Suboxone To Get Off Opiates (and Sub) Forever
UpdatedHello all. I am a 22 year old mama to a 10 month old baby. I desperately need to get off opiates.. I mean, my situation pales in comparison to some...but withdrawals are withdrawals all the same. I'm hoping for some helpful advice and tips! I've only been addicted to opiates for about 9 months. I got tabs from my OB after birth, then my boyfriend starting getting tabs, Percs, oxy, roxy....from friends, not prescribed :/ only taking about 30-60 mg a day. Not as bad as some but quitting cold turkey really kills me! Not only am I a mother I am a young professional as well with a great job. I actually just got a raise sooo definitely can't let them down by missing work to detox, besides that I have a wonderful baby who requires and deserves my full attention and I want the energy to spend with her. Yesterday was my first day to quit cold turkey. I am determined this time, I am strong, and I am doing something amazing for myself and my family. I don't want this to control my life and ability to function and take care of my life, house, and's sickening to think about what I've become.
Here is where I need advice.......
The withdrawals really bring me down and affect my work and ability to be happy and energetic around my daughter which actually depresses me. How can I be such a s***ty mother? I feel SO lethargic and the extreme fatigue is the one thing that really, really, really gets to me. I can't stand it. And the restless legs. No diarrhea and I can sleep just fine. This is 2nd day and it seems to getting worse. My friend gave me some suboxone but I do NOT want to get dependent on that.. But should I do a tiny dose to get me through work tomorrow then just throw the rest away and be done with it? Because maybe after the weekend , it'll be 5 days, maybe my energy will come back? I just don't know and I'm in desperate need of advice as far as the extreme fatigue goes :( I know it will be worth it in the end and I'll be so proud of myself but going through this is hell.
Any response/advice is appreciated and I wish you all a happy and healthy life full of magic and peaceful moments :) thank you so much.
13 Replies
Dear lawngirl, I'm sorry 2 hear what u r going through. But, most of us have gone through the same thing. I had a lot of surgeries and have a lot of medical problems. I was on heavy duty pain meds. ( Oxy) for almost 11 years. When I wanted 2 get off, I needed help. I went on methadone then on subs. I've been on subs 4 awhile now. The withdrawals I went through while waiting 2 get on treatment were HORRIBLE! So, I understand. And, at that time, my 2 sons were young . I felt the same way as u. The suggestions I can give 2 u r: either ride it out and u will feel lousy 4 awhile or u could go on subs. I wouldn't recommend methadone, because, that's really hard 2 get off and you don't have pain. Other than w/d. Taking one sub 2 get u through one day is defeating the purpose, because, u will feel the same the next day. It's you're choice. No one knows exactly how long u will feel crappy, everyone is different. If I can answer any other ???, I'll try. GOOD LUCK!
If you do decide on taking the sub you won,t need to take the whole thing. If it,s a 8/2 film strip a quarter of one strip is 2mgs. That should be plenty. You might even try cutting that in half and trying 1mg.
It would be best if you could just rough it out. Your probably half way there. Believe it or not excercise really helps. I know you don,t feel like it but even a walk around the block will help. Hot bath or showers may help also.
Let us know how you make out.
I am dependent on norco 10/325 and was taking between 7-10 per day. I want to get off of them completely but the withdrawals are way too intense. I want to know a way to do so safely and comfortably. My situation is that on thursday mid day i had taken my last norco. By friday morning i had started feeling the withdrawal. I had gotten a 8mg suboxone and only took half and withdrawal went away really quickly all day friday. All day sat i was still fine on only the half then sat night i started feeling the withdrawal again so i took the other half. The rest of the day i was fine and all day sunday and all day monday. I have another suboxone tablet just in case it happens but am i doing this safely and will it work to get off everything completely?
Hey Dan, Subs are super strong. You should wait until your really sick and just take a quarter of an 8mg strip which is 2 mg then in 24hrs take 1mg. Its real hard to cut the strips so small but a lot of people do. In 24hrs cut a 1mg piece in half which will be .5mg. Eventually your gonna have to just stop. Maybe the sub will take some of the worst of it away. You don,t have to go by this schedule but you get the idea. Taper,taper, taper. You can even cut them to get .25mg. Just take enough to take the worst of wds. away.
In myrtle beach. Desperately seeking help. Can't get in to see new Dr til end of month. Been on subs 8 yrs. Relocated and didn't realize how hard it'd be to get Dr
Have you checked out the web site for suboxone? I just moved to texas and that is how I found mine. good luck.
