Suboxone Please Please Help (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi all. I'm desperate, please.
I've been on prescribed opiates for the past 6 years for Chronic Pain.
I'm starting to become extremely emotionally addicted to them, so I chose Suboxone.
I was there for my first doses today - 2, wait an hour, then 4, then go home.
Things were fine for an hour, then I started nodding off and had to put myself to bed, where I've not actually slept, just drowsy as. It's awful. My Dr told me the therapeutic dose is16 so he's aiming for that by increasing 2 a day.
This is why I wanted off opiates!!!
I have a 13 year old son with special needs and he needs me!!!!
I'm a wreck!
Is this going to go away once my body adjusts, or do I head for the hills now????
I cannot do this. I need to be able to function.
8 Replies
I'm so sorry guys, I'm new to this part of it, and I'm really scared.
Taken 8mg today, as was recommended by the pharmacist, but I feel like hell.
I don't feel real, I don't know what's going on, I'm so fuzzy and vague, and I'm dizzy and feel like I'm going to be sick. I'm emotional and teary and I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep forever. Nothing I've read says it should be anything like this. Help. Please.
I've done the suboxone thing a long time ago and it sucked!!! I hated it and was going crazy a lot of over thinking and just did not feel like myself!! Also the nodding out is just a phase you have to go thru till your body gets used to it I remember take a 8mg strip and nodding off on and off all day eventually after a month or so that won't happen anymore. Maybe you should try Subutex it does not have Naloxone in it that the blocker in case you try n use an opiate it won't work but personally I liked the Subutex it's all a matter of preference. I hope things get better for you hang in there
In Scotland theres a 'norm' of around 21mg/day, roughly. Strangely, most people use the same phase when asked how they feel? "Brand new, far better than normal whatever that is". Ic bn clean 4 years and the suboxone came good when every single other thing failed. But I do think that if ur dr gives u a good maintenance dose then you'll just grand. All the best anyway.
I got out of the hospital Jan 26th after going to pain management for 17 yrs. I did NOT abuse my medd. I just decided 17 yrs was long enought. This dr had me on every opiot you can think of until the last 4 yrs I was taking 6 oxycontin 80 mgs a day plus 6 10 mgs of oxycodone. At one time I was on 12 and 6 a day. I don't care about the pain meds I don't crave are want them. My problem is they put me on Suboxon 8 mgs a day that's 4 mgs 2 a day. Last week it was 3 4mgs a day. I don't know if that's why I feel so bad are if it's from all the beta blockers they have me on. They did that because I have severe anziety and panic attacks and I took klonpin for that 1mg 3 times a day and I was fine. But they won't let me take it because it's so dangerous with Suboxon. So I suffer because the beta blockers make me sick and they gave me visteril got anziety also and it does nothing. I feel fatigue and weak and nauseated and bad headaches. I'm to the point that the anziety and panic attacks are worse that not having the Suboxon. I just feel awful. Then they want me at group 3 times a week so I can get my medicine. This is just rediculious I'm a grown woman and I am being treated like a kid. I went to the hospital on my own my choice no one telling me to and I'm sicker now than when I first went in. And how are you suppose to go to group when you feel so bad. Anyone who has been nauseated 24/7 knows how awful it is .ant that tribe weak feeling. Anyway why would 1 mg of klonpin hurt me if I take it as needed. I am suffering and they don't care. Just come to group change my meds every week. Pls give advice are opinion. Just want to feel better.
Hi there, there's good news ahead. In Scotland, where I'm posting from, the therapeutic dose is 18-21mg p/d. After 3-4 days you will feel more alive and 'normal' than you have done in years. This is not an idle promise! Think of it as normal +1 - your appetite, sleep and general mood will return with a vengeance and you'll be able to reduce down to a smaller dose quite quickly. Afterwards tho I do suggest you switch to narolex or the American equivalent. It is not your fault this has happened to you, if I had more space I'd criticize the prescribing system, in general American Dr's are drug dealers with degrees. Hope this helps you a little, it sounds like your needed and loved. All the best and remember hope is not lost...I've been clean 4 years now thanks to suboxone and that's after nearly 20 years with an opiate habit.
Yes it will go away not sure how many you said you took 6mg total or 24mg DIDDENT quite understand. But 24 mg is a lot give it 2weeks and your body should adjust. EVERONE is different so this is just an estimated time frame. I wish you the best!! Keep us posted thanx
How much stuff were you using before prescribed suboxone? Hang in there cause suboxone saved my life and still is. I been on and off for 10 years back on now do to pain management. how are you feeling now don't up your dose it will subside
God Bless you and thank you for your reply.
I feel awful. There was some mention maybe I'm allergic to the Naloxone component of the medication. I was asked what I wanted to do from here, if I wanted to go back on my pain meds. Ummm, thanks, but no.
I was on 100mg Palexia (Tapentadol) twice a day, 8mg Jurnista nightly, 4mg Dilaudid (hydro morphone) twice a day, and 10-20mg of Endone (Oxycodone) a day. I had 30 hours of nothing before starting the Suboxone on Thursday (6mg), and then 8mg of it this morning. I feel even worse now. I used to drink 5 bottles of wine a day, and the withdrawal from that was less awful than this. I don't know what to do. My Dr has suggested going down to 2mg of Suboxone tomorrow, but I'm horrified at the very idea of it after having it make me feel this bad already!!!! I feel I should just stop and cold turkey???
Thank you so much for your support. Xox
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