Subutex / Suboxone Withdrawals (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedSurely I'm not the only person reading in shock and disbelief. How is it that so many people are unaware of the basic facts and information regarding bup. I am reading in horror that woman are trying to detox during pregnancy. That is the worst option - it is risking both lives. I also read a question regarding the effectiveness of mixing bup with methadone. Anyone using these meds should know it causes withdrawals, that's the point of bup. I feel lucky to have drug treatment services that are free but able to stand along what is provided to private patients. It's horrible to think of pregnant woman on bup having to come on here to ask for info and not telling their dr in fear of judgement or welfare. What is up with a woman thinking its an option to detox at five mnths preg.? How doesn't she know she is risking both lives? Addicts have and always will be stigmatized society frown upon us, but i want to get ppl thinking and talking, why are woman making the choice to risk the health of their unborn baby rather than tell the dr they're on bup, all addicts who choose to engage in. and show consistent sustained compliance desrve a chance at rejoining society and pregnant woman deserve unbiased healthcare. I am still feeling sick from a post i read,a woman 8 mths preg asking what she can do she was already hanging out and cant get more bup for 12 days, a reply stated that the hosp prob won't give her any. I wanted to shout i was reading it days too late, how doesn't she know her baby is gravely ill?
No,it won't. ...they are both opiates, thats like saying that if you take a percoset,than take a vicoden, you'll freak and go into withdrawal. ..not gonna happen.
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