Hi Rachael, Thats rough. The Drs. in mid tenn. are pretty well booked up too. Don,t know if you have insurance or not but some phyciartrists can prescribe subs. Just a thought. I,m not sure but some pain clinics may prescribe subs. Keep looking and good luck.
You do not have to suffer like that. There is Kratom. Please research this plant (herb) and find a reputable vendor, there are MANY good ones. Read all you can and order some asap. It will help w/d, pain, energy, can do it. You and your baby are worth it! Best wishes dear one.
Hello Darlin,
Off topic but every time I think of your nickname, "Darlin" I can't get the old country tune with the line, "hello darlin, it's been a long time" lalala out of my mind! Anyway, do you own a Kratom farm or something? This post is at least the 3rd I've come across today with your suggestion to try Kratom. It's fine with me that folks try whatever they can afford to help with opioid issues, as long as its non poisonous that is! I'm happy if you've had such great success with Kratom, which to my knowledge has been shown to be safe at this point. I've tried it myself and it did absolutely nothing whatsoever for me. At all. Nada. I've tried several different types. All were for not I'm afraid. Good luck to you, Darlin, and I hope Kratom continues to help you and continues to cause no harm.
Haha! That's what I was thinking when I came up with the user name, glad it brings good thoughts for you. No, I don't own a Kratom farm. I do understand how difficult it can be to be dependent on pain medicine, then stop taking it suddenly. After 9 surgeries and having doctors prescribe pain meds each time, I think it's fair to say I've experienced my share of THAT ride. To say it causes discomfort-it doesn't really describe how one feels.
I'm sorry that you tried Kratom and it did nothing for you. You would be in the minority, as I'm happy to say that it DOES WORK for countless people-they have their lives back. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous sellers who sell "Kratom," but the strength varies. Purchase from a trustworthy, reliable vendor (there are many!), I would be willing to bet there's at least one that would change your mind. It has been a lifesaver for many.
The place I bought the Kratom from came highly recommended from some friends on a website with the word "erowid" in it. I feel confident about the advice I received there. I've given up on medical pain management for the time being. Approx 25 years ago my urologist referred me to pain management after dx me with chronic Interstitial Cystitis. For ten years I was treated with respect and dignity in NC. Unfortunately, I moved to Ohio when my husband's job ended there. I was ok the first 8 years of living here. My NC doc made sure I had a referral and appt set up with a medical school friend of his working at the Cleveland Clinic Pain Management Dept. That was great, the only problem it was 1 & a half hour drive from my home. After 8 years of i asked them to refer me to a local clinic, which they kindly did. That's when things got very weird in that the Dr running the office was very unprofessional, rude, mean, unpredictable and so disrespectful. He actually scared me. He was a bully really. One day, several agencies including DEA, State Pharmacy Board & medicare to name a few came in and shut down the clinic. Although it reopened a week later, it wasn't long till the place closed for good. Such a long story. My PCP was able to write my prescription for 3 months until he got me into yet another clinic where i was treated like a drug addict from the get go. I went for 3 months where they billed my insurance Co for monthly drug panels @$2800 a pop! I can see a random drug panel being done on those patents being prescribed narcotics however, the only thing they wanted to prescribe me was Neurontin, which I've taken before and made me feel practically homicidal! Not to mention the PA I saw didn't know a thing about my syndrome but tried to act like she did. Believe me when I say I'm very up on any current treatments, none of which she knew about. I wasn't disrespectful and I didn't ask for specific medications. After 3 visits I called it quits there and have suffered immensely. It's horrible what our government has done to its citizens living with chronic pain. It's Shameful!
Dear lawngirl, methadone is hard to get off, and you're swapping 1 problem for another. Many prefer methadone bc the half life is 36 hours, which means you can function all day and night without jonesing. Problem is, people try to continually increase their dose to feel high instead of keeping it at a low dose, with intentions of gradually tapering down to nothing. When you go to detox to clean up before entering rehab, you might get 5 days of suboxone, steadily decreasing each day bc doctors feel anything taken over 5 days becomes a new addiction. The most important thing I've learned is if you are going to take suboxone, cut an 8 mgs strip into 4 pieces. Start out slow by only putting 2 mgs under your tongue. But what makes you feel like total crap is if you take that sub too soon from the last time you took an opiate. They recommend 24 hours (sometimes easier said than done), but I know from experience subs can be great if you don't take them too soon bc once you do, it forces your body into withdrawal by scraping out and blocking your receptors. It's a Quick way to feel like you're dying. If you really want to quit, you've got to taper down and not take more than 5 days of consecutive subs smaller amounts each day. Good luck!!
I would take the suboxin for at least 3 or 4 days just little pieces of it and then each piece make it smaller than the first piece
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