. of sulfameth/trimethoprim
hours. later after vomiting home alone and Googling. i buprophen reactipn i realized that i could die. went to another hospital emergency after being iv'd with benadryl and some other toxin. the er doc after being told that I'd been prescribed bactrin/sulfamethtrimethoprim/he prescribed clinamycin300mg----said to take BOTH. until finished -10days! face has almost returned to normal may have some scarring, but. now I'm afraid of other side effects. still have 24 more clindamycin to go
all of these meds from a slip and fall! will. my general health be effected? do i have to take the rest. of the prescriptions? the clindamycin300 is huge and hard to swallow, but since i still have a big lump on my chin, and am dibilatated and depressed will this ordeal. leave me further impaired? i was healthy when. i fell
now i'm not so sure.
at sixty something i don't want to destroy a lifetime of caution. no one should take Ibuprofen Ever !

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Did it take care of the staph? I am taking it for the same reason but so little out there will kill staph.

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The medication might be to strong for your system..ask your doctor to lower the strength for you. wish you luck!

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My daughter has been on this medication for 3 weeks now for severe acne. Have had no problems whatsoever. Couple of days ago, she developed a swollen gland in her neck, very painful to the touch.
We are off to see the doctor now.

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What medicine are you talking about? It doesn't say.

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Did the same to me. I am going to cut back to 1 a day see if that helps plus I will call my doctor

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Awful medicine I am wrecked with pounding headaches , high temperature , hives, pains in my legs had to go to ER . They gave me Benadryl

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I started taking this stuff about 4 days ago for my skin. I must mention that I've taken it before and didn't notice a reaction, but this time it's different. I've been shaky for the past few days, and yesterday while out shopping I noticed I was feeling dizzy and my skin was prickly and hot. Today I'm at work and my skin is like a furnace! Weirdest feeling. It's like it's extra sensitive to EVERYTHING. very uncomfortable. Also, I'm spacey, EXTREMELY tired, distant, and grumpy. I don't have any known allergies, don't usually take medications, and am VERY rarely sick. This stuff is scary. I made an apt with a doctor, but will likely cancel it after understanding what this feeling is in relation too. It's a long drive in traffic.

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Trimethaprim given to me for UTI: after taking two pills 12 hours apart, woke up following morning with blisters on knees and elbows, an horrendous headache, and the weirdest side effect of all - when standing still ( but not when walking), my calf muscles felt as if the were slowly and painfully turning to concrete, creating instant need to move or sit down. I called Doc who told me to stop taking and take some citirizine. I also took some ibuprofen for the headache. Felt much better within a few hours, but the leg pain/cramp on standing took nearly a week to go away. Never again!

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I took trimethoprim and I feel worse than I did before and tbh I don't even think my infection was that bad. I just needed to wee all the time. But I'm off them now. my 5 days course finished yesterday but I woke up shaking and really sick. my appetite has gone. I normally eat s*** loads but now I can't when I look at food I feel sick. I haven't vomited and touch wood I won't because I hate that feeling. my anxiety is bad but I suffered from anxiety before these pills but I'm scared to go out by myself and I never use to be like that. I refuse to take antidepressants cos of the side effects. I'm just wondering when this stuff will be out of my damn system?

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Hi, I too had a UTI and was prescribed this antibiotic. Had all the symptoms everyone is posting and even thought my throat was closing up and had trouble breathing. You need to take an antihistamine to level out the antibiotic that's working to treat the infection. A chemist told me this after I exhausted all avenues including going to the ER twice.. It has worked wonders for me and will keep taking it till I feel "normal" again. Hope this helps

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Re: Estelle Knox (# 106) Expand Referenced Message

how long does the generic 800-160 Bactrim stay in your body

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Re: jeanne (# 217) Expand Referenced Message

how long does the generic Bactrim 800-160 stay in your body I only took 4 pills and felt so sick

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well I'm having loss of appetite ,dizziness muscle ache pains,nausea,and diarreah. I'm getting real hot for no reason at all .And I toss and turn through the night sweating almost every hour.

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imon sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160 tabs.anyway been on it for a week and a half.Iworked out in the yard all day yesterday,came in took ashower and I have all these haves and my eyes are swollen,I took 1/half Banadrl last night.It made some of the ish go down.What else can I do?

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i have been perscribed sulfameth, for a UTI, since i have been taking this med. i have had a persistant wet cough, and a stuffy nose. is this normal?

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