Sudden Dextroamphetamine Price Quadruple???? (Page 3)
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What happened? Oh, no... I am f+#*ed. Went to Walgreens to fill dextroamph rx tonight. Instead of approx. $75 they said for me with self-pay it's $355+!!!! This is for ONE month. No way I can afford it! Suddenly? What the _ do I do? Taper down with the 2 more days of pills that I have? So, you just blow, they are saying to me. Just be sick, and here, we'll make it so you're much, much sicker!!!

Are all the pharmacies going to have the same astronomical price hike? Has anyone got information about about this?

108 Replies (6 Pages)

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I am still hanging in there... barely. I was getting the Barr generic dextroamphetamine tabs at Walmart for $110/mo (60 x 10mg). Then I found a secret little pharmacy that was getting me a different brand (not sure - white diamonds) for $94/mo.
Now, Walmart is out of stock!!! That can't be good at all... So I am left getting them from the little secret pharmacy, but their price has gone up to $126/mo.
On the bright side: I am now getting yet another brand (WILSH?) and they are cool-looking, *small*, dark-peach, round tabs that are double-scored on one side (a cross/+) and they read 10/MIA on the other. They seem to have more of a 'kick' than some brands I've tried previously.

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You are So right! The MAIN purpose for which government exists is to PROTECT & DEFEND its citizens from other nations; OURS isn't even protecting us from our own obscenely wealthy pharmaceutical companies who seem to have been given free reign to prey on us with IMPUNITY...To play recklessly with our bodies, our minds and our money as if we were insignificant pawns to be raped & sacrificed at their alter of greed. Never mind that so many of their generics don't even work like their Branded meds anymore & cause weeks of wretched problems & misery for so many people because they're now made ANYWHERE in the world that offers Big Pharma the cheapest price...quality control be damned!

Our government can't even manage to oversee Quality Control of the FOOD supply within our own borders so what are the chances they're on-the-job Protecting us, vigilantly monitoring standards of quality & processing in every little manufacturing plant in India, Indonesia etc.? ZERO, NONE, ZIP, NADA! I'll bet they don't even have a CLUE where our 'equivalent generics' (NOT) are made.

I'm an enthusiastic cheerleader for capitalism, but this ISN'T capitalism; When Big Government allows Big Pharma to make these SUBSTANDARD meds and THEN REWARDS them for their 'efforts' with millions of our taxpayer dollars in obscenely expensive Medicare & Medicaid prescriptions that may or may not work...THAT is called CONSPIRACY to defraud the American people, NOT CAPITALISM. (Ron Paul goes too far w/ it but Libertarians may have the right idea..get Government the hell out of our daily lives ..then it will have plenty of time and money to defend us.). Re: Socialism. Saw a terrific bumper sticker last week: "The problem with Socialism is that, eventually you run out of OTHER people's money!"

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It depends on what the diagnosis code on the rx is.

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Sign this petition to get Amedra Pharmaceuticals to help us:

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Medicare will not pay for Dexedrine or dextroamphetamine.

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You found a Medicare plan that has Dexedrine in their formulary? That's amazing. No insurance company in Pennsylvania will cover it or the generic which is NOT a generic EQUIVALENT. I will have to pay $348/month starting in January 2014 because I lost my state assistance.

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If you receive Medicare, you do not have to have/buy any other insurance. Medicare is insurance.

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I started a petition against greedy Amedra Pharma to give assistance so low income patients can get Dexedrine. Please sign and get everyone you know to sign. There's power in numbers!

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Try this "Prescription Assistance Program". I did an on line request, signed up for the free rx card. I also called them at their 800 number and they said they do not do dextroamphetamine and suggested alternatives, which I did not like because I already tried them. Anyway, after printing out the application and paying $10 for a yearly fee for the program, I decided not to bother with the application but cut out the free RX card. Tried it at a King Soopers, for a Desoxyn prescription, and it cost more then the dextroamphetamine because it is a methamphetamine. I tried Walmart and they would not take the rx card, and tried Rite Aide, and they would not take the card. King Soopers wanted $252.00 or $202.00 with the card, Walmart wanted $171.00 and rite aide wanted $168.00. I went to WALGREENS and they took the card. My total price is &72.00, over a $100.00 savings. I think that it will work for Dexadrine, too, but I am going on a priscription insurance in February when I will be on Medicare, and with my part D insurance, I will pay $4.00 or my Dextroamphetamine which I like better then the Desoxyn. O couse, I will have to pay $127.00 a month for the insurance, but I have to have that anyway cuz of Obama, plus having to pay around $120 for Medicare part B, too, so all in all, I will be paying around $250.00 for the privilege of being on medicare. haha Anyway, try that link, good luck, I think it will help any of you, I really hope & pray it does. Also, if you can't do it with the Dextroamphetamine, try the Desoxyn, it is the next best thing, it was for me anyway. It only comes in 5 mg tablets, but I use less then I did with the Dexies. I was on 2 dexies 3x dailey. I'm on 1 desoxyn 3 xs daily.

