Subutex Wax Squares (Page 2)
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Not being able to afford a Dr.-a friend of mine sometimes gives me acouple of her subutex.(like suboxone).They come in a pack where you have to punch out each gum.They are square,and see-through purple.The only markings are a line going down,and a line going across.Like this +, so you have 4 little squares.But today when she gave me some, they looked the same,except there was only ONE line down the middle.I don't know why.Is anyone familiar with this drug-and seen them with just the one line down the middle? I cant find an image of subutex wax squares anywhere on-line so far. Thank you.

100 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Wenderella (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

no i have a script for them they are 8mg. my doctor gives them to me.. there is no such thing as a 32mg wax square

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Re: Wenderella (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

That is not true. I have been taking them. I get the same amount as i did the suboxone film. The doctors is not going to 4 times ur dose and not tell u. Number one, he would lose his lisence for that.

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Re: DR TIM (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Well it doesn't make u feel high and it's better than someone being sick or going and getting drugs.

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Re: clay (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I just seen a orange one flavored like honey or vanilla.. I didn't think they were real at first but they are. I don't think they have much taste of medicine in them at all.

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Re: FL girl (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Dr. Martin in Leesburg he can help with your anxiety

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Taking someone else's opioid is a felony for you and the person sharing. Probably best if you never share that info in a public forum. DR TIM

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Yes I am. They r made by the pharmacist. I found this out last month when I went to get mine and he was making them. I had to wait for them to mold them and for them to dry. Mine r green sometimes blue but I have tried the suboxone film, the pill, subutex, but I like the suboxone wax the best.

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Re: bill (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Maybe this will help but I also have the cloudy white squares and they are most definitely 8mg subutex...

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Re: janet (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

The wax cubes are actually. 32mgs. The one cube is divided into 4 smaller cubes. Each piece of that cube is 8mg. This is a common thing in Alabama

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I take suboxane and have changed 4 months in a row now due to my body sweating profusely. The 8-2 strips are the worse then my dr put me on the straight 8 of suboxane and wow they were way to strong i had been on the pill before ruat was 8-2 and it was white i had no side effects from these so i told my dr that and he wrote the RX for 8-2 of bup and nalox. When filled i was shocked to see an orange small round pill. It does the same makes me sweat so bad that i cant even go out side with my small child or exercise. I didnt know the difference until your post about suboxne and subutex can u please tell me why i have theses terrible side effects to suboxane and if its dangerous?

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Re: Rominoff (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Yes they taste like separating humans are clear and have a cross imprinted where you can cut them into 4 pieces

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Its definitely subutex not suboxone, i started getting it over a year ago around the time they started making them. when i first started getting them i was getting them directly from my doctor until they changed a law or something and he coudnt get them anymore, even though he still has all the other medication he carries. Then i started getting them from the pharmacy. The only couple times i got them from the pharmacy so far they were white and had a sort of minty/toothpaste taste that seemed like it was masking the bitter taste which it still kinda had. But when i first started getting them from my doc they were pretty much the same as the pharmacy, after that there was one time it was darker yellow and was pretty bitter, also there was one time it was blue and another time it was green and pretty damn bitter, more so than the yellow one, from then on it was almost whitish clear (looks a lot less cloudy then any other one i ever had). And these sorta had a vague candy smell and tasted bitter as hell, almost as bitter as the hard pills. Anyways the pharmacy has to compound them there so i'm guessing there different all the time because of some impurities that are left when they do, but i dont really know how they make them it could just be different or more bitter because they made it a little different or accidentally made it too strong. sorry if i kinda rambled on there or went in to too much detail. Hope this helps.

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Re: BekahrawrBear (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Where in fl is your pharm ? I'm interested in these.

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Re: Erock (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Actually they are 9mg/2.5 so they are stronger so you saying they aren't stronger is a lie I'm looking at my troches (that's what they're called) which happen to be grape right now and I live in Florida and have been taking them for two years. They are definitely better than any strip pill etc deff ask your doctor about them and see if they have them in your city but yeah they have 9 mg in most compound pharmacies

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Re: Lexie (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, this is Tammy and I am from kingsport , TN 37660 , will you help me find a doc. in my area that will give me my nerve meds like, Valium or klonopin?

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Re: StrawDust (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Are the 12 MG? I've just recently seen them and was told it was 12 mg. my buddy said that one of the squares is like taking a full strip but I find that highly unlikely. Do you know if there the 12 mg ones and also do you know how to tell the difference with the wax Subs?

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My name is Amanda and I live in MD. I'm an RN. I just want you guys to know the difference between Suboxone and Subutex. Suboxone has naloxone, which is also Narcan... Which is used to bring ppl out of a opioid overdose. It's also an opioid blocker. So you need to be careful about which one you take. If you still have any opioids in your system and take the Suboxone, IT WILL THROW YOU INTO WITHDRAWL!! ONE THAT WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE COUNTERACTED
.. So please be careful. If you have any other questions please just ask...

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I get these and mine are 8 mg buprenorphine and 0.2mg naloxone. Mine aide solid white with the line going up and down and side to side (a plus +) and are flavored peppermint! I get mine through a mail order pharmacy called Bender Pharmacy. The one I use is located in Monetary, Va but im pretty sure there are other locations! If u call and pay for your rx over the phone veforw 3_4:30ish... Then you will get them the very next day through Fedex! This particular ogarmacy does not ezcwpt insurance and the cost is $4.00 each! Hope this helps! ;)

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Do u know what pharmacy has them I was getting them from my doctor but he no longer carries them

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Yes they're great and only 5 bucks compared to 11- 15 bucks at pharmacy

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