Subutex To Methadone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I go to the clinic and get methadone but missed a day, so i took a half a subutex. Within 15 min it sent me into immediate withdrawal. How long should i wait to take my methadone again? Is it going to send me into worse withdrawal?

67 Replies (4 Pages)

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That was the worst response i've read in a long time. It's not the naloxone that causes precipitated withdrawals, it's the buprenorphine. Don't try to help someone when you don't know s*** about these drugs.

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I was on and off of methadone for has a 24-36 hr shelf life, so by missing one day there is no need to take something else. I know i personally made the HUGE mistake of being on Methadone and then taking a suboxone the next day and went into bad withdrawl in like 10 scared me to death. Im happy to be off all of it now! I was clean an had a horrible brain injury but refused pain meds even though i needed them badle...Kratom works just as well for my pain and it is a plant. I have read lots of info on how people that had been on maintnence drugs for yrs and then started taking it to get off of all of it...not the over priced stuff that you get from a head shop, but the kind you order online...but if you try it do your research because there are lots of scam distributors online, also ive read it works best if your off Subs or Methadone to the point where your feeling it, to see how well it works for switching....just a thought, i just know i hated being on and off all of this for so many yrs...

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You are ABSOLUTELY right about that! Precipitated withdrawal symptoms are freaking horrible when you go from methadone to subtext in less than 48 hours. I thought I was going to die! I just thought being dope sick was bad. A doctor promised me that I wound not be sick if I took subtext instead of suboxone. He lied! I had to be put on 60mgs of morphine three times a day for 2 weeks Just to get 7 yes worth of methadone out of my system. Then I was prescribed 2 2mg subutex a day. I took 2 a day for 4 days, then 1 until all 28 were gone. Is been over a month since my last methadone dose and 5 days since my last subutex. I feel bad, my skin is burning, I have an anxious feeling in my chest constantly, I still can't sleep much, loss of appetite.

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yes its a damn shame that even some doctors dont realize this. i mean, if you cant trust the doctor.... and to everyone on here...PLEASE dont take any advice from VERWON on the subject of subutex and suboxone. this person states that its perfectly fine to take subutex after opiates. just like your doctor did. i am here to tell you that its NOT from very personal experience. like you said...i too thought i had experienced really bad withdrawals. that precipitated wd? o my holy hell. so ya, blow VERWON completely off. if you do "real" opiates and jump back onto that buprenorphine too soon? YIKES. subutex AND suboxone.

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Im pretty sure Verwon researches and finds the most common answer and assumes that the most common must be the correct one. Unfortunately there is much misinformation out there especially about suboxone/subutex. To here are the FACTS: Buprenorphine has a higher affinity for the opiate receptor vs almost all other opiods. When taken by someone under the influence of opiods, the bupe rips the other opiods off from the receptors, causing the brain to "have a tantrum". Picture a three year old with a lollipop in his mouth happy and smiling and enjoying himself. Now suddenly without warning rip that lollipop out of his mouth and what happens? Instant chaos. Naloxone is totally clinically useless. Through any Roa, bupe beats the naloxone. The original innovators put it in the mix to make the FDA feel safer allowing for it to be prescribed a month at a time to addicts. Also, it is expensive to make with naloxone making generic competition less likely.

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You absolutely cannot mix methadone and subutex together period. It will send you into almost immediate withdrawal. You have to be withdrawing pretty bad for it not to hurt you. Trust me! I go to the clinic and was on methadone and was switched to subutex like they told me. Ended up 2 days without for the switch and still ended up in immediate withdrawals. Good luck! Mixing these are never recommended!

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Exactly. You must wait until ALL those opiates are out of you or those subs will WRECK you, and depending on how much methadone you are on, 48 hours may not be enough, as u said. Methadone is so long-acting, it takes a while for it to all leave. Hell, with methadone, unlike with other opioids, you really aren't even full-on SICK for a day or two.

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I'm needing help with info on which will be the best one for me Subutex or Suboxone. I've been on hydocodone 10 pain meds for about 10 years now and I'm wanting my life back because it's all I think about especially if I get to running low. I take about 15-18 a day now about 4 every 3-4 hours and this terrible addition is taking every single dime I get, so I really don't know which would be the best for me? I'm just scared of going through the withdrawal. They say you have to be 24 hours free of any pain meds before you go for treatment. Help. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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HELP: You should be fine with either one. The active ingredient, the thing treating your withdrawal symptoms, is buprenorphine. This is the same in either one. The Suboxone had naloxone in it, which is in there to keep people from IV'ing the buprenorphine. Since you are a pill addict and not an IV addict, you should be fine with either one. Most likely, any addiction specialist you go to will give you either Suboxone or Zubsolv, rather than Subutex. Good luck.