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all cheap Dextros are going or gone. will they come back? I don't know. i don't think it is capitalists rather i believe government is the culprit. regarding gouging- it may be and it may not be- we the people do not know anything. agencies and groups of all kinds have an interest in keeping a population ignorant and addicted. for me, i guess i'll go to private chemists. John acton said in a letter to a friend about 1900 that "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Acton, a devout catholic was referring to the pope in his letter, but the maxim applies wherever power accumulates. To me, this means that all government is evil, so the best government is the least government. if you doubt this try negoiating or dealing with pan-faced government (federal, state, or local) employee who views you as an interuption, a number, or a criminal. the political spectrum consists of totalitarian government on the extreme left and anarchy on the extreme right. totalitarians like Mao, Hitler, Ho, Pol Pot, Stalin, Tito, et al were all socialists. anarchy is not much better, but anarchy is better than totalitarians. the best place to be is just to the left of anarchy. this condition enacts and enforces as few laws as possible to protect citizens from crime and still allow free trade between buyer and seller. once freedom is lost and it is lost, it is difficult to regain. good luck everyone.

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hi TSB, so you are taking the generic dextroamphetamine that I believe Teva manufacters? I took it for a few months a year and a half ago when Adderall was nowhere to be found in the Philadelphia area. that problem seems to have gone away - have you considered Adderall? More specifically, Adderall XR. I have the generic IR tablets for "as needed", but they are junk, especially after a few years when you have built up a level of tolerance. I've never abused them or taken extra, in fact I now find myself with extra of the IR pills. Adderall XR is GREAT. It's the only amphetamine left that is made by the original brand company, Shire. I always ask for the name brand, however I was laid off a few weeks ago and after Sept 30 I will cry and have to take the generic after I give blood and sell one of my kidneys.
All kidding (not really) aside, after almost 2 years of consistently taking it, I am very happy with Adderall XR. I take the 20 mg capsule and my doc prescribes me 3 per day so I have extra if needed, as some days I only take 2. I do not have narcolepsy, I have ADHD, and they are a wonder - however on the physical side, I was always extremely fatigue prone regardless of how much sleep I got and taking the Adderall has killed 2 birds with one stone, I have the focus I need AND a great side effect of pleasant energy! For what it's worth....

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I have had the same problem, I was on dexedrine 15mg. And they got so expensive I had to switch to the 10mg.tablets which do not work as well, having lots of trouble staying awake as I have Narcolepsy.

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After reading your post, I wanted to know if have any advice about finding sliding-scale programs. Obviously they exist, however after what I feel like are exhaustive searches, I haven't found a program that provides a sliding scale for any type of amphetamine. Any advice would be much appreciated!

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I have taken Dexedrine in the generic versions such as Dextrostat and Dextroamphetamine for over 15 years. I take four 10 mg tablets three times a day for narcolepsy. I've tried Provigil, nuvigil, Adderall, Cylert, and Ritalin but nothing works for me like the Dexedrine. Within the last year I've noticed that the Dexedrine is not as strong as it used to be. I like the Dextrostat much better (the shield shaped ones someone mentioned in earlier posts)! At walgreens, my prescription cost over $200 in April 2012. The same prescription now costs almost $800. That's a 75% increase in price.
I just looked up TEVA. First thing I seen? One of their CEOs is getting over a $1 million bonus this year plus made 1.5 million. Plus got a million dollar sign on bonus. It goes on to say their average CEO salaries run between 9.3 and 17.2 million!!! But they are closing one place to lower costs. Maybe they should look at how much they pay the CEOs?!!

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Don't bother with Colorado. I am f--k-ed too. My script went up to $803.00. I was in a CO program and they kicked me off because of the new price.

