Subutex Doctor - East Coast - Help Me Find One Please!!!! (Page 10) (Top voted first)


I have been on Subutex for a year. My Doctor has retired, abruptly. I cannot find another physician willing to prescribe me Subutex (24 mg. daily) instead of Suboxone. I travel a lot w/ work. I would be grateful if anyone could tell me ANY Doctor anywhere on the East Coast that prescribes Subutex. Suboxone breaks me out in horrible itchy rashes and welts, makes breathing a little difficult and gives me blinding headaches- within ten to fifteen minutes of taking it. I am serious about recovery. Can someone help?!

255 Replies (13 Pages)

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Just like Methadone, Subutex will be tough to get as it has a higher level of being abused on the street, Subxone not as much as if you are doing any type of opiates you would have to be in withdrawal for at least a day so the Suboxone can attach to your now free receptors in your brain plus it has its friend “Naloxone” to keep you from doing opiates, this is why the DEA is watching Subutex doctors and the doctors need a good reason to prescribe it, its usually only given to pregnant women until they deliver, then off to Suboxone. All these types of buprenorphine will soon go the way Methadone did. In 1969 ( or a little before) you could go to your own doctor and get a months supply of 10 mg tablets for whatever dosage you were on, So if you were on 60 mg you would get 180 tabs. Unfortunately, once once they were found being sold/abused by people that were sick because they couldn’t find their Opiate of choice they would just take their Methadone or they sold their Methadone to buy more of what they wanted, it stopped and went to the torture/expense and humiliation of the weekly (if you are good) of the Methadone Clinic. The same thing will happen to Sub doctors, soon their will be special clinics to go to. If you have any choice, just stay away from the whole mess, as a few will ruin it for the many. Some people live fruitful lives on Sub, but they a stuck on it with problems, seems going from 1 mg a day to nothing is very hard. Doctors are hard to find, as they can only have 100-150 sub patients, although it is supposed to be 100 times stronger than Codeine there is no “Buzz” or feeling of warmth as with other Opiates, but if you are sick then you need something or sweat it out for 3-4 days. Just think before you jump into the mess. Clean and straight is much nicer than worrying about appointments, getting there and all the rest, like a simple 2 week vacation can turn into a nightmare, especially if you are going overseas. Anyway, Good Luck, Think and if you really need to, hit the phones and get your name on a bunch of doctors lists. Good Luck

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I'm i need of subutex just because i can't afford suboxone

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It's going to be really hard for you apparently it subutex can only be prescribed yo pregnant women now I don't know why i think it's corporate greed personally I don't have insurance although me and my wife work full time jobs and our jobs don't offer health care and this affordable health care act is bulls***

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IN the Lehigh Valley Pa looking for a Doc that will prescribe Methadone not a clinic please Help me at {edited for privacy}

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The only way a Doctor can prescribe methadone without going to a clinic is if you have extreme pain, like a back problem and even then its very hard. It can be done legally but doctors are afraid of being checked by the DEA or getting put on their list of illegal doctors. Most back clinics will give you all the Oxycotin you want, but methadone is a different story, just like Suboxone it has to be closely monitored by people that think the know what they are doing, when really its only the cash they make.

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there is a doctor in New Haven CT that uses Suboxone and Subutex. contact DR MB Shimelman on 1 long wharf dr. new haven.ct

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Hi my name is mike I live in Maryland but am moving to myrtle beach South Carolina in 2 weeks and desperately need to find a subutex do for that I can have my prescription transferred too. And that's subutex not suboxin I can't take suboxin it makes me sick I can keep it down and gives me terrible headaches. So any help world be greatly appreciated bc I have to figure something out as soon as possible. Thank you.

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Sadly, I must admit, I am considering going back on just pain killers in my life due
to the fact suboxone is sooooo expensive easily $500/month (after the greedy doctors want their money), it amazes me, you need high blood pressure meds, oh yeah come on in, $75 for the visit, and I will write you a years subscription. Ohhh, suboxone? Yeah its like 250 for the first visit, and I will ahh need to see you in 2 weeks, and ahh yeah its like the law? SURE it is, these doctors should be crucified and will some day, this whole medical system is a scam. Even the ones on here who will say they care about you, WATCHOUT!! Unfortunately, if the medical field really cared about paitients they would reintroduce opiates back to pyschiatric care.
Because do you know anyone that the drugs theyve been prescribing for depression (prozac, zoloft, etc...) ever TRULY help anyone, doubt it. To those that are trying to take suboxone cause they cant get subutex, just wanted to make sure you spit the pill out after dissolved in mouth. Read where someone was throwing up, and thought maybe it would help. I never swallow suboxone or subutex or any of it. Goodluck, recoverers, and ROT IN HELL doctors that act like they care!!

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Please give me the info on the dr in pa I'm super sick and have nowhere else to turn

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Not sure if you found a dr yet, but I know a doctor by the name of dr Judith Gordon who will prescribe subutex. She's an awesome dr. Google her she is out by city line ave

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is there anyone who knows of a dr in westmoreland pa area or allegheny county or close to there that prescribes subutex. i am desperate i get really bad rashes and headaches off suboxone and i cant stand taking methadone i need some help and can not find any drs that prescribe it please anyone let me know

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yes i do really need help! could you please give me the name of the dr in pa?

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Dr Teet in latrobe. He used to be in Greensboro but now hes in Latrobe. I travel from 2 states away so if your in allegheny I'm not sure how far that is. But he's a great DR.

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I couldn't agree with you more! I recently had a dr in Pa who faked a oral exam and dirty exam from me. Let me explain. I admittedly did have a bad oral swab 3 mts ago, and he said he would Kick me out if I ever had another one. I knew he would so I decided not to ever have another one. So since that day i've done NOTHING but my meds. So I was pretty surprised to get a phone call today, The day I was supposed to have an appointment to go there. They said I had another dirty oral swab but that my UA was clean. My metabolite urinalisis was totally clean and normal but my oral swab wasn't. ??? Soooo I asked them what it was and what all the levels were, they faxed them to me and I compared this with the copy of the one from 3 mts ago. ALL the levels were EXACTLY the same. Every single one. The chances of that are 1 in like 1million. Soooo, My guess, the DR is getting heat from the DEA because he actually doesn't see his patients. He writes the scripts the night before and you don't ever even see him. I've only seen him twice in 6mts. So my dr must have gotten some heat from the DEA and decided to get rid of the OBVIOUS bad apples. Except for I hadn't done a f***ing thing. What a bunch of BS! The rest of his patients, some who are people I know personally, are just using their gf/bf's pee and using any other drugs they want. Then selling their meds. So I'm back to getting my meds from this same DR but Now, I'm really doing it the illegal way. THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS A SCAM! Wow, Unf***ingbelieveable!

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REALLY?? Wow!!! That's amazing. Let me know where to get it? I am having trouble getting prescribed Subutex and I can't afford Suboxonne it's like $16 a strip and makes me break out in hives and vomit uncontrollably. I live in Western MD. The tri state area. I'm close to WV, PA and VA, even OH if it is the lower ne portion of it. Let me know if you know of any DR's that will work with me for depression here. I've been diagnosed with that for the last 20 years so that should be an easy one. Thanks so much for your info. I can be reached at {edited for privacy}.

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I would like to have more info

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YES! I need your help. Please just message me directly {edited for privacy}. I still need the name of your DR in PA. Yes, I have an allergy and have documentation. I just don't understand why I can't get any help. I'm being discriminated against because I have an allergy. Please help me.

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How do I pvt msg you?

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I have an allergy with dr proof too. need Pa doc. {edited for privacy}

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