Subutex Doctor - East Coast - Help Me Find One Please!!!! (Page 9) (Top voted first)


I have been on Subutex for a year. My Doctor has retired, abruptly. I cannot find another physician willing to prescribe me Subutex (24 mg. daily) instead of Suboxone. I travel a lot w/ work. I would be grateful if anyone could tell me ANY Doctor anywhere on the East Coast that prescribes Subutex. Suboxone breaks me out in horrible itchy rashes and welts, makes breathing a little difficult and gives me blinding headaches- within ten to fifteen minutes of taking it. I am serious about recovery. Can someone help?!

255 Replies (13 Pages)

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Need a new Subutex doctor.

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So my email is in here if you can figure out which one it goes to. There are really only a few email carriers out there it probably is. You can try them all. I do understand you not wanting to put the name out there but if it's already displayed publicly online how could it be wrong. It's not like your true name is the one giving the info either. Try this. {edited for privacy} and tell me if that works. We can always report the post after to remove it.

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There are several in Bridgeville Pa. So it would take days to figure out which one will help me. Thanks though.

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This is true but I think DR's get a kickback from prescribing Suboxonne which is why they all say they won't prescribe it. That and it's potential for abuse. Which IMO is insane as you can abuse anything. It really makes no difference. It's just a big money making scam. I mean, why would a Dr possibly want to help someone by prescribing them what doesn't make them sick or doesn't cost as much for people with no health insurance. Oh, I know, because they get money for prescribing something else.

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Have you gone to anyone else in PA? If so who were they?

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Very True, Especially the film, they are trying to push it, and even give you discount coupons for the pharmacy. Also why would it be so expensive in the fist place, check it out online it doesn’t cost so much to produce, around 25 cents for 8mg. Plus since it is so restricted, doctors can only have 100 patients at a time. For abuse, other selling it, I don’t see any reason as it doesn’t make you feel high, just straight from being sick, usually from other scripts given by the same doctors for people in pain.

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Can you please tell me as well. I am in desperate need of a Dr in PA who will prescribe Subutex. Suboxonne makes me break out, sick, nauseous, and can't breathe. I just can't do it. I don't understand why they keep pushing it. I think I might just start going to a methadone clinic if I can't find a good Dr. my email is {edited for privacy}. ;)

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How much is startup? I Might actually consider travelling there.

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I didn't take any opiate. and no, it will do absolutely nothing to me anyway. One of the med's i'm prescribed comes up as an opiate, or so I'm told it can and may have. I just want to know another DR closer to me.

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Yes, I still am in need of a Dr to help me who prescribes Subutex. I am allergic to the Suboxone and can't take it. Most doc's don't care about that though and the only people who know of the ones who can help me aren't giving any info up because they make too much $ off of them.

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Grace, I'm pretty desperate here and how should I go about finding the right place if we can't leave our contact info? If the Dr is listed can't you just leave the number? Thanks so much! I would like to come in ASAP

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closer - What medication comes up looking as an Opiate? The only thing I know of would not be a medication but a food, Poppy seeds, anything made with these, Poppy Tarts, Poppy Cakes anything made with Poppy seeds, all delicious but can come up as an Opiate. Having a Poppy Tart is no reason to get onto something that is really addictive and really hard to get off of. If there is something else, please let me know so I can stay away from it. Thanks and stay well…..

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Please help me I need that Dr I'm very interested because I need to get clean, my name is Amanda my number is {edited for privacy}

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star 45 did you get an answer to your question? How much was the startup fee?

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Joey, I'm in need of getting subutex. Could you message me the Dr info. My email is {edited for privacy}

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Hi grace...I see your replies a lot on the website.. you seem most helpful and I wonder if you're knowledgeable about any website or service in the Boston areas? Do you have a starting point? I know it's pretty much trial and error...either hit our miss with the doctors and what they prescribe..but I was wondering if you could find a starting point if you didn't know a specific name.. I was changed as well to subutex and my bf takes the reg Sobos like I used to. Is hands swell and he gets symptoms as well and my doctor isn't taking new patients.. . . Can you help or direct me in any way? {edited for privacy}

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Hey..I guess im in the same boat ive been on subutex for 6 months...and now my doctor ended the practice I live close to philly...does anybody know a doctor for subutex...thanks

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I have been searching for a doctor to help me for month now and most places either have a long waiting list or they are way to expensive for me to afford.. The doctor u meantioneds office just replied to and email I sent saying that he would be willing to see me.. I was just wondering if u know how many milligrams they usually start u out on and how frequent u have to go there?.. Also u mentioned that they will give u what u prefer and I was wondering what I might need to let him know to get on the subutex.. I have been on methadone suboxone and subutex for the treatment center and subutex works best for me bc methadone made me feel more strung out and suboxone have me terrible head aches.. And my final question is will they help u if u only have subs n ur system and not opiates.. The treatment center I have gone to would be fine but u have to go every day to dose and it is such a hassle and they make I jump through hook to get ur medication

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It is a hassle, first you have to be in withdrawal before they will prescribe your Suboxone, (how crazy is it that you are sick as hell and then have to start calling and drive to get it filled) They always try to push the film and if you are paying out of pocket it will reduce the cost by $75. It is much better once you are on and adjusted then a Methadone clinic, with all their changes and new rules popping up, no standing in line at 6am for a weeks supply. With Sub you should be able to go monthly, plus staying clean. There is no feeling to Sub like Methadone or other opiates, it just keeps you from withdrawal, plus it has Nalaxone (Subutex is only given to pregnant women as the Nalaxone will cause probems) in it so trying to do any opiates put you into withdrawal and just the Sub itself binds to your receptors so you would have to be off sub for 3 1/2 days to even try opiates. As I said, it is expensive so go with a low dose if you are paying, its about $12-$15 per 8 mg tab or 8 mg film. Plus a $150 office visit. If you are over 30 mg of MD, you would probably need to start at 36 mg of SUB, depending….. The big problems are finding a doctor, doctors that have been trained and certified can only prescribe to 100 or 150 patients at a time, hence the waiting lists then cutting down is easy as long as you have something, people will get down to 1 mg and stay there for years they say that last 1 mg is the worst followed by a 3 weeks of withdrawal. Then of course there are many doctors that only except cash, and some that will dump you the first time getting caught dirty, benzo’s, barbs, and some for drinking or even if you if you have a cold and take daytime Sudafed so you can breath and work that day, if its near your appointment it will come up as Adderall and you will be out. Of course if you are not doing anything now and off methD, thank the stars, but look into everything before making the leap and stay well. Remember as with most things its just another money winner for the drug companies first, and then everyone under them.

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I really need subutext doctor I have been taking subutex for over a year because I can't afford suboxone but now I hear that my doctor can't subscribe it any more because the dea said he can't if know of a doc please help my name is Bob {edited for privacy}

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