Subutex / Suboxone Withdrawals (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedSurely I'm not the only person reading in shock and disbelief. How is it that so many people are unaware of the basic facts and information regarding bup. I am reading in horror that woman are trying to detox during pregnancy. That is the worst option - it is risking both lives. I also read a question regarding the effectiveness of mixing bup with methadone. Anyone using these meds should know it causes withdrawals, that's the point of bup. I feel lucky to have drug treatment services that are free but able to stand along what is provided to private patients. It's horrible to think of pregnant woman on bup having to come on here to ask for info and not telling their dr in fear of judgement or welfare. What is up with a woman thinking its an option to detox at five mnths preg.? How doesn't she know she is risking both lives? Addicts have and always will be stigmatized society frown upon us, but i want to get ppl thinking and talking, why are woman making the choice to risk the health of their unborn baby rather than tell the dr they're on bup, all addicts who choose to engage in. and show consistent sustained compliance desrve a chance at rejoining society and pregnant woman deserve unbiased healthcare. I am still feeling sick from a post i read,a woman 8 mths preg asking what she can do she was already hanging out and cant get more bup for 12 days, a reply stated that the hosp prob won't give her any. I wanted to shout i was reading it days too late, how doesn't she know her baby is gravely ill?
know suboxone,subutex has no naloxone in it suboxone does there's your intelligence.
JEET: yes, suboxone has the naloxone in it, subutex doesnt. BUT, what they do for pain relief, what they do for the addicted brain, is EXACTLY THE SAME. the only reason there is naloxone in the suboxone is to keep people from using it intravenously. so when you say that they are "completely different", YOU are the one who is wrong. the active ingredient in both of them is the same drug, buprenorphine, so the phrase "they are completely different" is actually COMPLETELY INVALID. just totally off.
and by the way, it's not a good idea to make disparaging remarks about the intelligence of others, when you are incapable of forming a proper sentence.
Why cant i get any prescribe. narcotic pain pills anymore? They are the only thing that helps my severe back pain??????
I ,ay be in the wronv section but anyway. My dr had prescribed. Percoset or oxycodone for my severe back pain . i am not an addict &i need these pills to have a functional life &now all i can get is tramadol which dont work, i may as well be eating m&ms, i am located in easren va,, 70miles south of richmond .does anyo?e know a dr that would give me theres? I only need 10 to 20 a month for days my pain is bad.any help much appeciated cause im seriously considering trying to order some on line but dont know how safe that would be .Help Please!!!!
I know all the info about the drs.overprescribingbut as i said i am NOT an addict just need percocet or oxys occasionally so i can still function on a daily basis &i dont need many.going to florida to get them is not an option so what else can i do????
I'm in southern Maryland and finally found a pain management dr that IS NOT AFRAID TO PRESCRIBE THESE! It took me almost a year to find a compassionate Dr who actually cares about his patients! Do not order on the internet! You will most likely get ripped off and only receive "look alike drugs". I know Richmond is 80 miles from where my doc is here in Waldorf, add 70 miles to that and you have 150....which works out to about a 3 hour drive. I don't know about you, but I would gladly make this trip once a month for much needed pain relief. {edited for privacy}
HOUSE: AND>>no they are not "both opiates". Bupe is and OPIOID, not an OPIATE. And yes, there is a difference. Boy, you are just a FOUNTAIN of mis-information.
I am happy to help you. {edited for privacy}. Being a recovered addict and on Subutex for about 25 yrs, I know all there is to know. I also have Medical degrees, Nutrient Therapy cert and run programs for addicts. It is time for all addicts to be treated as respectively I'll humans with brain chemistry problems, not moral or legal ones. A huge shift in the paradigm must take place now and we are doing it at our institute.
Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
Well thank you for pointing that out to me,KKH! whatever would I do without you and your vast knowledge to keep me on the straight and narrow! Now here is a bit of wisdom for you...LIGHTEN UP!! Your welcome... HOUSE
HOUSE: It's not "wisdom", it's INFORMATION. This is a chat for INFORMATION. If you want to go through life being misinformed, that is totally your business. If you post mis-information on a chat room, that is EVERYONE'S business. If I see someone on here posting mis-information, I am going to correct it. That is just the way it is. People on here need the right info. Sorry if I offended you by attempting to educate.
MICHAEL: I have said exactly this and all of this on here and other threads about a thousand times, probably in a hundred different posts, INCLUDING the part about the Naloxone being in there so you can't take it intravenously. So I guess, thank you for putting the whole story in one post!
If I had a quarter for everyone who has said "there's no blocker in the Subutex, so you're ok", I could have a personal jet on stand-by.
It doesn't matter though...a week, a month, SOMEONE on here will post that taking Subutex after opiates is ok because it has no "blocker".
Well my friend is newly pregnant and heard she can only take suboxone now. Why is suboxone safer than subutex?
Can I take suboxone for a couple days and not get withdrawals again after being clean off subutex for 40 days? Or will it delay the mild withdrawals I still have? And I want to know how long it will be till the cold sweats stop? I was on subs for almost 5 years.
CHRIS: You can take Suboxone without going into withdrawals, as long as you haven't taken any other opioids. If you have taken other opioids such as Percocet, methadone, etc, you will need to wait.
Hi. I have been on Suboxone 12/3 mgs for a little over a year now! I never take 12mgs. I feel fine between 6-9 mgs. My one friend is prescribed the 8mg subutex sublingual pills and I was looking them up to compare the difference between Suboxone strips and the Subutex pills and one site said that subutex is an opiate? If I'm not mistaken isn't an opioid just like the Suboxone? I'm good with my Suboxone and don't plan on switching. My Dr told me that people seem to abuse and sell subutex more than Suboxone strips, so I'm just trying to gather more information here. Thanks :)
Which is stronger, a Suboxone film or the white round pill with 155 on them? I was switched to the pill and I don't think it's as good as the films. So please let me know ASAP.
I work in an environment where several of my residents are on prescribed medication. My question is, after taking Subutex how soon does it take effect?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Ya your wrong it's called precipitated withdrawal and its the buprenorphine itself to hat causes it due to its binding affinity,as soon as it kicks in despite the ROA it will knock all full agonists off your receptors add then your soul will be crushed
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Hey, just so u know if u take buprenorphine while still hooked on opiates it will send you into severe withdrawal, and no I'm not talking about Suboxone with the Naloxone in it. I'm talking about regular Subutex, only it will absolutely throw you into withdrawal. It doesn't have to have Naloxone. It does the same damn thing if u are still taking opiates. I know, I've had it to happen to me and it was brutal.
Subutex and suboxone are the same thing, well at least when I got to the doctors it's recognized as the same.
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