Subutex 460 Vs 54 411 (Page 4)
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Does the Buprenorphine 8mg 460 work as well as 54 411's? I'm curious as I've seen other imprints, just not 460. Please let me know if they are better or worse.

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

I don't think we have a me anyway. I have never seen one. So I googled it to check it out. So I'm guessing NO. On youtube it says it's a pharmacy/cosmetics and more, natural products. I don't know what other kinds of pharmacies are out in California. I have family there too..oh btw I was on a different discussion thread and a friend just told me yesterday he is in California too. His doctor got him signed up with a new government plan to help people with buprenorphine treatment plus pay for doctor visits. I was told u need to make under $40,000 to qualify. But he said there is always something negative that can happen. Now it will also pay for the medicine too, BUT supposedly only for suboxone, not subutex. So he decided to use the doctor part but wants subutex, so he will continue to pay cash for that part using the discount card. I think around 90 or 120 pills runs for under $300.

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Re: Charlene (# 155) Expand Referenced Message

So, I have Medicare plus the AARP Silver or something (crappy but expensive) like that to cover what is not covered by Medicare. I don't think being in CA makes any difference. $350 for a generic? Do you have Pharmaca out there?

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

I had to go look at my insurance says AARP Medicare complete United that what u have too? They cover up to 90 subs a month for $45.

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

Now see I'm in Florida, I have the same insurance as u I think they pay for any of the buprenorphine generic. Mine is $45 a month no matter how many, but they will only pay for 90 pills a month. Only one time did I go to a pharmacy to pick up the hikma 54 411 and they were q crazy price..I told them put it back and went to a different pharmacy got the same thing for $45.. I asked someone about it they said it's illegal to do when someone has insurance but not much u can do about was a big chain Pharmacy' so I just never went back

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

Gotta agree with the Subutex. I tried the Rhodes.The only difference is they wear off sooner.As foe Hiyma is it.i always spell it know

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Re: Charlene (# 147) Expand Referenced Message

Believe me Charlene, I tried over & over for a script for 45 tabs. My insurance (medicare + United Healthcare) is really cheap (as in stingy): they want over $350 per month. So, I'm just fine with the Hikmas. Pharmaca will be glad to order them for you if you're in that income bracket or have insurance that costs a fortune!

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Re: AwwCharlene (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

Why are you talking about xanax in an addiction recovery forum???

We don't take subs to feel high... we take them to get our lives back....

I don't know you but until you GET REAL HELP AND COUNSELING YOU ARE DOOMED!!!

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

The most potent (opioid) you can get OTC in Canada is Tylenol w/Codeine (Referred to as Tylenol #1). It contains 8 mg of codeine + Tylenol. So if you really, really want to get well, eat about 12 of them, make out your will, and say adieu to your stomach lining!

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Re: MirWat (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

You got very lucky. The Sun 460 for me were the worst. The Westward Hikma brand 411 was the best for me until I got the new Rhodes. You can request your CVS to order and fill only the Westward Hikma 411. I did until they snuck in those awful Sun Pharma 460 from India. Call around next time before you fill it until you find a CVS that has it. Many of us reported CVS and Sun Pharma to the FDA. There's also a class action lawsuit out there too. Against them. Good luck. I suggest finding an independent Pharmacy as they can take better care of your bupe needs. I had to. The chains could care less about us. It's all about the mighty dollar. Here's an example. I am a vendor and all the chain Pharmacies out there I service. I have one that is a CVS that averages $800,000 a month in prescription sales, in a community of 30,000 with 6 more CVS in town. Not counting Walgreens, Rite Aid and the independents. Think about it. One patient more or less is nothing to them.

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Re: davidjw1 (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

Hi David, I follow on Facebook..the late show with Stephen Colbert....its a Sept. 14th show..if u can find's so funny. It's titled like this..says Stephen takes a look at the family behind Purdue, Oxycontin, and now is making a profit off those who may have become addicted...meaning they came out with our your into it...its worth a good laugh..see ya next time.

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

There is a new xanax that just came out, blue speckled imprint b 707..they look just like the brand name shape..

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

Why don't u try the new Rhodes generic? It really is the best..well to me anyways. I just to think ( when will they come out with something better, ) thank god..finally

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

And I'm right behind let's see how fast we can run...better yet we can move to Canada and be roomies my dreams too.

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Re: KristenGfromGa (# 133) Expand Referenced Message

You can "buy whatever you want in Canada OTC?" Since when? Sounds like one of my drug-induced happy dreams...

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I have been on Suboxone or subutex on and off for the past 9 years. The past 1 or so I’ve been taking the 460’s from cvs. Today I sent my husband there and he comes back with the 411’s. I don’t know why or how but I am soooooo glad. 460’s give me the worst headache and I have zero energy. So glad these are back. Good luck everyone

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54 411's are the only decent, CONSISTENTLY reliable subutex tablet out there, (can't vouch for outside the US) but I would buy XANAX brand where available outside the country. Occasionally (make that more than occasionally) the farmacia clerks will sell them to you w/o a script if you use a little ingenuity. So if that can happen in Italia, it can happen in any eastern or any country in southeastern europe no prob.

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Re: davidjw1 (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

Hi david. I'm glad the Rhodes are still working out for too. Your right, what a blessing these came out. They definitely were hard to find and get a hold of because they are great for me, no more in and out of withdrawals like I was before and then I'd say well I will only take one more and a day or two say the same thing. I was coming up short at the end of the month and I'd think damn why did I do that? It got to the point I'd have my husband hold them and leave my dose out before he went to work and I would have no chance of that happening because he does not cave in. He does not like to see me suffer at the end of the month...he has never been an addict and doesn't drink, only takes melatonin once in a while. But being married to me for over 30 yrs. He knows and understands addiction very well..I have been lucky that way. Any other man probably would have left me long ago..but yahooo for the new Rhodes generic is all I can say.

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Re: Charlene (# 138) Expand Referenced Message

Well, got Rhodes Pharma bupes again today. So happy to have found a pharmacy like this one I now use. What a blessing. Really hope others can get a pharmacy to order it for them. My pharmacy is a compounding pharmacy and they use Cardinal Health to get my Rhodes tablets. There is a shortage now with the chain pharmacies for the Westward/Hikma and Mylan is almost impossible to get, too. So, now many are using the Sun and Hitech brand buprenorphine out here in the northern part of California. Pharmaca is a small chain that was getting Westward 54 411 for me until I found this pharmacy I now use. Good luck everyone. I know this is like apples and oranges but I guarantee you I do not do all the stupid crap I used to when chasing opiates down daily. My job, partner, friends, family and temple will all attest that this medication not only saved me from me but my life and everything that goes with it. Some day I will stop. But until then I am free and somewhat normal and definitely happy because of this medication.

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Re: SteveC (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Exactly. made me have terrible withdrawals after a few days too plus kidney and back pain....I've never felt so bad, my goodness! I threw them out (like 80 pills) and paid cash for different ones til my next script....IT NEVER EVEN OCCURRED TO ME TO THROW MEDS AWAY BEFORE THEN....LOL

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Sun pharma 460 is horrible horrible horrible. I take the Westward 54 411 and out of the 6 different genetuc subutex I have taken. These are the best for me. Those 460 caused me depresdion, nausea, shakiness, burning under my tongue, outbursts and they do not last very long. They for me weee a nightmare!

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