Subutex Forums (Page 3)
Recently active Subutex forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Subutex and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Cystic Fibrosis patient, long list of health problems! Switched to subutex several years ago, from and allergic reaction to Suboxone! Recently moved lost the doctor ihad been seeing! Have overcome many obsticals along the years, have a beautiful 7 year old daughter, that is the picture of health! And I need to be here to take care of her! I am her primary gardian and a lot of days are very hard! Please help me find a doctor to write my Subutex, it has been extremely hard for some reason! ## Hello, Misty! How are you? What type of doctors have you been consulting? If you require such a mediation on a long-term, ongoing basis, you'll need to see a specialist. I regular PCP won't be able to prescribe it for you. Additionally, you can't call and ask doctor ahead of time about pr...
I have been trying for two days to get my subutex filled and i either get "i need to be a pregnant woman" or "i have to have a wv id" but i have a pa id and live in wva... Can someone possibly tell me where a place is in ohio vally moundsvill or fallansbee wva? Anywhere in these areas that will fill my prescription? ## I'm having the exact same issue I live in the Wheeling area I go to a PA doctor and I'm having the hardest time get out of me ## Hey you guys. We should talk. I'm having some issues of my own so hopefully you're still on this forum! Just write me back asap please. Thank you. ## Please tell me where i can get a pa script for subutex filled in WV? ## where can i get a prescription filled at from pa with a wv ID?? please help ## If you are an ...
I am currently trying to find a doctor that will prescribe Subutex instead of Suboxone and the Birmingham metropolitan area in Alabama. Anybody that could help it would be greatly appreciated. I am heading rashes on my face and on my arms and as on other areas from the Suboxone or rather the naloxone in Suboxone. Thank you ## Hi jerod, I'm misty n I'm the same way. I cannot take suboxone at all and need a Dr in the bham, al area to write subutex bc it actually works and helped. I took a couple before. So if u find a Dr let me know too please... Clinics won't usually write it so u gotta get an independent Dr. ## Yes it's almost impossible to get, a, Dr to write subutex n I don't know why because it's no different than suboxone, except suboxone has naloxone. Well I...
Hello, my husband is a chronic addict, When saying that I mean he will do anything and he will do any amount at anytime and he doesnt care. He has been doing very well though here lately hes held a job for a few years, staying out of jail and he started a treatment program about 40 miles from where we live and he was taking the drug Subutex there. The issue with that is he had to go there everyday to get the dose. If you think about it, how can anyone do that and hold a job or afford to live right doing that, so hes been on 24mg a day and now hes not going there and we need to find a reasonably priced doctor that he can see to get the prescription for this medication and get it monthly. We do not have insurance so that is also a factor alot of doctors in the treatment list wont help if ...
Does anyone know??? I need help? ## Hello, Bev! How are you? They do have a search engine that you can use to check for doctors in your area. You can find it at click here. It allows you to search by zip code and will provide the doctor's contact information, so you can call them to see if they have patient openings. The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I'm sorry, I should've added that it would be the same doctors, they can usually prescribe Subutex or Suboxone. However, you should be aware that unless you're pregnan...
Searching for doctors near my city Corinth Ms. 38834 within 90 miles who can write subutex 8mg tabs and adderall, that I have been on and my nerve medication, that I have been on for years with a bad back and nerves. I need a closer Doctor to my city who is taking patients and takes insurance Medicaid, Chips nation wide. ## I need to find a doctor that will write subutex. I have been addicted to pain pills for many years. I got introduced to subutex few years ago. Taking it makes me feel normal and don't want other drugs. I have children I just want to be there for them. So I got to find a doctor near me that accepts Magnolia Health Plan from MS. ## I'm looking for a subutex doctor near Corinth MS that will take Medicaid for services for opioid addiction. ## Did you ever find a ...
