Success - So Far -suboxone
UpdatedHi all. For 5 years I gradually increased my oxycodone use. I have a degenerative back disorder. The pain is there but I used oxycodone as a crutch. It got worse and worse from 2 5 mg a day to 3 to 5 and ending in 2 30 mg a day costing me 100s of dollars a month. I finally reached out to my psychiatrist who set me up with a suboxone doctor. I took my last 7.5 oxycodone at 2 pm yesterday. Dr said to wait 12 hrs as did alllll the Internet info. I was sick in w/d by 8pm. Was scared to death of this nightmarish precipitated w/d I read about. At 8:30 pm I took 2 mg suboxone as the dr said to start with. Omg I was feeling better. 10 pm another 2 mg and I was AMAZED at how I felt. I didn't sleep very well BUT I'll take that ANYDAY over wondering how to get the next oxy. This morning I woke up and normally my first thought is oxy...nope!!! And I feel awesome, took 2 mg this am. Hope I'm not jumping the gun but so far suboxone IS A MIRACLE in my eyes. Hope to hear from all of you!!!
6 Replies
Hi Chrissie,
I'm really glad to hear that Suboxone has been working so well for you! I've recently been seeing more and more Suboxone-related posts mentioning how much of a life saver it truly was upon transitioning from oxycodone and other pain medications.
Please feel free to keep us all posted on your progress! If you have any additional questions or concerns, there plenty of people here who are experienced with this medication. There are also over 27 pages of different Suboxone threads here on the site, which you can browse through by clicking here.
I hope this helps! :)
Thank u!!!
It's fine at first the miracle is trying to stop, just being real I've done most of it and by far the hardest to get off
Gman- u mean getting off suboxone? I'm on a very low dose and am not worrying about that right now. I cant. Its better than living on narcotics.
Re: chrissie (# 4)
Just know you’ll have the same withdrawals you would have had coming off the pills, but they’ll last a lot longer than a week.
Re: Anonymous (# 5)
Hah! I wish pain medication withdrawals only lasted a week! If that was the case I'm pretty sure nobody would even need MAT. Don't let people scare you with that nonsense. I quit pain meds of all kinds oxys, hydros, morphine and 2 months later I was still in horrible withdrawal. I just decided the pain wasn't worth it and kept on with pain meds again until I gave suboxone a chance and I'm so very glad I did. There was a time I had insurance and switching doctor issues and I didn't have suboxone for a week and I was FINE. I felt okay I didn't hurt the way I used to for pain meds and the pain was minimal to nothing by the end of the week. Everybody is different. For some it's harder which is probably more mental than anything else and for some it's a lot easier than trying to get off other stronger opiates. Everybody has different experiences. Don't let one persons including mine make up your opinion of what jumping off subs will be like. Until you do it you won't really know and just focus on getting stable on the suboxone right now.
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