Subutex Doctor - East Coast - Help Me Find One Please!!!! (Page 12) (Top voted first)


I have been on Subutex for a year. My Doctor has retired, abruptly. I cannot find another physician willing to prescribe me Subutex (24 mg. daily) instead of Suboxone. I travel a lot w/ work. I would be grateful if anyone could tell me ANY Doctor anywhere on the East Coast that prescribes Subutex. Suboxone breaks me out in horrible itchy rashes and welts, makes breathing a little difficult and gives me blinding headaches- within ten to fifteen minutes of taking it. I am serious about recovery. Can someone help?!

255 Replies (13 Pages)

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Need help if possible. I lost my Dr and need a new one desperately.

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I could really use your help finding this. Dr.

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Go to and you can find every doctor licensed to prescribe it in the country with all the docs info including phone numbers.

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Right track addiction in Pittsburgh prescribes subutex 2 day at most goodluck

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Will they take out of state patients? If so can u give me info

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I'm not sure where u are but here in pa westmoreland county there's kreinbrook psychological center prescribe suboxone there's also Dr jabour in grb pa cash only good luck

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I'm from wv and need a dr for subtex can you help me?

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What the doctor name need help for the subutec bad suboxine I am allergic to it

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Can you tell me any doctors in pa for subutex

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Hey i am desperately in need of finding a subutex doc near statesville hickory area....all they wanna write is suboxone and I cant take that.... Can anyone help plz?

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Do you know if this dr. Gooberman still prescribes the subutex.

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I'm looking for a doctor that will write subutex. I pay for the appointment with cash.

{edited for privacy}

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Call Soft Landing. Great people. They will do you right.

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please send me info on dr. that prescribes subutex

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Hey guys heard anything regarding of a great reasonable subutex doc around ND or Va Or even Wva someone please inform me asap
Tired of wasting 250 dollars 2 times now guys it blows

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Can you please give me the number to the subutex Dr.? I'm in dire need of help and can't keep going through withdrawals.

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First steps counseling gray Tenn. 37615 - They will give both if you get in. Let me know by my email {edited for privacy}.

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I know a doctor in nj that will subutex went to him this week and was in and out in 20minutes with no problem but he doesn't take insurance and is pricey but so worth it

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Hi, i am in the orlando area and trying to find a doc who is willing to prescribe subutex. I have problems with suboxone and cant seem to find an alternative. If anyone knows someone please help. Thanks

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I need a Subutex doctor in Baltimore, Maryland. I cannot take Suboxone and cannot find a doctor for help.

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