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I take bupe all the time and then do perks in the same day but i dont get sick or go into withdrawl. Am i an exception? I started methadone at the clinic today took ten mg. And did subutex last night but want to do more sub now cuz im only getting such a small dose of methadone....

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MATTHEW: No, you are not the exception. You just have it backwards... it's if you take the bupe too soon AFTER taking the full agonist opioids (percodan) that's the problem. So doing more bupe after doing the methadone could throw you into precipitated withdrawal. Be's the worst feeling EVER!

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wrong,, it will not put you in withdraw

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I have done it and nothing happened. also took percs and subutex at the same time and nothing happened

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JS: No, I'm NOT wrong. Not only have I been told this by my addiction specialist, my PCP, several medical journals AND my own research, I have also been through it MYSELF., NOT wrong.

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Thank you!!! If you can't help another addict don't hurt one!!!

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JEN: This person is sitting here, point blank, telling us that he is in withdrawal, and the REASON he is in withdrawal is because he took Subutex too soon after Methadone. Point blank, straight up, took the Subs too soon. And then some "expert", who has NO CLUE as to what he/she is talking about, comes along with nothing but wrong information and tells him why he SHOULDN'T be in withdrawal. Don't you just love it?

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Kkh and texpert,

Wow you really have a huge passive aggressive attitude towards this VERWON Huh? In every reply you make reference to how wrong he is. People sometimes make mistakes no one is perfect.I know Iam not..... You can provide assistance to people WITHOUT BLASTING OTHER PEOPLE. It's just sad to read in one attack after another. Just being real

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I haven't had anything to say to Verwon in ages. And I have a problem with people who come on forums like this and dispense bad advice and misinformation. This isn't Youtube. This isn't some forum about meaningless kitten videos. This is about medication, and therefore has the potential to be about LIFE AND DEATH. So when someone has nothing but misinformation to dispense, over and over and over again, yes I take it very seriously. So sorry, but this isn't the place to be "making mistakes". If someone doesn't know 100%, for sure, no doubt, that their info is solid, they should stay off of here. These are serious issues. I really don't care what YOU think about it. Just being real.

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MADGUNNER: So are you TRYING to go into Precipitated withdrawals? I mean, what are you trying to prove here? Because you are playing a very dangerous game. Go into Precips once, you will certainly never want to do it again. And sorry, but these are just facts. The Bupe throwing someone into WDs if they use it too soon after full-agonist opioids? That's what it is SUPPOSED to do. Now, maybe since your dosages of the methadone and the Bupe were fairly low, you were safe. Or maybe you are just lying. I don't know. But I DO KNOW that I just worked with someone who was on 75 mgs of methadone, hadn't used the methadone for DAYS; and had only used H the last few days. This person took 12 mgs of bupe days after the methadone and about 18 hours after the H, and went into HORRIBLE Precips. I mean, seeing the devil, screaming, crying, just a complete nightmare. So if you want to go THERE, keep messing with Bupe and opioids together. You will wish you hadn't.

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That is BULLS***. You're not going into withdrawal from the naloxone, its only a blocker, it doesn't cause wd! But if you're on methadone for an extended amount of ANY TIME, don't ever take suboxone or subutex!!!! The buprenorphine in it will immediately send you into withdrawal!!! I was on methadone for yrs, and I didn't have my dose for 3 days so I took a HALF a pill of 8mg subutex and within 3 mins I was in rapid, full, terrible withdrawal. Ended up going to the hospital where they actuality gave me a dose close to methadone that had little to no affect. I was vomiting, having such crazy withdrawals, I would've rather died! It went on severe for about 6-8 hrs that my body and mind finally gave out and I was able to fall asleep by the grace of God. Anyway, terrible experience that ill never forget and NEVER try again. So no, methadone has a half life and if you've been on it a while don't ever take subs unless its been i say about 4-6 days.... Gotta be feeling pretty bad before its safe...

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