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teva controls their WAC price... companies can take reasonable price increase, which are regualated. Pharmacy companies decide with mark up they will charge. WAC price is what the pharmaceutical companies charge to buyers. Pharmacies then decide what drugs they want to make a profit on. Some they can sell for $4 to gain your business over another pharmacy... and decide to charge whatever they want on medications to stay competitive and still make money. Dont blame pharmaceutical companies!

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After reading a lot of these posts, I guess I should feel "lucky". I've been taking dextroamphetamine tablets (Dextrostat - Barr generic) for YEARS. Not sure what my official diagnosis is, but I take it, in conjunction with clonazepam, to treat what I would call "treatment resistant depression with social anxiety tendencies + general anxiety (and possibly some ADD)". The combination works VERY WELL for me. I haven't had insurance for quite a while, but was still only paying about $25 for 60 x 10mg tablets/month until about a year ago. All of a sudden, EVERY pharmacy "ran out" of the drug, citing supply shortage. I've been able to keep filling it at Walmart, but the price jumped from $25 to $110/month. I've been coping as best I can; reducing my dose, and extending my refills, but I can't go on like this! I've reduced my dose way too much, and the depression/withdrawal from society has returned. I just can't afford it!
Before I settled on dextroamphetamine IR tablets, I tried "EVERYTHING", including Adderall, and Dexedrine. Adderall made me nervous and sweaty. Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine ER) gave me a lot of sleep problems.
My Dr. would probably switch me to Vyvanse, but I am skeptical, given the number of drugs I've tried that were not beneficial... Any more positive stories with Vivanse? I've only seen a few..
What should I do?

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I never knew that the Mallinckrodt made the dexedrine tablets again until yesterday. I take 60 mg per day and 180 of them cost approx. $189 for me at my mom and pop pharmacy. I took these back when the green RP ones and Yellow Shield ones were being approved via insurance. It took almost a year but I have had psychotic reactions to everything that company makes except for the 10 mg tablets. I got Barr last month because they took the Ritalin patch off of my formulary and I had to take 40 mg of Ritalin in the AM too and they had a fit. I am hyperactive as hell and have been since age 5. In my opinion, if they are going to play games with these poorer versions then put the Dexedrine and Dextrostat tabs on the market. I miss those Dexedrine 5 mg tabs, they made me go from obnoxious, hyper and loud to Stepford citizen in 20 minutes. The other brand was better at bedtime. Spansules make me a zombie, like one of those kids on too much ADHD medicine. I guess I can be grateful that they are actually available again. I hope I get the Mikart brand at some point.

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I was paying $40-$60/month #180 10mg IR tabs. Last October (via GoodRx) $31 for #360 5mg IR tabs. Then it shot above $300, a week later to over $900. Now with GoodRx its $271+ #180 10mg IR tabs, and more for the 5mgs. Now getting Adderall ~$71/month #60 30mg IR tabs.

Besides Wilshire, about a year ago Mallinckrodt began producing immediate release tablets again. (They stopped several years ago.) However when I checked the price for the Mallinckrodt 9 months ago, it was much more then the Barr (Teva) was at the time. I sort of wonder if that gave Teva reason to increase their price? As a footnote, Mallinckrodt is also a producer of the bulk dextroamphetamine, which is purchased by others such as Teva to make dose units. (Those who make the pills and those who make the active pharmaceutical ingredient are not necessarily the same).

I don't buy the precursor and bulk price theory. If that's the case why didn't generic Adderall prices also go crazy. Why didn't Vyvanse prices also go up (proportional to the amount dextroamphetamine)? Further the precursor chemicals are inexpensive and used for other drugs and other industrial and technical uses. If the DEA or other policy makers are involved, I suspect there are concerns about dextroamphetamine being the cheapest and most "likable" as in abusable of the common stimulants. It is being increasingly prescribed as more adults are treated for ADHD and more of us don't have insurance. Solution: Raise the price and see Dexedrine go the way of Desoxyn.

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Same thing happened here. Prices through the roof everywhere. I'm not the suspicious type, but from what I've read this has resulted from DEA involvement to limit/drive up prices of precursor chemicals, which was what caused the shortage for a year or two. Now, Wilshire has started to manufacture/distribute as well as Barr - so there is competition and prices should go back down. But they likely won't I'd wager. Some sharp journalist is going to get a hold of this and in a year or two we'll see a story in the news about Gov't/manufacturer collusion to intentionally drive up prices.

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