Subutex Doctor - East Coast - Help Me Find One Please!!!! (Page 11) (Top voted first)


I have been on Subutex for a year. My Doctor has retired, abruptly. I cannot find another physician willing to prescribe me Subutex (24 mg. daily) instead of Suboxone. I travel a lot w/ work. I would be grateful if anyone could tell me ANY Doctor anywhere on the East Coast that prescribes Subutex. Suboxone breaks me out in horrible itchy rashes and welts, makes breathing a little difficult and gives me blinding headaches- within ten to fifteen minutes of taking it. I am serious about recovery. Can someone help?!

255 Replies (13 Pages)

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I need to find a Dr that will do subutex asap in the Knoxville Tn area please! Down in the dirty south!

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I am in the same frustrating scary u are.and time is running out...............I have found a physician who will see me and then decide if I am accepted in to her program but she charges $200 for the first visit and then 100$ monthly I can't afford that ! Have you found a solution ?

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{edited for privacy}. need a subutex doc in PA. I have medical records to show I have an allergy to the other medicine in suboxone. I just moved back to WV and can't find a doc anywhere. Was on 3 waiting lists for PA did for the past year and when I finally got in, they informed me that they no longer do subutex. I don't know how to give my contact info on here.

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If your really desperate, there is a doctor in Norristown, at a place called Vivify medicine, its on fornance st
Hes pretty cool, if you can prove you have been on it consistently, he will charge like 175 first visit, otherwise its like 200 then like 200 per month.

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Where is this at I've been on subutex going on5 years and I'm gonna tell you that's the only thing that saved my husband and I we were making10 trips a fau to Durham nc top Get H, sell it Jay to be sure we had our fix. And we were using iv.i found outi was pregnant andi got onsubutex I haven't done any opiates some The first dayi stayed my meds.i wouldn't even accept the pain meds they sent me home with and tried to give me in the hospital after both my c sections. I can't take I am also one that can not take naloxone.

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Yeah, Valley is expensive. What is crazy is that I know one person who is going and the office she goes to takes Medicaid. But, my boyfriend got an appointment and it is at a different office and they do NOT accept it. This is for Suboxone, of course. We are still looking for a Subutex doc, even if we have to drive 5 hours. We are to that point....and thinking about getting prego. LOL. Just kidding, but close to that desperate. And everyone we know that gets Subutex doesnt want to tell us where they are going. It sucks and this is ridiculous. Its funny cause they think we want Subutex because we dont want the blocker, but the truth is, we dont use any opiates anyways.

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{edited for privacy} Pls i am amputee. need subutex not suboxone dr. im in jersey like central eastern part but willin to travel if u can pls bless me with a subutex dr. i am allergic to naltraxone

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Your psychiatrist can prescribe you subutex since he thinks you need to be on it. Any dr can prescribe subutex for pain management but it's the Sunoco e that tAkes a certification. Most drs just don't want to deal with it. Sounds suspicious to me. My psychiatrist prescribes me subutex.

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I call ed that number they want c Noone out of state I'm in Maryland

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I also am looking for a subutex Dr. in Pennsylvania. preferably western Pennsylvania.

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hey I am looking for a new subutex doc in bmore. i am going to caton professional building and my shrink writes them no problem. He is about to retire and there not sure about the new doc if he is able to or not. my email is {edited for privacy} if you know any that take amerigroup or insurance and maybe let me know thanks. ed

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can you please let me know if you found a doctor in the Baltimore area for subutex

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Could you travel to Delaware? We have suboxone doctors on every street lol! I was going to a Dr. F is what we'll call him I would pay $250 cash for the visit and you get same day visits no waiting and my insurance wld pay for the script. Me and my man were both trying to get on the subs but $500 for both of us to have an appt so we decided that he would just go well I went with him for 1- they never asked for id or anything like that 2- they didn't even give him a UA- 3- I was the one that filled everything out the paper work for him and when we were talking to the doc I kept saying we do this much, we were on them before and we were prescribed 2 a day each so it was obvious that we both needed them and we were only trying to pay for on appt but he was cool and was like it sounds to me As if your habit was a lil more outta control this time so ima give you a script for 28 for one week and you'll come back in seven days (don't worry when u come back in seven days it's still part of your first visit you don't have to pay again til u come back for month two) and I will give you a month supply so he gave us 120 subs a month for a year then took us down to 90 a month for four months then 75 for 4 months 60 for 4 months 45 for three months 30 for 2 months than he started giving us 30 4mg for a month than 30 2mg for a month than 15 2 mg for a month then we were done!

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PA is the easy state, every 1 frm WV goes there cuz Wv WILL NOT PRESCRIBE SUBUTEX....they are Jerks tho and charge Ridiculous prices!!! well I couldn't pee last month. I sit right in the office and drank 6 cups of water, and then my U/A came back diluted.... what do they think? I told them it was the water. IT TRUELY WAS. I don't need to Flush w/ anything...I'm devastated and have NO CLUE What to do.

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Look up AR solutions. There may be a waiting list now...

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I'm currently moving to Pa and am looking for a doc that will prescribe. {edited for privacy}. I really need the number to a good doc. It would be GRATEFULLY appreciated.

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I think any pain Management doctor would perscibes Subutex if u can show you have been on the Meds for sometime..

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I need a doctor that takes insurance in Baltimore for Suboxone or subutex ASAP before my doctor is done next month

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Need help if possible. I lost my Dr and am in desperate need of a new one

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