I went to a doctor in PA that prescribed me subutex. I went to a few pharmacies in the area (Washington, Pa) but they only carried Suboxone. Does anyone know where I can get subutex filled in Washington, Pa or close to there? I live in Morgantown, Wv & would rather get them filled in this area if that's possible. I have a WV ID, but a PA. Subutex prescription. ## I have the same problem! Script written in Washington, PA but I have a WV ID. I live in Mon county, WV so the closer the better! I drove over 2 hours south last month for my medicine. ## Did you have any luck finding a pharmacy? I'm in the same situation, I live in WV and go to a pa Dr and I need a pharmacy asap! Please, any info would be greatly appreciated. In need where was you went to 2hrs south if you can say o...
I only took two Subutex 8 milligrams. How long till I can take Oxycodone 15 mg? ## You will still need to wait at least 72 hours, before the Oxycodone will be effective, due to the Suboxone blocking it's affect, unless your doctor instructs you otherwise. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## First of all, he said subutex, not suboxone. That being said, 16mg is quite a bit so I would wait at least 24 hours. You won't go into withdrawal as it doesn't contain the same naloxone that suboxone has. You might not feel it though as the subutex is still working. No need to take such...
im on subtex and im pregnant im currently trying to ween myself down but i cant with the small ones ne one know of a walgreens / cvs that have them in kpt johnson city Greeneville if so plz let me know thanks ## Hey where do u go to get the suboxone 8mg small ones? I recently just went to the clinic for help an can't find nowhere to go? ## I believe all the Walgreen's in those areas have the peach ones. Someone once told me Ingles in Gville has. Value pharmacy on Market Street sometimes has the big white ones or the little ones. ## The peach ones are known to have naloxen in them. Be careful of those! ## the small ones are actually the name brand and there's no difference in them they have the same amount of medication in them as the other. ## What pharmacy in johnson city t...
I heard there is a website you can go to if you're disabled on Medicaid and Medicare in Virginia with a list of doctor's who accept it for Subutex and I also was told just pick up the phone and call each one until you find one that is seeing new patients at this time. If anyone can help me plz just post back if possible. ## I had been calling all these doctors that are popping up on the internet as it takes a specific type of doctor's or a special requirement for your own doctor to write prescriptions like methadose/methadone Suboxone an Subutex an my pain med doctor can only write my pain meds cause he don't have the other license to prescribe those 3 so I heard there is a Medicaid or Medicare website with a list of prescribing doctors that will see a patient with Medic...
I been on subutex for past 5yrs for pain management. I'm allergic to the naloxone in the suboxine films. I just moved to Florida from north Carolina and can't find a doctor to prescribe me what I need. If u have any information to help me, please let me know. Thanks! ## Who was your doc I'm in nc and desperately need like you. ## Tjuggz, This forum is not a medical referral nor protocol recommending site. History has proven when these prescribers are disclosed they are inundated with legit and recreational users as well often necessitating said provider to cease operations. Sadly it's the way our medical system has degraded that so many are left untreated but risking the treatment of those with established providers isn't the answer. Have you reached out to your loca...
I live in Waveland MS I can't find a pharmacy that will fill this for me. I used to drive 80 miles to get it filled but now they're no longer taking out of state people. Everyone I go to says they have a limit for these and they are at the limit. If anyone knows of a place in MS please let me know. In desperate need. Thanks ?? ## Oh wow they’re maxed out already? Yikes. Can you get on a waitlist to fill there once their current patients drop off??
Are the new white small pills with an 8 on one side and an arrow on the other side, subutex 8mg? ## Yes, that does match the description of an 8mg Buprenorphine, sublingual tablet, the generic for Subutex. They describe the logo as being a dart. This is an opiate narcotic that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction and it may cause side effects, that can include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and headache. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## how much is it of an 8mg Buprenorphine, sublingual tablet. Where buy on the internet. ## is made by Hi-Tech Pharmacueticals. ## Is there a difference between this little pill and the one with the 54 411 on it? ## I just got on the new generic 8mg arrow subutex . They don't seem to be working under the tongue ver...
round white pill 54 411 on one side and the other blank ## its an 8mg generic subutex, same as suboxone ## This is a Generic Subutex OPIOD pill used to treat opiod dependence as in heroin addicts, etc. Sort of like Methadone. These pills are very very new as generics and hard to find, they were released by roxane pharmacuticals on october 9th of 2009. They are made with Talc (non-biodegradeable) instead of the non generic originals which are made with the better ingredient corn starch! ## Thank you for providing that information, these do seem to be very new, as I can't find a listing for this marking anywhere. While Buprenorphine is most commonly used to treat addiction, it can also be used to treat some cases of severe pain, in which other medications have stopped helping or faile...
