Suboxone Overdose? (Top voted first)


I was taking (1) 5 mg of oxycodone a day for 10 months for countless surgeries. When I tried to stop taking the 1 pill a day I would go through extreme pain muscel and nerve pain that felt like my body was on fire and would not allow me to sleep. Even with trying sleep aids like Tylenol pm and Benadryl. I went to the doctor to see if he could prescribe something to help me sleep through the night. He put me on (2) 8 mg a day of suboxone. I only took the (1) 5 mg pill at night. I took my first 8 mg strip 24 hours after my last oxy on Tuesday night. About an hour after that I began projectile vomiting, felt drunk, horrible headache, server itching that kept me up all night. I called the doctor who gave me anti nausea med and have still been vomiting everything up since it is now 48 hour later and I am still getting sick even after taking the anti nausea meds. I now have horrible stomach pains. I have not taken any drugs since the 1 strip. Was the prescription too much has anyone else experienced this with such little opiate use?

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Thank you so much for your response. After taking the suboxone I did more research on it and think the doctor must think I am lying when I told him it was only 5 mg a day. I even cut that down to half a pill of 5 mg oxy for about a week before starting the suboxone. I have finally stopped vomiting how ever now it is coming out the other end. I guess the good news the pain I would experience with not taking the 5 mg a day oxy has not returned and it has been almost 3 days since any drug use. Just doesn't seem like a drug to prescribe someone who is not really addicted to pain meds, just has physical withdrawal from them. Since I have read that suboxone will cause physical dependence just seems to be subbing one drug for another?

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Hi, Even one 8mg film strip is a lot to take if your not allready opiate tolerant. If you were taking just one 5mg oxycodone a day maybe the 8mg of sub was just too much for you. At one point I was taking 500-600mgs of oxys a day when I was at my worst as far as abusing pain pills was concerned and 8mg of subs would just about take all the wds away. Another thing is that the films have Naloxone ( might have spelled that wrong) in them and some people have an allergic reaction to it. I personally think you just took to much sub and your body is not used to it. You say you waited 24hrs before you took it so that should be long enough but I,m not a doctor so I can,t say for sure. Hope you get feeling better soon.

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Dear Mechele, u might have taken the suboxone too soon after the Oxy. U need. 2 b in full withdrawals b 4 u can start the suboxone. Or u had an allergic reaction 2 it? Try 2 wait until u r in full withdrawals b 4 u take it. That means , don't do any Oxy with it. Besides, it is dangerous 2 use both together. GOOD LUCK !

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About how long is that I was experiencing the only withdrawal symptoms that I get from the oxy withdrawal which is severe pain through out my body when I took the suboxone. All I have read is that suboxone is for hard core drug users and I only ever took 5 mg a day.?

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My main question is should a doctor prescribe 16 mg of suboxone for a physical dependence of 5 mg a day of Oxycodone?

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Dear Michele, you're Dr. Knows how much suboxone 2 prescribe according 2 how much opiates u have used. Though sometimes they have 2 adjust it. Depending on how u feel.

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You must wait a minimum of 12-14 hours before taking any product with Naloxone in it.

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No you should be prescribed a very low dose. I have been on 8 mgs for two years and it works great for me. My addiction was a fifteen year problem and one 5 mg oxy would be like a tic tac. My dose would have been at least 10 of those just to get up out of bed. If I were you I would try only 2 mgs and see how you do.

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What can you take to reverse the effects of Suboxone? I took too much Suboxone and now I'm really sick. I need to know of any home remedies or how to make it stop by doing what I can do at home because I can't go to the hospital.

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