Suboxone Pain Relief And Drug Testing? (Top voted first)


Suboxone has some opiate in it obviously which is why it helps the opiate withdrawl symptoms. it also has the Naxloxone which blocks our opiate receptors from other opiates. I got a small amount of pain relief from it, can this happen?

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i took a test for i.o.p and i came up positive for suboxone and i never even took one in my life..does anyone know what would make it come up either for a positive for this like meds or drinks

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I'm in drug court and have tested positive for suboxone. I've never taken it in my life. I was diagnosed with hep b recently and have been hospitalized several times in the last month. My liver is very swollen and my enzymes are through the roof. My doctors prescribed oxycodone for the pain, zofran and phenergan for the nausea. Would any of this cause the positive?

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HELP! I have NEVER taken Suboxone in my life. I've never even seen it in real life. After 5 years of clean urine screens for pain management, I suddenly tested positive for it in June. I swore to my doctor I hadn't taken Suboxone or anything else not prescribed to me (because it was and is true) he said he had never seen a false positive but that he was inclined to believe me and would run more specific tests. I went back in a few days ago and he said that I had tested positive a second time, that Suboxone contains a very specific molecule that cannot be misidentified and that he would chalk it up to adulterants in my medications if other patients had tested positive, but no one else had. I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe me anymore. He was willing to send one more sample to another lab, but if it comes back positive he has to discontinue my pain meds. I am taking Zoloft, Xanax, Perphenazine (generic Trilifon), Trazodone, Oxymorphone, Oxycodone, Zyrtec, Excedrin, Sudafed, multivitamins, calcium and magnesium. I stand to lose the Oxycodone and Oxymorphone and, given the severity of the pain I'm facing, that literally puts my life on the line. I feel completely powerless because I never put Suboxone in or on my body in the first place, meaning there is nothing I can do to fix this. I'm scared to death and I don't know where to turn. Please DO NOT give me advice on getting away with taking Suboxone because I can't use it and I don't want it. PLEASE DO respond with ANY information or advice you may have for someone who really is not taking Suboxone and is testing positive for it.

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Actually, it mostly contains the opiate and a very strong one called Buprenorphine.

It is sometimes used to treat severe pain, for people who have not had good relief from other pain medications.

It is, however, more commonly used to help treat drug addiction. It is a long process, but most people that use it do end up completely drug free.


The opiate agonist in it is Naloxone.

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If anyone is falsely accused of being on oxycodone while on suboxone should see this!

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