Hi, I am located in Gulf county Florida, on the outskirts of Panama City FL. I am trying to find a Subutex Dr. in Bay or Gulf County FL via virtual or in person that accepts Medicaid. Virtual would be better as I have work. I'm trying to get my children back. Please help. ## The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has an information website, which includes a link to assistance in finding a treating doctor near you. They also have a text service that you can use by sending your zipcode to 435748 (HELP4U). The FDA does warn that Subutex carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Ref: Subutex Information I am very sorry about your situation, and hope you find help soon. Is ...
Hello my name is Catherine. I have been taking Subutex for 14 days in Care at Walter b Jones. I just left one day ago and was referred to Port human services. They do not want to give me Subutex or Suboxone. They want me to take methadone and that is what I kicked while I was in detox. I am 24 days clean off of methadone. All I need to know is what site do I need to download in order for a telly doctor to give me Subutex instead of Suboxone because I am allergic to the naloxone in Suboxone. I have medicaid.
Updatedasking for the first time, but my question is will taking narcos after a week long subutex ( suboxone) treatment, but only one narco a day, prolong my withdrawl from the sub or worse will it send my body back into the exact same place i was phyisically prior to starting the treatment. one day after my 7 day detox at hosptial i took one that i found and im kind of worried it will send me back to page one. i was taking up to 30 pills a day prior to detox and want to succed but it has been 5 days since treatment and im still struggling almost as if i were doing it cold turkey, is the reason for this due to the fact that i took the 1 narco the day after or is it just a normal process im going through? ## Dude. Opiates can make you feel like hell for months. And I mean months. Like up to ten...
My Dr went out of business. He had been prescribing me subutex for 2 years, and the Dr I transferred to him from had been prescribing me subutex for a year before that. I don't have insurance so my dad helps me with the cost & the subutex are the cheapest to get filled. I desperately need to find a new dr that will prescibe me subutex. Please help. Im out of medication ## There is a doctor in arcadia Indiana who will definitely give you subutex. His name is Glenn leer look him up. It's $225 for the first week $85 for the next 3 weeks then $140 for the next two weeks x2 then $140 a month after that. ## Did you find you a dr? If not respond back i can prob help you out. ## I just got a new dr and he is awesome, he understands addiction and everything its really great to have a...
Having trouble finding a pharmacy in WV can anyone help? ## Hey please tell me your still on this forum I got you but if not you should help me pleaseeee Just messAge back and we can talk ## Can't get my subutex filled same reason no new patients etc. Then the staff at pharmacy looks at you like ur a animal and you shouldn't even exist. A dr wrote the script but they got the power to say no. It's a disgrace the way we are being treated the poor and middle class. We are trying to make our lives better.You pharmacy could care less when u tell us No New Patients. Would u tell that to rich man? ## Where can i get my subutex filled in WV.? I can't find a pharmacy that will or can, from Summersville to Beckley WV. Please help ## If your doctor is in WV, there are MANY pharmaci...
So I've been going to a subutex clinic for a while now, but the pharmacy I usually go to is closing. My doctor referred me to a new pharmacy, but I'm not sure what brand of subutex they carry. Has anyone been to the fox chapel rite aid in Pittsburgh, PA? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. ## I'm a new patient with a prescription of subutex. I have a west Virginia ID and need a pharmacy in Pennsylvania that will fill my prescription. ## Try Wybles pharmacy in Appollo. ## I’ve called around for my husband who is in a clinic for subutex and the disrespect I’ve gotten. I’ve never done drugs or been prescribed anything but I’m here to help my husband so he doesn’t relapse. It’s sad how these pharmacies treat a recovering addict that is J...